Real Name: Ahmad Azis
Identity/Class: Human; technology user; Kuwaiti citizen
Occupation: Sheikh; Priest of Anubis; would-be world conqueror
Affiliations: Khalid (agent), a legion of soldiers, Horus (pet falcon); worshipped Anubis
Enemies: Khonshu, Moon Knight, Priests of Khonshu; Hiram Gowdy
Known Relatives: Pharaoh Seti (alleged brother)
Aliases: Araamses; Master (to his agents)
Base of Operations: Failaka Island, Kuwaiti
First Appearance: Moon Knight: Fist of Khonshu#1 (Moon Knight II) (June, 1985)
Powers/Abilities: None. Azis uses a
golden helmet able to fire laser beams. His jackal-headed staff
can project concentrated cyanide gas, which is fatal within
He was served by a legion of soldiers and his servant, Khalid.
In addition, Azis is extremely wealthy and is a skilled at
falconry. His pet falcon, Horus, is trained to attack.
(MK II#1(fb)) - Azis believes himself to be the reincarnation of
Araamses, Priest of the Anubis, and brother to the Pharaoh Seti.
Araamses spilled blood to seize the Pharaoh's throne after Seti's
death, but was captured and buried alive in Set's tomb.
He claims to have been revived/reincarnated/something at the same
time that Khonshu's light flooded the same tomb as Marc Spector
(when he became Moon Knight). He dwelled among the Bedouin
tribes, relearning the desert's ways. He grew strong, becoming a
leader, sheikh of sheikhs. From his ancient existence, he
remembered royal treasures hidden in the sands, recovered them
and turned them into modern wealth. He built himself an
extravagant palace, but made no move because he believed that he
would be opposed by Khonshu and/or his agents. He sought out the
lost statue of Khonshu to make it his.
(MK II#1) - When Marc Spector began to auction off his Egyptian artifacts, Azis decided to stop at nothing to obtain the statue of Khonshu. He had his agents Khalid kill Hiram Gowdy, the expected top bidder, and then he bought it for four million dollars.
Upon obtaining the statue, Azis fully assumed
the role of Anubis and initiated his plans to take over the
world. He sent Khalid to kill Marc Spector, Khonshu's former
defender, to prevent him from interfering, but Spector got the
better of him. Following the guidance of the Priests of Khonshu,
Spector, as Moon Knight, traveled to Failaka Island, where he was
overpowered by Azis' agents.
Anubis the Jackal had Moon Knight bound in mummy wrappings while
he revealed his origins, preparing to sacrifice him. Like any bad
villain, he talked long enough for the hero to break free. As the
moon shone above, Moon Knight's strength was magnified and he
tore free from his wrappings. Moon Knight fought off Azis and
overpowered his guards, but Azis himself managed to smash him
over the back of the head. Azis prepared to incinerate Moon
Knight, but, using his new Ankh, Spector smashed Azis' helmet.
The damaged laser circuits in the helmet generated great heat,
and Azis cast the helmet off. Suddenly, an immense sandstorm
whipped up, which not only blinded Azis, but also shattered the
pillars in his temple, causing it to collapse on him. The storm
continued to increase in ferocity, until it formed a whirlwind,
which erased all evidence of Azis' temple.
Spector, unaffected by the storm, credited it to Khonshu, whose
statue was similarly unaffected--unlike the temple surrounding
Comments: Created by Alan Zenetz and Chris Warner.
Anubis the Jackal should not be confused with:
Horus, Azis' falcon, should be distinguished from:
A loyal servant to Azis, Khalid used his staff to eliminate his opponents. However, Spector, having been given a warning about the Jackal from the Priests of Khonshu, was prepared for his attack and fended it off. After his defeat, Khalid leapt out a window, screaming "Death to Khonshu" as he died.
--Moon Knight II#1
Azis' soldiers
They wore Egyptian garb and were fanatically devoted to him. They generally fought with swords, daggers, and snare-staffs. They kept cyanide capsules in a hollow tooth so that they could kill themselves rather than be captured or questioned.
--Moon Knight II#1
First Posted: 10/10/2002
Last updated: 10/10/2002
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