Real Name: Ahpuch
Identity/Class: Mayan God
Occupation: God of the Dead
Group Membership: Ahau
Affiliations: Eriskegal, Hela, Hippolyta, Mephisto, Pluto, Seth, Yama
Demogorge the God-Eater Known Relatives: Itzamna (father), Hunab Ku (grandfather) Aliases:
Hunhau,Cumhau, Ah Kinchel Base of Operations:
Mitnal in the underworld of Xibalba (The Mexican Underworld) First Appearance:
Thor Annual#10 (1981) History: (Thor
Annual#10)- Ahpuch is the god of the dead for the ancient
Aztec and Mayan Civilizations. Disenchanted by the lack of new
souls into his realm for several thousand years, he entered into
a dark pact with six other gods of the dead in an attempt to
merge their perspective realms. The ritual, however, released
Atum in the form of Demogorge the God-Eater. Unable to contain
the primieval entity, he ended up consumed by Demogorge and had
to be rescued by Thor and an alliance of gods from other
pantheons. (Secret Warriors#10) - Ahpuch was present when Phobos (Alexander Aaron), son of Ares, was found worthy by the Council of Godheads to be a god. (Fearless Defenders#3 (fb) ) - Hela bargained with the other death gods, including Ahpuch, to resurrect Hippolyta. COMMENTS:
Created/Adapted by William Zelenetz and Bob Hall. Thor Annual#10 is probably one of
the best Thor stories with the most gods in it. Why can't they do
more stories like this ?--I agree 100%, I've read this story
so many times, the staples are falling out of it--Snood. Why do sun-gods such as Apollo and
Tawa appear in this story over champion and thunder-gods like
Hercules or Hino, the Native American thunder god ? For that
matter, the storyline omits other death gods from other cultures.
Were they all doing their hair ? Indra in this story is actually
Shiva from Thor I#301 claiming to be Indra. Someone
obviously was trying to link the stories for the continuity
without creating a new character. The violet-skinned and
hot-headed likeness works great for Shiva, but would not for
Indra who is a golden-skinned deity. Of Ahpuch's above relatives, Quetzacoatl
(Thor Annual#10) and Tezcatlipoca
(Infinity Gauntlet#2) have been seen, and Huizilopochtli
(X-Factor I#24 (as an alias for Apocalypse)) has been mentioned in
the Marvel Universe.--let me know if I've missed any
others--Snood. Profile by William
Uchtman. Ahpuch should not be confused with: Appearances: Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know. Last Updated: 06/13/16 Non-Marvel Copyright info Special Thanks to www.g-mart.com for hosting the Appendix, Master List, etc.!Powers/Abilities: Ahpuch possesses the
conventional powers of the Mexican Gods which includes superhuman
strength (Class 25 presumably) and durability. He can also change
his body into that as a desiccated skeleton (his traditional
appearance). He also has several undefined powers occult in
nature including the power to perceive death and project
Thor Annual#10 (1982) - Mark Gruenwald (writer/editor), Alan Zelenetz (writer), Bob Hall (penciler), Rick Bryant, Joe Rubinstein, Andy Myshynsky, Al Gordon, Kevin Dzuban (inkers)
Secret Warriors#10 (January, 2010) - Jonathan Hickman (writer), Alessandro Vitti (artist), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Fearless Defenders#3 (June, 2013) - Cullen Bunn (writer), Will Sliney (artist), Ellie Pyle (editor)
All other characters mentioned or pictured are ™ and
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