Real Name: Phoebus Apollo
Identity/Class: Olympian god
Occupation: God of light, medicine, music, poetry, prophecy and the sciences
Group Membership: Olympian gods, Olympus Group
Affiliations: Avengers, Indra, Phobos, Quetzalcoatl, Shango, The Sibyls, Tawa, Thor
Enemies: Cronus, Gigantes, Mikaboshi, Namor, Python, Skaar, Titans, Typhon
Known Relatives: Zeus (father), Leto (mother); Artemis (sister); Gaea (great-grandmother), Ouranos (great-grandfather, deceased); Cronus, Rhea (paternal grandparents); Coeus, Phoebe (maternal grandparents); Aristaeus, Asclepius, Janus, Linus, Philammon (sons), Troilius (son, deceased), Chiron, Pluto, Neptune (uncles); Ares, Dionysus, Hephaestus, Hercules, Hermes (half-brothers); Venus, Eilithyia, Eris, Hebe, Persephone (half-sisters); Asteria, Demeter, Hera, Vesta (aunts); Alex Aaron, Cupid, Hermaphroditus (nephews), Aeneas (nephew, deceased), Harmonia (niece); Arion, Despoena, Triton (cousins)
Aliases: Paul Belvedere, Renee Andre
Base of Operations: Olympus
First Appearance: Venus#1 (August, 1948)
Powers/Abilities: Apollo possesses the conventional Olympian godly attributes of superhuman physical properties, vitality, and functional immortality. He has not aged since reaching adulthood, is immune to harm from conventional means of injury and cannot suffer from any Earthly disease. Should he sustain any non-fatal injury, his metabolism enables him to recuperate at a superhuman rate of speed. Apollo is somewhat stronger than the average Olympian god (Class 30) and can lift about 40 tons optimally.
Apollo also has other magical abilities including the ability to rapidly heal the injuries of other living beings. As the god of the sun he has the ability to radiate great heat and light at will which are comparable to the levels of a small sun. As a prophetic god, he can mentally foresee events in alternate futures and predict outcomes with a certain amount of accuracy. It was through his precognitive powers that he delivered prophecies to his Oracle at Delphi. Apollo can shape-change into other forms including those of persons and animals as well as travel between dimensions such as from Olympus to Earth. He can also cast spells that enable him to send disastrous plagues, inflict curses, or bestow certain powers on others as he did to the Trojan princess Cassandra. Apollo is a master harp player and archer and in his arsenal carries mystical arrows, some of which possess flaming auras at the tip that radiate solar heat and flame.
Height: 6'
Weight: 525 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blond
History: (Greek-Roman myth) - Apollo was born centuries ago on the island of Delos in Greece to the Olympian god-king Zeus and the goddess of the day Leto, who was the daughter of the Titan god and goddess of the moon, Coeus and Phoebe. When the Queen of the gods and wife of Zeus, Hera discovered the truth about Leto's pregnancy, she was consumed by great anger and jealousy over Zeus's infidelity. Thus, Hera drove Leto from Olympus, forcing the goddess to retreat to Earth in search of a place to give birth. Hera also sent a great serpent named Python in pursuit of Leto. At the request of Zeus, the sea-lord Poseidon aided Leto who sought shelter on the isle of Delos, in the center of the Aegean sea, and thereupon gave birth to the divine twins Apollo and Artemis. Poseidon had covered the island with clouds so as to hide Leto's presence from Hera. Apollo was given the name Phoebus Apollo in honor of his maternal grandmother Phoebe.
Themis, the Titaness of justice and another of Zeus's consorts reared Apollo and Artemis, who both excelled in various disciplines and activities. Apollo became a master archer under the tutelage of his uncle, the centaur Chiron and he also became familiar with the musical arts.
