Real Name: Juliette D'Angelo
Identity/Class: Human
Occupation: Actress, performer
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Fantastic Four (Human Torch/Johnny Storm, Invisible Woman/Susan Richards, Mr. Fantastic/Reed Richards, Thing/Ben Grimm), Emma Frost, Hellcat (Patsy Walker), Grey Landers, Nova (Frankie Raye), Monica Rambeau, Valeria Richards, Sharon Selleck, She-Hulk (Jen Walters), Norm Tobin, Valkyrie (Brunnhilde)
Enemies: Frances Hyatt
Known Relatives: August D'Angelo (see Comments)
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: New York City;
formerly, Los Angeles, California
First Appearance: Fantastic Four I#237 (December, 1981)
Powers/Abilities: Julie Angel is a skilled actress and clown; she owned at least one automobile.
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 115 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black
(Fantastic Four I#237) - Julie Angel
was the roommate of Frankie Raye, who at that time was dating the Human
Torch (Johnny Storm). She first met the Torch when he visited the
apartment one evening to see Frankie, and she made a quick introduction
before departing.
(Fantastic Four I#242) - The Torch and Frankie visited Julie at the Village Theatre where she was performing. The theatre was next-door to Mama Leon's Italian restaurant which resulted in a strong odor, but Julie revealed that they had provided the restaurant staff with tickets for opening night to make sure they wouldn't be open. Just then, a strange display of white light flashed in the sky, and the Torch and Frankie departed to investigate.
(Fantastic Four I#244) - As Julie was doing her aerobics that evening, Johnny arrived at her apartment to inform her that Frankie was gone. Seeing that Johnny was distraught, she helped calm him down and contacted the Fantastic Four. Mr. Fantastic and the Invisible Girl soon arrived to retrieve the Torch, and they told Julie how Frankie had become Nova, the new herald of Galactus -- Julie was stunned by this development.
(Fantastic Four I#249) - Some time later, while she was performing as a clown in Central Park, Julie ran into Johnny and the Thing. She stammered when Johnny introduced her to the Thing, and felt bad for doing so, afraid that she had hurt the Thing's feelings.
(Fantastic Four I#251) - Julie attended an acting class held by Rolf Brandis, alongside Sharon Selleck, her new roommate. Julie noticed actor Grey Landers among the students, and was immediately attracted to him, although she was afraid he might be gay. Johnny Storm showed up to attend the class as well and tried to flirt with Julie, but she only had eyes for Landers.
(Fantastic Four I#253) - After Sharon gave Julie a haircut, she suggested calling Johnny to get his opinion on the cut, but Julie's call to the Baxter Building was received by the villain Annihilus, who quickly ended the conversation.
(Fantastic Four I#256) - Sharon convinced Julie to come with her to the Baxter Building to find out what had happened to the Fantastic Four, but they arrived just as Annihilus had surrounded the building with an expanding force field.
(Fantastic Four I#257) - Julie and Sharon joined Johnny as he went hunting for a new apartment with an acting friend of hers, Norm Tobin. After checking out Johnny's new place, the four friends held a celebratory dinner together.
(Fantastic Four Annual I#17) - After a date with Grey Landers, Julie answered a telephone call from Sharon, who was trapped in the town of King's Crossing. Julie was concerned by Sharon's frantic message, and contacted the Human Torch to let him know.
(Fantastic Four I#263 (fb) - BTS) - Landers received a major film opportunity in Los Angeles, and thought there might be a part in it for Julie, so she went with him (Julie: "...strictly for professional reasons."); the deal fell through, but Julie found work doing magazine layouts.
(Fantastic Four I#263) - Wearing a bikini, Julie attended an auto race being held at the Wonderworld amusement park in California, where she was doing a photoshoot for a motor-oil advertisement; she surprised the Human Torch, who was there as one of the celebrity racers. After telling him about the failed movie deal, she gave Johnny a kiss for good luck -- this annoyed the Torch, who had only just gotten over her.
Shortly afterward, Johnny was seemingly killed in the race when his car crashed, but the Thing suspected foul play, and Julie directed him toward Alden Maas, the man who had sponsored the race.
