Membership: Bannerman
White, Brown, and Green.
Purpose: United Nations Supersoldiers
Affiliations: The United Nations Security Council,
anyone who purchases them as a U.N. First Strike option
Enemies: Infernal Man, Noh-Varr Base of Operations: Presumably the U.N. building in
NYC, or other U.N. holdings. First Appearance: Marvel Boy II#2 (September, 2000) Powers/Abilities: Bannermen are stronger and faster than normal
humans, their bones (or other tissues?) laced with adamantium;
and by hyperventilating, they can trigger gamma enhancements,
turning them into knock-off Hulks for as long as they remain in
an excited state. They are also outfitted with personal jet packs
containing rocket launchers, and oval-shaped shields of unknown
materials, printed with the United Nations logo. Limitations: Between their low intelligence and
programmed responses, Bannermen are not very versatile, and can
be taken out of a fight by disorienting them sufficiently. They
are also programmed not to harm anyone but their targets. History: Yet another governmental super-soldier
project, the Bannermen were created to be the super-human
peacekeepers of the United Nations, 'policemen of the 21st
century.' Created using state-of-the-art cloning techniques,
their bodies have been accelerated to maturity, laced with
adamantium, exposed to gamma radiation, and had their brains
programmed with U.N. directives and three "basic personality
interaction modes." Each one costs six billion dollars to
deploy; as a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent pointed out, "Ten minutes of
use equals the national debt of Honduras. EACH." (Marvel Boy II#2) - Noh-Varr, a Kree soldier from another
dimension, has carved the worlds "F*** YOU" into the
face of New York City by demolishing entire city blocks
single-handedly. In response, S.H.I.E.L.D. is pressured into
authorizing the dispatch of the Bannermen. The Bannermen engage
Noh-Varr, who encases them in a Pocket Battlefield, a weapon
which creates a zone with altered physics in it, where his own
abilities are enhanced and his enemies are disoriented and
debilitated. He defeats two of the Bannermen, but Bannerman White
triggers his gamma enhancements, and is about to defeat Noh-Varr
when a horde of civilians controlled by Noh-Varr's technology
swarm him. He reverts to normal mode rather than harm the
civilians, who beat him down. (Civil War#7) -
Bannermen Brown and Green served in the Champions and participated in the final
battle alongside Iron Man's forces, primarily battling the Atlanteans Namor
brought to the conflict. (The Order II#1)
- Bannermen Brown and Green served in the Order (the renamed Champions) against
the Infernal Man who melted both of them. Comments: The Bannermen created by Grant Morrison &
J.G. Jones. The Bannermen may be related to the various super-soldiers
projects of the U.S. government in recent history; their mental
programming could have been provided by The
Fortress, and their gamma enhancements could have developed
from the techniques used to create the original X-Force
or the gamma-creatures created in Area 51. However, no
connections have been revealed. The description of the Bannermen in Marvel Boy is quite
brief and purposefully vague. I interpreted them as being clones
of Captain America, but that may just be me--Snood. The Bannermen are among the Gamma Mutates in World War Hulk: The Gamma Files. Profile by Flank McLargehuge Clarifications: The Bannermen
should not be confused with: images: (without ads) Appearances: Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
First Posted: 03/11/2002 Any Additions/Corrections? please
let me
Non-Marvel Copyright info Special Thanks to for hosting the Appendix, Master List, etc.!
Marvel Boy II#2, p11, pan1 (main image)
Marvel Boy II#2 (September, 2000) - Grant Morrison (writer), J.G. Jones (artist), Joe Quesada (editor)
Civil War#7 (January, 2007) -
Mark Millar (writer), Steve McNiven (penciler), Dexter Vines (inker), Molly
Lazer & Aubrey Sitterson (assistant editors), Andy Schmidt (associate editor),
Tom Brevoort (editor)
Order#1 (September, 2007) - Matt Fraction (writer), Barry Kitson (penciler), Mark Morales (inker),
Alejandro Arbona (assistant editor), Warren Simons (editor)
Last updated: 08/24/2007
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