
margrace-microverse-mn54-fallenalliesReal Name: Presumably Margrace

Identity/ClassExtradimensional (Microverse) humanoid (Homeworld's Sandzone native)

Occupation: Captain of the Desert Demons

Group Membership: Desert Demons, Rebellion (against Argon)

AffiliationsGar'ee of the Knights of Neep, Lowies of SubzoneMicronauts (notably Acroyear, Biotron, Bug, Cilicia, Devil, Fireflyte, Huntarr (Iann-23), Marionette/Mari, Microtron, Nanotron, Arcturus Rann), Pharoid, Slug; an unidentified ostra steed (likely more than one over time);
    formerly Argon/Force Commander and his "Revolutionary Army" (actually Dog Soldiers by that time)

Enemies: Argon/Force Commander (while he was under Baron Karza's control), Baron Karza, Centauri, Dog Soldiers, Faceless Priests, Priests of the Light, Shaitan, ;
    while anyone who was an enemy of Pharoid was almost certainly an enemy of Margrace, I'm listing only those Margrace directly opposed

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: "Old Friend" (from Pharoid);
    "Old Margrace" (from himself)

Base of Operations: Unrevealed;
    formerly Sanctuary, Subzone, beneath First Zone, Homeworld, Microverse;
    formerly Aegypta/Sandzone
, Homeworld, Microverse

First AppearanceMicronauts I#23/2 (November, 1980)margrace-microverse-mn50-astride-kick

Powers/Abilities: Margrace did not have any obvious superhuman powers. 

    Usually riding astride an ostra (a rattite-like creature native to Sandzone), he could travel great distances at great speed. 

    Margrance was quick and deadly with a hand-blasters, and he also wielded a sword for direct combat. 

    He could maintain his balance atop his steed while delivering a powerful kick to an opponent and simultaneously firing his pistol. 

    He was also willing and able to dive from his ostra into another, giving him additional striking force.

    Per Pharoid, his eyes were as sharp as a Syanite sandhawk (meaning he had excellent vision, especially across distances) and that no man rode a faster ostra

    He had an avuncular relationship with his commander, Prince Pharoid, and he spoke in an accent/venacular reminiscent of some English dialect's. He tended to say "Aye" for "yes," and refer to his younger prince/commander as "Boyo."


Height: Unrevealed (approximately 5'10" in the Microverse; he is rarely seen off his ostra, and I don't think he ever traveled to the Earth dimension)
Weight: Unrevealed (approximately 170 lbs. in the Microverse)
Eyes: Unrevealed (he always wore tinted lenses over his eyes due to Sandzone's powerful sun)
Hair: Unrevealed (likely white, gray, or darker; while his head was always covered, he has a white moustache)

margrace-microverse(Micronauts I#23/3: Tales of the Microverse (fb) - BTS) - Margrace spotted as the centaurian Argon (under Karza's control), joined by a group of Centauri, carried Slug across his back across the Syanite desert. He reported this to Pharoid.

(Micronauts I#23/3: Tales of the Microverse) - From a ridge above, Pharoid, Margrace, and the rest of their Desert Demons forces watched Argon and the Centauri's progress, and Pharoid confirmed Margraces's findings and praised Margrace his vigilance and speed. After Pharoid announced that the Centauri had raided the royal city and returned with a human captive, Margrace noted that the woman looked to be royalty. Margrace asked the somewhat rhetotical question of whether they would save her, and Pharoid confirmed, but noted that they would wait until they thought themselves safe in their tents so that they couldn't just run off in any direction in the desert.

(Micronauts I#23/3: Tales of the Microverse (fb) - BTS) - As Argon met with Shaitan within a tent in the grey oasis, Margrace and the other Desert Demons to attacked under Pharoid's command

(Micronauts I#23/3: Tales of the Microverse) - As Centaurus announced the assault to Shaitan, Pharoid blasted Centaurus, and Margrace cheered that Pharoid wielded a blaster like he was born to it.

