Identity/Class: Human
Occupation: Super-criminal
Affiliations: None
Enemies: Spider-Man
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: New York City
First Appearance: Marvel Team-Up II#1 (September, 1997)
Powers/Abilities: Blare wields sonic bombs in battle.
History: (Marvel Team-Up II#1 (BTS))- Blare was a super-criminal who specialized in sonic bombs, using them in a series of bombings in New York City. His actions brought him to the attention of Spider-Man, who defeated and captured him.
(Marvel Team-Up II#1)- As they departed Blare's hideout, a series of sonic bombs Blare had left behind went off, seemingly destroying all the evidence that linked Blare to the bombings. Fortunately, Spider-Man had taken pictures of him planting the bombs, which he then sold as Peter Parker.
Comments: Created by Tom Peyer, Pat Olliffe and Al Williamson.
Not a bad write-up for a guy with only two panels to his name...
byReal Name: Unrevealed
CLARIFICATIONS: Last updated: 04/08/03
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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