Apollo was widely revered for his defeat of the monstrous serpent Python in the land of Delphi, formerly called Pytho. Other than harassing Leto when she was pregnant with Apollo and Artemis, Python was responsible for widespread destruction and environmental problems in Delphi. Apollo slew Python with his bow and arrows and thereafter took charge of the oracle that resided at Delphi whom Themis was formerly the patroness of. Delphi became the most important oracle center of Apollo.
Apollo, as with Zeus his father, engaged in many affairs with goddesses and mortals and sired several offspring by them as well. His children were both mortal and immortal respectively. With Iris, goddess of the rainbow, he sired the god Janus who was regarded as a guardian-deity to the Roman peoples. Apollo once loved the goddess-nymph Cyrene and by her fathered the god Aristaeus. Both he and his half-brother Hermes, the speedster-god mated with the mortal Chione who bore Hermes Autolycus and to Apollo, Philammon. One of Apollo's most famous mortal lovers was Queen Hecuba, the wife of Priam, the last king of Troy. By Hecuba, he fathered Troilius whose death at the hands of the demi-god Achilles foreshadowed the defeat of Troy. Apollo also fell in love with Cassandra, the half-sister of his son Troilius, and the daughter of Hecuba and Priam. He seduced Cassandra on the promise that he would bestow her with precognitive powers. When he imbued her with the ability, Cassandra rejected his amorous advances. Apollo, enraged, punished Cassandra, by declaring her prophecies would never be believed by anyone. Indeed, Cassandra foresaw the destruction of Troy by the Greek warriors but was never believed when she told others of her prophetic visions.
Asclepius was also Apollo's offspring from his union with Coronis, the daughter of Phlegyas, King of the Lapiths. Upon the death of Asclepius's mother while he was still a babe, Apollo gave the boy to his uncle, the centaur Chiron to be raised. Chiron was the youngest son of the Titan Cronus, Apollo's paternal grandfather. Asclepius was Apollo's most famous son because of his medicinal skills which even enabled him to raise the dead. The god of the dead Hades, however, complained to Zeus of this matter resulting in Zeus killing Asclepius with one of his thunderbolts. Angered by his son's death and not able to lash out at his own father, Apollo turned his anger on the Cyclopes who had trained Zeus in the use of his lightning bolts. As punishment Zeus made Apollo a mortal and made him serve King Admetus of Pherae for nearly a decade. Resultingly, Apollo befriended Admetus and warned him of his impending death. Admetus' wife, Alcestis sacrificed herself in her husband's place when the god of death, Thannatos came to escort him to the underworld. Alcestis was saved by the demigod Hercules' intervention. Apollo eventually regained his godhood and returned to Olympus. Apollo eventually petitioned Zeus to resurrect Asclepius and transform him into a full Olympian and thus Asclepius became the god of medicine.
Apollo was also capable of great cruelty when he was angered. He deceived his sister Artemis into accidentally killing their cousin, the giant Orion and a son of Poseidon who had fallen in love with Artemis. Apollo also slew the giant Tityus with his sister and when the mortal woman, Queen Niobe of Thebes, boasted to Apollo's mother Leto, that she had borne fourteen children and thus was superior to the goddess since she only bore two, Apollo and Artemis were greatly angered and with their bows and arrows slew Niobe's children. Artemis slew the daughters and Apollo slew the sons.
(Incredible Hercules#130 (fb) ) - At some point the the Olympian gods defeated the Gigantes with Hercules' help.
(Thor Annual#5) - When Hercules attempted to convince Zeus to wage war against Asgard, Apollo was among the gods who opposed the conflict.
(Doctor Strange II#46 (fb)) - Two thousand years ago, the seeress named Sibylla came to the temple of Apollo and Artemis at Mt. Gaurus, and Apollo made her his oracle. When Sibylla's mortal life came to an end, Apollo offered her a place in Olympus, but she declined, wanting to watch over her successors as a spirit. The Sibylline Sisterhood was broken when Thaleia was driven insane and killed herself, but Apollo sealed Thaleia's soul within her body and placed it into suspended animation, so that Thaleia might one day redeem herself.
