Real Name(s): Various none of them revealed
Identity/Class: Humans/Assassins
Occupation: Agents of Samisdat
Group Membership: The Dawning Light
Affiliations: Samisdat, KGB, Syn Variants
Enemies: Shang-Chi, Freelance Restorations
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: Agent Synergon
Base of Operations: Samisdat island
First Appearance: Master of Kung-Fu I#94 (November, 1980)
Powers/Abilities: All the Syn agents were equipped with special weapons. The original is an excellent hand-to-hand combatant and uses weapons, like a blaster and an awl. However, He had problems with his confidence.
(Master of Kung-Fu I#94/Master of Kung-Fu I#95 (fb) ) - Agent Syn tries to shot Mandy, but she is
saved by Black Jack Tarr. Then Agent Syn himself is shot dead by
Clive Reston. (Master of Kung-Fu I#95) - Samisdat introduces his five new Agents Syn (the Syn
Variants) to some of his comrades from Moscow. When Samisdat
learns that there is two infiltrators on the island, he wants his
Agents Syn to kill them the next day. When Clive Reston and Black
Jack Tarr also arrives, theyre met by Samisdat and his
Agents Syn. The agents begins to attack Reston, Black Jack and
Shang-Chi, the agents are all defeated Comments: Created by Doug Moench, Mick
Zeck and Gene Day Profile by: The Beetle Clarifications: Black Jack Tarr is not to be confused with: After the elimination of the first Agent Syn.
Samisdat makes 5 new agents all equipped with some of the
originals weapons. One with three awls on his left hand,
one with a cannon on his right hand, one with a razor on his
right hand, one with a metal sphere on his right hand and one
with a kind of a morning star on his right hand. All were
defeated by Shang-Chi --Master of Kung-Fu I#95 Appearances: Last updated: 09/08/02 Any Additions/Corrections? please let me
know. All characters mentioned or pictured are
™ and © 1941-2099 Marvel Characters, Inc. All
Rights Reserved. If you like this stuff, you should check out the
real thing! History:
(Master of Kung-Fu I#94) - Tested by one of Samisdats men, proved in
excellent shape, but has problems with his confidence. After a
nights sleep, the doctor who tested Agent Syn the day before,
orders Agent Syn to go to London to kill Mandy Greville, and if
possible Shang-Chi as well. Agent Syn manage to invade Sir
Denis mansion, there he begins to fight Shang-Chi. Suddenly
Mandy appears
No known connection to:
Syn Variants
Master of Kung-Fu I#94-95 (November-December, 1980) - Doug Moench (writer), Mike Zeck (pencils), Gene Day (inks), Jim Salicrup (editor)
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