    Margrace urged the others to show no quarter and to make the Centauri fear the day they ever dragged a human into the protectorate of Prince Pharoid. After Pharoid promised to thank him for his rallying speech once they had stilled their enemies' laser-crossbows, Margrace assured him that riding with him was thanks enough, as wherever Pharoid dug in his spurs, old Margrace was sure to find a fight.

(Micronauts I#24/2: Tales of the Microverse) - After the Centaui had been routed and Shaitan had fled with Argon, Margrace asked if the lady (Slug) would be riding up behind him, Slug leapt atop an ostra, noting that she rode behind no man. 

    Margrace accompanied Pharoid, Slug, and the Desert Devils as they rode across Sandzone, Homeworld's fifth zone/"molecule," during which time Slug detailed the current fates of herself and Argon. They finally arrived at and
entered Aegypta. margrace-microverse-mn44-leapatdogsoldier

(Micronauts I#25/2: Tales of the Microverse) - Margrace was presumably present (one of those in shadow) alongside the Desert Demons, as Pharoid led Slug through Aegypta and discussed the legends of Karza's transformation. Thereafter, Slug told them that even death could not long imprison Baron Karza.

(Micronauts I#26/2: Tales of the Microverse (fb) - BTS) - Riding atop Ostra, the Desert Demons (presumably including Margrace) and Slug arrived at the cavern in which Argon's empty Force Commander armor laid. They appreciated what had happened to Argon and that Karza was back (having taken over Argon's form; although he had already traveled to Earth's dimension).

(Micronauts I#26/2: Tales of the Microverse) - The Desert Demons and Slug were present as Mari arrived there, having returned from Earth's dimension.

(Micronauts I#34 - BTS) - After Pharoid and the Micronauts arrived in Aegypta, Argon had his Dog Soldiers attack them, and Pharoid -- following previous orders from Argon (who was secretly still under the influence of Baron Karza) -- used his star scepter to prevent Bug from opposing the Dog Soldiers.

(Micronauts I#34) - Having witnessed Pharoid's assistance in the capture of the Micronauts, when Pharoid greeted him, Margrace told Pharoid that his ostra was kicking up a fuss, like he smelled something rotten.
    Margrace then insisted that he had to take the ostra out to the desert where the air was sweeter. For similar reasons, Slug joined Margrace.

(Micronauts I#34 - BTS) - Appreciating that neither Margrace nor Slug could look him squarely in the eyes, Pharoid questioned whether he had been right to obey his king.margrace-microverse-mn45-bodybanks

(Micronauts I#34) - Along with Slug and the roboid Nanotron, Margrace subsequently traveled to the Micronauts' cell, and he and Nanotron took out the two Dog Soldier sentries guarding the cell.

    After Slug related Argon's descent into madness, Pharoid subsequently arrived, apologized his betrayla, and used his star scepter to shatter the bonds restraining Acroyear and Devil.
    Devil's longtime companion, Fireflyte, arrived and
led Acroyear, Bug, Devil, Mari, Microtron, Nanotron, and Rann to the Keys, while Margrace followed Slug's lead to stayed behind with her and Pharoid to hold the corridor against the Dog Soldiers who were sure to come. Almost immediately thereafter, the Dog Soldiers arrived and opened fire on them.

(Micronauts I#34 (fb) - BTS) - After defeating the Dog Soldiers, Pharoid, Margrace, and Slug returned to Desert Zone's surface and reunited with the rest of the Desert Demons, who took out the Dog Soldiers stationed outside Aegypta.

(Micronauts I#34) - The rest of the Micronauts, having defeated Argon and recovered the Keys to the Enigma Force, arrived on the surface. Rann sent Microtron and Nanotron to return to First Zone and retrieve the Micronauts' ship, the Endeavor, while Acroyear, Bug, Devil, Mari, and Rann piloted the astrostation toward Dead Zone to use the Keys to save the Microverse.

(Micronauts I#34) - Recovering, Argon led the Dog Soldiers to the surface to ambush Margrace, Pharoid, Slug, and the Desert Demons, and a brief but bitter battle ensued. margrace-microverse-mn44-astride-ostra-front

(Micronauts I#35 (fb) - BTS) - Margrace, Pharoid, Slug, and the Desert Demons apparently fled (see comments).

