Real Name: Unrevealed
Identity/Class: Normal human
Occupation: Terrorist
Affiliations: ULTIMATUM (Underground Liberated Totally Integrated Mobile Army to Unite Mankind), Flag Smasher
Enemies: Moon Knight (Marc Spector), Punisher (Frank Castle)
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: New York City, USA
First Appearance: Marc Spector: Moon Knight I#8 (December, 1989)
Powers/Abilities: Anarchy was a skilled fighter (sufficient to drop both the Punisher and Moon Knight), and was experienced with firearms and explosives.
(Marc Spector: Moon Knight I#8) - During the
Acts of Vengeance, Flag Smasher
led an ULTIMATUM assault, knowing that most of the heroes would
be occupied fighting the various super-villains in that action.
Anarchy was placed in charge of guarding their large stockpile of
munitions. Learning of this, Castle pumped one of ULTIMATUM's
financial supporters for information. The financer did not know
the location, but arranged to meet with ULTIMATUM agents to get
them to take him to the stockpile. Anarchy met up with the man,
distrusted him immediately, and shot him dead.
The Punisher rushed her with his Battle
but she leapt to the side. When Castle confronted her, she
dropped him with several high power bullets to the chest. She
then dodged a crescent dart from Moon Knight, rolled with his
attack, kicked him over her, and knocked him to the ground with
the butt of her rifle. She was forced to flee before killing them
when the cops arrived. Anarchy then returned to the ULTIMATUM
rally where she learned of his plot to inflame the chaos of the
Acts of Vengeance and bring America to its knees.
(Marc Spector: Moon Knight I#9) - Flag-Smasher charged Anarchy to foment chaos and make sure their goals were met. When the Punisher and Moon Knight arrived, she fought the Punisher while Flag-Smasher battled Moon Knight. As the battle progressed, she led an assault on the pair of vigilantes, but was knocked out by Moon Knight's truncheon. Moon Knight stepped in Castle's path, stopping him from killing the downed warrior, but the two teamed up to dismantle Flag-Smasher's plans and temporarily defeat the terrorist.
Comments: Created by Charles Dixon and Sal Velluto.
She was a tough cookie in Moon Knight III#8. Too bad we'll never see her again.
Moon Knight III refers to the series Marc Spector: Moon Knight.
Anarchy has no known connection to:
Moon Knight III#8 (December, 1989) - Chuck Dixon
(writer), Sal Velluto (pencils), Tom Palmer (inks),
Fingeroth (editor)
Knight III#9 (mid-December, 1989) - Chuck Dixon (writer), Sal Velluto
(pencils), Tom Palmer (inks), Danny Fingeroth (editor)
Last updated: 04/01/14
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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