(Venus#1/2) - Apollo tended to Venus after she returned from a visit to Earth.
(Venus#3/4) - Apollo later followed Venus to Earth and took the name of "Paul Belvedere" to interact with mortals, but when his visit resulted in the sun's refusal to set, Venus led him back to Olympus and commanded him to remain.
(Venus#4/1) - While on the planet Venus, Apollo attended to the goddess Venus when she returned home for a restful vacation; but she became bored, so Apollo summoned her musicians to entertain her. Later, when she wanted to make Whitney Hammond jealous by appearing to have a new boyfriend, Venus had Apollo summon some of the gods of Mount Olympus to help her with her scheme.
(Venus#5) - Zeus sent Apollo and Daphne to Earth under the aliases of "Renee Andre" and "Rona Belladonna" to break up Meg Saunders and her boyfriend Danny so that Venus would be forced to leave Earth, but Venus saw through their efforts and helped Meg and Danny stay together, earning Zeus' permission to remain on Earth.
(Venus#10 - BTS) - When the villainous Son of Satan threatened the earth with catastrophes, Venus called upon Apollo to end a flood he had caused, and later had him imprison the Son of Satan within a disc of flame, and sent him hurtling into space.
(World Of Fantasy#1/6) - One day, when the Earth was surrounded by an inexplicable "smog" that shrouded the sky in darkness, Apollo wandered around asking people to light his lamp, but everyone refused because matches have become too precious. A scientist was working on a rocket which he thought would dispel the smog and he too ignored Apollo. However, the scientist's son made a fire for Apollo the boy scout way and lighted his lamp. Apollo revealed his true self to the boy and flew away in his chariot, then dispelled the smog using his lamp. Everyone assumed the scientist's rocket was responsible.
(Thor: Blood Oath#3-4) - Apollo observed Hercules and Thor as they fought over the enchanted pig of Dionysus.
(Avengers I#50) - Apollo was among those Olympians banished to the Land of Shades by Typhon. With the defeat of Typhon by Hercules, Apollo was released.
(Thor I#301) - Apollo was present when Zeus granted power to Thor to help resurrect the Asgardian gods slain by the Celestials.
(Thor Annual#10) - Apollo was sent by Zeus to aid Thor and other storm-gods and light-gods from other pantheons to investigate the return of Demogorge the God-Eater. In the course of this adventure, Apollo was consumed by Demogorge, but ultimately, Thor forced him to release them all.
(Bizarre Adventures#32/5) - Apollo was seen in Olympus as Hermes appointed Jules Keen to be the god of luck.
vs. Hercules: When Titans Collide#1 (fb)) - Apollo fought alongside his
brethren when Olympus was invaded by Cronus and an army of giants,
aided by an unsuspecting Hulk. Hercules ultimately returned Cronus to
(Avengers I#256) - After Hercules lost his usual garments while fighting the Blood Brothers, Apollo visited earth to deliver to him a new outfit, designed by Hephaestus. The two half-brothers enjoyed a brief visit before Apollo returned to Olympus.
(Avengers I#283-284) - After Hercules was gravely injured battling the Masters of Evil, Apollo tended to his wounds in Olympus. The Avengers, accused by Zeus of having caused the injuries, sought Apollo out for assistance, and he agreed to assist them. However, Zeus quickly learnt of his treachery and struck him down, along with the others of his children who had allied themselves with the Avengers.
(Avengers I#285) - Zeus was ultimately made to realize his mistake, and ordered the Olympians to remain away from earth. Apollo attended to the injuries of the Avengers, and healed Captain America's legs, which Zeus had broken, and an injury Dr. Druid had suffered to the head. However, he was unable to heal any of Thor's injuries, as Thor was then suffering from a curse laid on him by the death-goddess Hela.
(New Mutants I#81 (fb)) - Apollo was present when Zeus refused to respond to Hercules' request to teleport him and the New Mutants to Olympus.