(Heralds#4 (fb) - BTS) - At some point, Julie returned to her apartment in New York. (Heralds#4 - BTS) - Julie was visited by Nova's incomplete spirit and decided to aid Nova in reuniting her with Frances Hyatt, and therefore the rest of Nova's essence. (Heralds#4) - Julie was visited by Invisible Woman, Monica Rambeau, She-Hulk, Hellcat, Emma Frost, Valkyrie, Valeria Richards, and Frances Hyatt to talk with her about her old roommate Frankie Raye and find out if there was a connection between Frankie and Frances. Julie offered to let Frances stay with her. During Julie's talk with Susan, Emma and She-Hulk, Julie accidentally revealed that Nova had visited her earlier and she was going to aid in putting Nova back together by ripping Frances apart. Nova's essence left Julie Angel and went after Frances, abducting Valeria Richards in the process. Comments: Created by John Byrne. |
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Julie is clearly related to August D'Angelo, the chairman of the board of Roxxon Oil, as he had a photograph of her on his desk in a flashback in Alpha Flight I#12, but this relationship was not elaborated upon. |
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Profile by Prime Eternal. Expansion by Ron Fredricks.
Julie Angel/Juliette D'Angelo should not be confused with:
Grey Landers has no known connections to:
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An open two-seater sports car owned by Juliette D'Angelo (aka Julie Angel), it had the personalized license plate "JULIE 2". Julie had loaned the car to her roommate Sharon Selleck, but it broke down while Sharon was driving in a rural area of upstate New York, near the small town of King's Crossing. When last seen, it was on the hydraulic lift at Jack Strzltski's garage in King's Crossing, supposedly with a faulty fuel pump; its eventual fate is unrevealed. (Comments: This automobile was apparently some model of the British-made MG Midget--for more information on this real-world sports car, see HERE. Julie was never actually depicted as driving it herself, but the fact that it had a "2" on the license plate could imply that she owned other vehicles.) --Fantastic Four Annual I#17 |
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He was a handsome, popular actor who attended Rolf Brandis' acting classes as a refresher. Julie was instantly attracted to him, and the two of them eventually developed a relationship. Julie joined Grey when he moved to Los Angeles in the hopes of landing a part in a major film franchise, but when the deal fell through, he had to look for other work. --Fantastic Four I#251 (Fantastic Four I#251, Fantastic Four Annual I#17, [Fantastic Four I#263 (mentioned only)] |
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images: (without ads)
Fantastic Four I#237, p7, pan3 (main image - Julie Angel introduces herself to Johnny Storm)
Fantastic Four I#253, p11, pan5 (headshot - Julie Angel, unknowingly speaking to Annihilus)
Fantastic Four I#249, p4, pan5 (Julie as a clown))
Fantastic Four I#263, p8, pan2 (at Wonderland, Julie in bikini, Johnny Storm [left])
Heralds#4, p17, pan4 (Julie Angel)
Alpha Flight I#12, p6, pan2 (photograph of Julie Angel [in RED CIRCLE] on August D'Angelo's desk)
Fantastic Four Annual I#17, p1, pan1 (Julie Angel's car [front view], Sharon Selleck)
Fantastic Four Annual I#17, p2, pan1 (Julie Angel's car [side view], Sharon Selleck)
Fantastic Four I#251, p8, pan4 (Grey Landers)
Fantastic Four I#251, p10, pan1 (Grey Landers)
Fantastic Four I#237 (December, 1981) - John Byrne (writer/artist), Jim Salicrup (editor)
Fantastic Four I#242 (May, 1982) - John Byrne (writer/artist), Jim Salicrup (editor)
Fantastic Four I#244 (July, 1982) - John Byrne (writer/artist), Jim Salicrup (editor)
Fantastic Four I#249 (December, 1982) - John Byrne (writer/artist), Jim Salicrup (editor)
Fantastic Four I#251 (February, 1983) - John Byrne (writer/artist), Jim Salicrup (editor)
Fantastic Four I#253 (April, 1983) - John Byrne (writer/artist), Jim Salicrup (editor)
Fantastic Four I#256-257 (July-August, 1983) - John Byrne (writer/artist), Jim Salicrup (editor)
Fantastic Four Annual I#17 (1983) - John Byrne (writer/artist), Carl Potts (editor)
Fantastic Four I#263 (February, 1984) - John Byrne (writer/artist), Jim Salicrup (editor)
Heralds#4 (August, 2010) - Kathryn Immonen (writer), Tonci Zonjic, Emma Rios & James Harren (artists), Jeanine Schaefer (editor)
First posted: 04/04/2004
Last updated: 06/15/2024
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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