(Micronauts I#35) - Margrace participated in the Pharoid-led charge of the Desert Demons (as well as Slug) from out in the Syanite Desert to confront Argon and his Dog Soldiers. Ultimately, the Dog Soldiers, aided by their airborne forces, devastated the gravely outnumbered Desert Demons.margrace-microverse-mn50-front-astride

(Micronauts I#43 (fb) - BTS) - Margrace and other Desert Demons escaped capture. 

(Micronauts I#43) - With Argon announcing Slug (Belladonna in Slug's form) as his queen (in order to crush the hopes of the rebellion), the returning Micronauts (Acroyear, Bug, Mari) were escorted by rebellion members to the shelter level Sanctuary. There, Margrace hailed Mari and the Micronauts as the saviors of Homeworld, but Mari told him to save the paens of praise for the day they actually won, and she requested a full status report.

    Margrace noted how after the Micronauts had fled Homeworld, Argon had captured Argon and Slug, leaders of the rebellion, largely finishing it, and that it now appeared that Slug was betraying them by marrying Argon. Mari insisted they determine whether Slug was truly betraying them or not. When Margrace asked if Commander Rann was with them to lead the fight against Argon, Mari noted that he and the rest of the Micronauts were still trapped on Earth, presumably seeking a way to join them: In the meantime, she would be the rebellion's leader. 

(Micronauts I#44) - As the Micronauts led the Lowlies of Subzone (the lower levels below First Zone) to rebel against the corrupt Priests of the Light (who sought to dupe them into gambling their life credits and getting involved with the Body Banks, where their bodies would be used as spare parts for the wealthy and the Dog Soldiers) and to battle the Dog Soldiers, Margrace led the Desert Demons to join the fight. He exhorted his troops, noting that while they were not used to fighting in darkness, they would have to do so as long as Force Commander held the sun and sand of Aegypta under his bloody heel.

    After the Dog Soliders had been swiftly routed, Margrance reminded the Micronauts that they needed to get back to Sanctuary, as some of the priests had escaped and they would inform Force Commander of their raid. He further noted that the impending marriage of Lady Slug to Argon would demorilize the resistance, and Mari resolved to enter the royal palace to learn the truth.

(Micronauts I#45) - Alongside Acroyear, Bug, Gar'ee, and the Lowlies, Margrace participated in an assault on the Body Banks, freeing those imprisoned there.

    As the Dog Soldiers fired on the Lowlies, Margrace helped guide the rescued and rescuers back through the hole
cut through its floor from a Subzone tunnel by Gar'ee, urging them hurry back to the safety of Sanctuary while he, Bug and Acroyear continued to keep the Dog Soldiers focused on them so that Marionette would have to time to learn the truth about Slug in the royal palace.

(Micronauts I#45 - BTS) - Marionette learned how the minds of Belladonna and Slug had been swapped before being driven off by Argon.

(Micronauts I#49 - BTS) - Margrace was present in hiding as Force Commander initiated the wedding games, with Acroyear, Bug, and Pharoid facing DeGrayde's monstrous spider-scorpion-creaturemargrace-microverse-mn50-inbattle

    After Mari and new ally Huntarr arrrived and attacked Argon's forces, the inspired crowd assaulted the Dog Soldiers
, calling for Force Commander's death.

    When Belladonna (in Slug's form) exposed Argon as a non-human energy creature, Argon beseeched his people to forgive him, as he had not betrayed them but had been under the control of another. With that, Karza revealed his presence, tearing open and emerging from Force Commander's armor.margrace-microverse-mn50-death
(Micronauts I#49) - Margrace subsequently noted the approach of the immense Bioship, captained by the Micronaut's leader, Arcturus Rann.

(Micronauts I#50) - After the Micronauts slew the Death Squad, Margrace led the Desert Demons into arena, exhorting them to fight for Homeworld, for the Microverse, and for poor, dead prince Pharoid (who had just perished at Karza's hands): "I loved that lad well!"

