Real Name: Unknown
Identity/Class: Presumably a mutant from an alternate
Occupation: Chooser-of-the-slain
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Mutantkind
Enemies: The enemies of mutantkind
Known Relatives: Possibly Mystique/Raven Darkholme (foster
Aliases: 'The Angel of Death'
Base of Operations: Unknown
First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men Annual#16 (1992)
Powers/Abilities: Amalgam can absorb the mutant abilities and
memories of someone with a touch, and can then shape-shift into
their likeness and let their personality come to the forefront to
interact with others. She has precognitive abilities that invoked
an image of Destiny/Irene Adler in the air (whether she shifted
into that shape or it was simply an artistic device is unknown),
but seem much more focused and selective than Destiny's.
Presumably she has some sort of time-travel abilities. And she
mimicked the shapes and personalities of the Beast/Hank McCoy and
Cyclops/Scott Summers, so she may have their powers, as well as
God only knows how many others... History: Amalgam's history and nature are unknown --
but not un-guessed-at. A good deal of evidence points to her
being an alternate-future version of Rogue of the X-Men -- she
wears Rogue's original costume, has a light streak in the same
place in her hair, and she can absorb the minds and powers of
other mutants with a touch. It is this ability that seems to be
key to her quest --to collect the powers and memories of dying
mutants so a part of them can continue to fight for mutant kind,
in her. It appears she travels up and down the timestream
offering mutants 'The Choice,' but no indication was given of
just how many mutants have accepted it, or what she intends to do
with their powers and memories. Among those apparently included
within the Amalgam are alternate future counterparts of Cyclops
(who died in a Sentinel attack), Beast, Nightcrawler, Mystique,
and Destiny/Irene Adler. Amalgam has only appeared twice that we know of, both times to
Warren Worthington III -- Archangel of the X-Men. When he was
impaled to a wall my the Marauders during the Morlock Massacre,
Amalgam appeared to him. Apparently she came for the Massacre,
and had already offered 'The Choice' to many of the dying
Morlocks when she found Warren. She explained her purpose to him,
but it took her assuming the appearances and personalities of his
X-Factor teammates Cyclops and the Beast (both in their
appearances/costumes of the time) for him to agree to be added to
the Amalgam. She kissed him, but was unable to absorb him because
something deep within fought her. Scanning the future, she
discovered that he was not yet fated to die, but instead to
become Archangel, and left him to be found by his friends. He
chalked it up to hallucinations from the pain. Amalgam reappeared to Warren years later, when he was injured
preventing a group of terrorists from stealing nuclear materials.
She scolded him for being a 'tease.' Warren remembered his first
encounter with her, and was woken up in a hospital with some of
the other X-Men with him. They tell him that the terrorists
claimed an 'Angel of Death' appeared to their dying leader, a
mutant with the abilities to accurately calculate the likelihood
of future events... Though she was behind the scenes at the Mutant Massacre, she's
only had one real appearance to date, a back-up story in an
early-'90s X-Men Annual. It's a shame she's never been seen
again; she has a very interesting concept, and with all the
alternate futures and time-traveling being done constantly in the
X-verse its a wonder we haven't seen her since, at least in
something like X-Men Forever... I would love to see Amalgam come
back. Though her nickname is 'Angel of Death,' Amalgam is much more
like the Valkyries of Norse mythology -- spirits who would hover
invisibly over battlefields, plucking up the souls of the valiant
dead to go on to Valhalla, the warriors' paradise. That's where
'Chooser of the Slain' comes from, and why I put it as her
occupation. Clarifications: Amalgam
has no known connection to: Profile by Flank McLargehuge Appearances: Last updated: 02/06/14 Any Additions/Corrections? please
let me
Non-Marvel Copyright info Special Thanks to for hosting the Appendix, Master List, etc.!Comments:
Created by Chris Cooper and Jae Lee.
Uncanny X-Men Annual#16 (1992) - Fabian Nicieza (writer), Jae Lee (pencils), Jan Harps & Joe Rubinsteni (inks), Bob Harras (editor)
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