Name: Pendleton Asquint
Identity/Class: Human/Criminal
Occupation: Art thief
Affiliations: Leader of own gang
Enemies: Shang-Chi, Freelance Restorations
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Mobile
Appearances: Master of Kung-Fu#97 (February; 1981)
Powers/Abilities: None
History: (MOKF#97): Major Pendleton Asquint persuades Sir Denis Nayland Smith to hold an opening out party at Stormhaven castle. First Asquint asks if Sir Denis has hired those caterers he recommended, whereto Sir Denis answers yes. Then he asks if he can hire the Freelance Restorers to keep an eye out for his art collection. Not getting a sasisfactonary answer, he gets a little angry, but cools down quickly. Sir Denis starts to show his art collection, and Asquint criticizes it as bad art, but Shang-Chi comes to Sir Denis defense. Then the cook announces dinner, and the party begins to eat. Suddenly the dinner is interrupted by a band of criminals who tries to steal Sir Denis art. When the criminals are defeated one of the criminals says you said thisd be easy, Asquint, revealing that Asquint is nothing more than a simple art thief, he tries to escape, but is captured by Sir Denis and Shang-Chi and send to jail alongside his gang
Comments: Created by Doug Moench, Mick Zeck and Gene Day
Profile by: The Beetle
Clarifications: None needed
Last updated: 09/12/02
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