Membership: Four unnamed persons, race and gender unknown
Identity/Class: Human (presumably), technology-users
Purpose: Presumably theft for profit
Affiliations: None known
Enemies: Spider-Man
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None known
Base of Operations: Presumably New York City
First Appearance: Peter Parker: Spider-Man#16 (April 2000)
History: Nothing is known about the identities or origins of the Banko Squad, although Spider-Man speculated that they were "probably former, disgruntled army special ops."
(Peter Parker: Spider-Man#16) - The Banko Squad robbed a Chase Bank in New York City on a Monday morning. They successfully exited the bank with bags of cash, only to be immobilized when they stepped onto an area permeated with Spider-Man's webbing. Spider-Man, incredulous that anyone would rob a bank in hero-heavy NYC during the electronic era, then covered the foursome with webbing and quickly rendered them unconscious, departing after the police arrived.
Comments: Created by Howard Mackie, A.A. Ward, John Romita, Jr., and Scott Hanna
The Banko Squad were not actually given a name in PPSM#16 ("Cliche"), in which Spider-Man encountered several other "cliched" situations and super-villains, including the Squid, Ms. Fortune, the Wicked Brigade (Ogre, Lightning Fist, and Razor Wire), and Master Monarch (Yet another villain, the Agitator, was mentioned but not seen.).
Profile by Ronald Byrd
CLARIFICATIONS: The Banko Squad has no known connection with:
images: (without ads)
Peter Parker: Spider-Man#16, p1, pan3 (main image)
p1, pan2 (robbing a bank)
Last updated: 07/29/03
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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