Real Name: Unrevealed
Identity/Class: Human, advanced technology user; possibly of South American origin
Occupation: Mercenary
Affiliations: agent of Kingpin and Teng Yun-Suan; leader of a group of mercenaries including Noise, Quota, Stealth, and Zapper; supported by the United States government, specifically the CIA
Enemies: Agent; SHIELD (Nick Fury); revolutionaries of Costa Bravo; former government of Costa Brava
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: formerly Costa Brava, South America
First Appearance: Marvel Graphic Novel: The Agent (1989)
Powers/Abilities: Black Metal wore a suit of armor which granted him superhuman strength (Class 10?) and durability. It also enabled him to fly, project energy blasts, communicate electronically or via radio waves, see in the infra-red spectrum, and utilize other built-in equipment. It was rumored that Black Metal never removed the armor under any circumstances, so it may have been equipped with...plumping...and other such technology.
(Agent GN)fb)-BTS) - Black Metal's orgins are unknown. He was
first seen in Brazil and was active for a few years in Central
(Agent GN(fb)) - Black Metal was the leader of a group of mercenaries who were hired by Teng Yun-Suan to take over the country of Costa Brava and oust the right wing dictator. This was one of a number of such plots, funded by the Kingpin, as an effort to build numerous power bases across the world.
(Agent GN) -While the US government favored the
deposing of the former dictatorship, Nick Fury and SHIELD
recognized the larger plot in progress, and covertly dispatched
Rick Mason, the Agent to Costa Brava.
Black Metal learned of Mason's involvement from his ally in the
CIA after Mason had taken out two of his men, Noise and Zapper.
His soldiers managed to capture Mason, and Black Metal personally
supervised the initial phase of his torture. However, Mason
escaped and rallied the rebels of Costa Brava against Black Metal
and his soldiers. After defeating the rest of his operatives,
Mason challenged Black Metal to a meeting. Black Metal chased
Mason into a warehouse where he tracked Mason's heat signature,
only to find it a trap, utilizing an electrically heated dummy.
Mason then blew up the warehouse (packed with explosives,
naturally)--Black Metal walked out of the explosion, but then
collapsed, unconscious.
Comments: Created by James D. Hudnall and John Ridgway.
No reason to think Black Metal or any of his allies are dead.
No known connection to:
Last updated: 09/15/02
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