(Hulk: Hercules Unleashed) - Apollo attended a feast held in honor of the Hulk, who was visiting Olympus, but wound up in a drunken stupor, unable to compete with the Hulk's incredible liver.
(Hercules III#4 - BTS) - Apollo was presumably present with the Olympian pantheon as they convened a board meeting on Earth at the Olympus Group, assuming the appearances of mortal businessmen in an attempt to maintain some connection with humanity. Zeus had gathered them to confront Hera for manipulating Hercules into appearing on a reality television show as part of an attempt to gain revenge upon him, but he wound up being jeered at by his own family for his many infidelities. They finally voted against interfering with Hercules' labors.
(Ares#1) - After a battle with Pluto, Apollo met with the other gods of Olympus as they discussed how distasteful Ares' brutality was to them.
(Ares#3) - Apollo fought for Olympus as it was invaded by Japanese demons led by Mikaboshi, and looked to Ares for strategy on the battlefield.
(Ares#4) - When the eastern god Inari arrived in Olympus, Apollo advised Ares against requesting the aid of his people, afraid that they might prove to be another enemy.
(Ares#5) - Apollo joined the Olympians in their last battle against Mikaboshi's forces, and rode his chariot against Mikaboshi himself. Apollo was struck down, suffering injuries that may have been fatal. Aided by benevolent gods of the east, the Olympians prevailed, but Apollo's status at the battle's end was not revealed.
(Incredible Hercules#123) - Apollo attended a Olympus Group meeting called in by Hera after Zeus' death. He thought that they shouldn't start with many gods like Athena, Ares and Neptune missing, but Hera just struck him with a lightning bolt, told him to sit down and then started the meeting.
(Assault on New Olympus Prologue#1 - BTS) - When Athena asked him to help against Hera Apollo told her that he didn't want to get involved.
(Hercules: Fall of an Avenger#1) - Athena led the Olympus Group including Apollo to the funeral of Hercules.
(Hercules: Fall of an Avenger#2) - Apollo didn't like Athena's decision to crown herself as their queen and Amadeus as Olympus Group leader. He challenged Athena to a battle between mortal proxies. Apollo chose Phobos, but the battle ended in a draw when the mortals decided to stop fighting and go up against the gods. Namor and Skaar beat up Apollo. After the fight everyone went their own way.
(Incredible Hulks#621) - On his way up Mount Olympus to ask Zeus for help the Hulk was attacked by several gods. Apollo tried to burn him, but failed. Hulk continued his rise to Mount Olympus.
(Herc#6.1) - Apollo was present when Hera chewed up Zeus for not being around (or more exactly sleeping around on Earth) while Hercules stole weapons from the Armory of Ares. After Hermes was asked to find Hercules Apollo wondered how Hercules, who had constantly been drunk at Dionysus' Bacchanalias, could have bested the Yellow-Crested Titans.
(Avengers: No Road Home#2 (fb) ) - Nyx and her children Apate, Dolos, Hypnos and Oyzis attacked the Olympian gods, including Apollo, on Mount Olympus.
Comments: Adapted by an unknown writer and artist.
Legends also claim that the jealous Hera had detained her daughter Eilithyia, the goddess of childbirth, to prevent Leto from giving birth but the other gods intervened and forced Hera to release Eilithyia enabling Leto to give birth.
Thanks to Prime Eternal for adding the World of Fantasy#1 appearance pointed out by Gammatotem.
Profile by Alex K, Will U, Prime Eternal and Markus Raymond.
