Real Name: Unrevealed
Identity/Class: Human magic-user
active between World War II era and modern era
Occupation: Samurai, vigilante;
former soldier
Affiliations: Keepers of the Sacred Koan, Princess Python, Colleen Wing
Enemies: The Clowns, criminals, Daredevil, Elektra
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: New York City, NY;
formerly South Pacific;
World War II
First Appearance: Elektra I#11 (October, 1997)
Powers/Abilities: The American Samurai was empowered by a mystic samurai spirit, granting him superhuman strength (Enhanced Human?), extraordinary martial arts skills, and the ability to teleport. His aging process was incredibly slowed down, after many decades his body was still that of a man in prime physical condition. The American Samurai wore body armor, and was armed with a sword that could cut through thick walls. He also had the Sacred Koan memorized, a spell that could raise the dead and grant great powers.
History: (Elektra I#12 (fb) - BTS) - <World War II era> An unnamed American soldier was captured in the South Pacific and put into a Japanese labor camp. He managed to escape, but died in the process. His body was found by the Keepers of the Sacred Koan, who used their koan to bring him back from the dead. The soldier returned to America as a virtually immortal samurai.
(Elektra I#11) - Over the years the American Samurai grew jaded and disgusted with the violent nature of America. He donned his armor and attacked a police transport vehicle carrying a dangerous gang known as the Clowns. The Samurai knocked the guards unconscious and slaughtered the Clowns.
(Elektra I#12) - Over the next ten days the American Samurai murdered thirty-six criminals. Daredevil and Elektra baited the Samurai by disguising themselves as members of the Clowns. The Samurai attacked them, but when he realized he was overmatched he fled. They followed him to his apartment, where he teleported away, and left a bomb that nearly caught the duo before they jumped out the window.
(Elektra I#13) - The Samurai arrived at Sing-Sing Penitentiary, letting out maximum-security prisoners and killing them. Daredevil and Elektra confronted him again, and got the better of him in combat. He begged for the opportunity to commit seppuku. Daredevil had no intention of allowing him the option of suicide, but Elektra changed his mind. The American Samurai wrote down the Sacred Koan on a piece of paper and then killed himself. Elektra burned the Sacred Koan without looking at it.
(Daughters of the Dragon#5) - Having been reborn in another body, the American Samurai engaged in his regular sparring exercises with Colleen Wing. He was annoyed when she injured his face because he had a date with Princess Python that evening, and wanted to look his best.
Comments: Created by Peter Milligan, Mike Deodato Jr.
and Scott Koblish.
The American Samurai's age is given as 80 in Elektra I#11,
but this is topical.
According to the American Heritage Dictionary, a koan is a
puzzling, often paradoxical statement or story, used in Zen Buddhism as an
aid to meditation and a means of gaining spiritual awakening. The most well
known example is "What is the sound of one hand clapping?"
PROFILE BY FUTURE and Prime Eternal
The Clowns have no known connection to:
The Keepers of the Sacred Koan have no known connection
Gang of bank robbers apprehended by Daredevil and Elektra.
On the way to jail they were killed by the American Samurai.
--Elektra I#11
Keepers of the Sacred Koan
Refugees who fled Japan centuries ago. They possessed a koan
believed to have been uttered by the ultimate being when the universe was
created. They resurrected the soldier who would one day become the American
--Elektra I#12(fb) - BTS (13(fb) -BTS
Elektra I#12-13 (November-December, 1997) - Peter Milligan (writer), Mike Deodato Jr. (pencils), Scott Koblish (inks), Bobbie Chase (editor)
First Posted: 09/22/2004
Any Additions/Corrections? please
me know.
Copyright info Special Thanks to for hosting the Appendix, Master List, etc.!
American Samurai has no known connection to:
Elektra I#11, p15-16, pan7;
(Clowns) Elektra I#11, p4, pan4
Daughters of the Dragon#5 (July, 2006) - Justin Gray (writer), Khari Evans (penciler), Jimmy Palmiotti (writer/inker), Mark Paniccia (editor)
Last updated: 07/10/2006
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Marvel Characters, Inc. All Rights Reserved. If you like this stuff, you
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