    Rann thanked Margrace for opening an avenue to Karza and told him they would join him at battle's end, but Margrace replied, "Will you, commander? By the twin suns of Aegypta, a pray it may be so...but I think not!"

    After Karza defeated the Micronauts, he slew Margrace with an energy blast and then wiped out the forces of the rebellion and then all resistance to his reign.

(Micronauts I#50 - BTS) - Teleported away by Fireflyte, the Micronauts escaped Karza into space aboard the Bioship.

Comments: Created by Bill Mantlo, Pat Broderick, and Danny Bulanadi.

    Pharoid and the Desert Demons vs. Force Commander and the Dog Soldiers:

    At the end of Micronauts I#34, it seemed like the Dog Soldiers ambushed and captured Slug and the Desert Demons, after which Argon, in his usual white Force Commander armor, denounced the escaped Micronauts as traitors. 

    At the start of Micronauts I#35, Argon was denouncing the Micronauts, so it seemed like a recap...but now Argon was wearing a black version of the Force Commander armor and riding a black steed. And then Slug and the Desert Demons attacked and fought a protracted battle. 

    I had initially thought #35 was just expanding on the events of the last page of #34.
    However, on closer examination, in #34, Slug and the Desert Demons were standing outside the entrance to subterranean Aegypta, and they were ambushed by the Dog Soldiers.
    In #35, Argon is with his Dog Soldiers on the surface when Slug and the Desert Demons charge in astride Ostras from the desert. It makes most sense that these are just subsequent events, and Argon progressing to the black armor fits with that, too.

Profile by Snood.

should be distinguished from:

: (without ads)

Micronauts I#23/3, last page (atop Ostra);
    #44, pg. 18, panel 1 (leading Desert Demons against Dog Soldiers);
            panel 2 (face, with visor and goggles);
            panel 3 (leaping to attacking Dog Soldier);
        pg. 19, panel 3 (astride ostra, with Mari);
    #45, panel 1 (leading those liberated from the Body Banks)
    #50, pg. 21, panel 1 (leading Desert Demons into arena);
            panel 2 (atop ostra, drawing pistol);
            panel 3 (kicking Dog Soldier);
        pg. 22, panel 1 (atop ostra, in battle);
        pg. 28, panel 4 (death)
    #54, last page, featurette on fallen allies

Micronauts I#23/3 (November, 1980) - Bill Mantlo (writer), Pat Broderick (penciler), Danny Bulanadi (inker), Louise Jones (editor)
Micronauts I#24/2 (December, 1980) - Bill Mantlo (writer, co-plotter), Pat Broderick (penciler, co-plotter), Armando Gil (inker), Louise Jones (editor)
Micronauts I#25/2-26/2 (January-February, 1981) - Bill Mantlo (writer, co-plotter), Pat Broderick (penciler, co-plotter), Armando Gil (inker), Louise Jones (editor)
Micronauts I#34 (October, 1981) - Bill Mantlo (writer), Pat Broderick (penciler), Danny Bulanadi (inker), Tom DeFalco (editor)
Micronauts I#35 (November, 1981) - Bill Mantlo (writer), Val Mayerik (penciler), Danny Bulanadi (inker), Tom DeFalco (editor)
Micronauts I#43 (July, 1982) - Bill Mantlo (writer), Gil Kane (penciler), Danny Bulanadi (inker), Al Milgrom (editor)
Micronauts I#44 (August, 1982) - Bill Mantlo (writer), Gil Kane (penciler), Danny Bulanadi, Carl Potts, & Al Milgrom (inkers), Al Milgrom (editor)
Micronauts I#45 (September, 1982) - Bill Mantlo (writer), Gil Kane (penciler), Danny Bulanadi (inker), Al Milgrom (editor)
Micronauts I#49-50 (January-February, 1983) - Bill Mantlo (writer), Butch Guice (penciler), Danny Bulanadi (inker), Al Milgrom (editor)
Micronauts I#54 (September, 1983) - Bill Mantlo (writer), Butch Guice (penciler), Bob Wiacek (inker of Micronauts memorial feature ), Ralph Macchio (editor)

First posted09/01/2026
Last updated: 03/26/2023

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