Apollo should not be confused with:
Hercules: Fall of an Avenger#2, p5, pan1 (main image)
Venus#1, p17, pan7 (Golden Age)
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition#9, Olympians entry, Apollo sub-entry (body shot)
Avengers I#256, p1 (in chariot)
Venus#1 (August, 1948)
Venus#3 (December, 1948)
Venus#4 (April, 1949)
Venus#5 (June, 1949)
Venus#10 (July, 1950)
World of Fantasy#1 (May, 1956) - Carl Wessler (writer), Dick Ayers (artist)
Avengers I#50 (March, 1968) - Roy Thomas (writer), John Buscema (artist), Stan Lee (editor)
Thor Annual#5 (1976) - Steve Englehart (writer), John Buscema
(pencils), Tony DeZuniga and friends (inks), Archie Goodwin (editor)
Thor I#301 (November, 1980) - Mark Gruenwald & Ralph Macchio
(writers), Keith Pollard (pencils), Chic Stone (inks), Jim Salicrup
Dr. Strange II#46 (April, 1981) - Bill Kunkel & David Michelinie
(writers), Kerry Gammill (pencils), Al Milgrom (inks), Jo Duffy &
Al Milgrom (editors)
Thor Annual#10 (1982) - Mark Gruenwald & Alan Zelenetz (writers),
Bob Hall (pencils), Rick Bryant, Andy Myshynsky, Al Gordon & Kevin
Dzuban (inks), Mark Gruenwald (editor)
Bizarre Adventures#32 (August, 1982) - Ann Nocenti (writer), Greg LaRocque (artist), Denny O'Neil (editor)
Avengers I#256 (June, 1985) - Roger Stern (writer), John Buscema (pencils), Tom Palmer (inks), Mark Gruenwald (editor)
Avengers I#283-285 (September-November, 1987) - Roger Stern (writer),
John Buscema (pencils), Tom Palmer (inks), Mark Gruenwald (editor)
New Mutants I#81 (November, 1989) - Chris Claremont (writer), Louis
Williams & Terry Shoemaker (pencils), Josef Rubinstein (inks), Bob
Harras (editor)
Hulk: Hercules Unleashed (October, 1996) - Peter David (writer), Mike Deodato Jr. (artist), Mark Gruenwald (editor)
Hercules III#4 (September, 2005) - Frank Tieri (writer), Mark Texeira (pencils), Jimmy Palmiotti (inks), Axel Alonso (editor)
Thor: Blood Oath#3-4 (December, 2005-January, 2006) - Michael Avon Oeming (writer), Scott Kolins (artist), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Ares#1, 3-5 (March, May-July, 2006) - Michael Avon Oeming (writer),
Travel Foreman (penciler), Derek Fridolfs (inker), Warren Simons
Hulk vs. Hercules: When Titans Collide#1 (June, 2008) - Greg Pak, Fred
Van Lente (writers), Khoi Pham, Paul Neary, Dennis Calero, Eric Nguyen,
Reilly Brown, Carlos Cuevas, Terry Pallot, Chris Sotomayor, Bob Layton
(artists), Mark Paniccia (editor)
Incredible Hercules#123 (Janaury, 2009) - Greg Pak & Fred Van Lente
(writers), Clayton Henry & Salva Espin (artist), Mark Paniccia
Incredible Hercules#130 (August, 2009) - Greg Pak & Fred Van Lente
(writers), Ryan Stegman & Rodney Buchemi (pencils), Terry Pallot
(inks), Mark Paniccia (editor)
Assault on New Olympus Prologue#1 (January, 2010) - Greg Pak & Fred
Van Lente (writers), Rodney Buchemi (artist), Mark Paniccia (editor)
Hercules: Fall of an Avenger#1-2 (May-June) - Greg Pak & Fred Van
Lente (writers), Ariel Olivetti (artist), Mark Paniccia (editor)
Incredible Hulks#621 (March, 2011) - Greg Pak (writer), Paul Pelletier
(pencils), Danny Miki & Crimelab Studious (inks), Mark Paniccia
Herc#6.1 (October, 2011) - Greg Pak & Fred Van Lente (writers),
Mike Grell (pencils), Jason Paz & Jeff Huet (inks), Mark Paniccia
Avengers: No Road Home#2 (April, 2019) - Mark Waid, Al Ewing & Jim Zub (writers), Paco Medina (pencils), Juan Vlasco (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
First Posted: 07/12/2003
Last updated: 02/05/2021
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