Real Name: Anzhela Federova
Identity/Class: Mutant human
Occupation: Former ballerina, former assassin
Group Membership: Avant Guard (Painter, Spark)
Affiliations: possible former lover of Spark Enemies: Fantastic Four (Human Torch,
Invisible Girl, Mr.Fantastic, Thing), Moon Knight, Spider-Man,
the X-Men (Colossus, Nightcrawler, Kitty Pryde), Mariya Andreyanova, Sergey
Valberg (former dance instructor) Known Relatives: None Aliases: None Base of Operations: Currently imprisoned
in canvas painting in Manhattan, formerly an art studio in
Manhattan, formerly the U.S.S.R. First Appearance: Moon Knight I#35 (January, 1984)
Powers/Abilities: Bora is able to summon freezing winds. She does this by opening a portal from the arctic to wherever she wishes them to go. These are powerful enough to incapacitate an ordinary human, or even blow them off the ground. This power was enhanced by the Painter, enabling her to blanket the entire city of Manhattan in a blizzard, as well as to form several inches of ice over Spider-Man. The power behind this blizzard was sufficient that not even the thunder god Thor could bring it to a halt. In addition, Bora is a full seven feet tall. It is unclear whether she actually possesses superhuman strength, but it is more likely that she has the strength of a powerful athlete of her size. She is an accomplished fighter, using her legs as powerful weapons. Her powers may increase further as she matures. History: (Moon Knight I#35) - Bora grew up in Russia, where she trained to become a ballerina. However, her sudden growth spurt during adolescence put a rapid halt to that career. She was resentful that others who maintained their abilities would take them away from her native Russia, and so she sought to assassinate Russian dancers who had relocated to the USA. She slew several of these before she was defeated by Moon Knight with a major assist from the Fantastic Four and several members of the X-Men. Even with their aid, they were forced to use blinding lights and deafening noise to weaken her mental control of her abilities. Spider-Man recovered and, accompanied by the Human Torch, confronted the Guard in their headquarters. The two overcame Bora and Spark, but the Painter revived them with a wave of his brush. However, when the fighting renewed, the Painter lost interest in the venture and trapped Bora and Spark as fixed images on his canvas, before apparently exploding himself. (New Avengers#16-19 - BTS) - She lost her powers on M-Day and the energies removed from her were combined with a number of other mutant energies to empower the powerful being Michael. Comments: Created by Tony Isabella and
Kevin Nowland. Her real name was revealed in Painter's entry in OHOTMU A-Z HC#8. Presumably Bora is not her real name, but is derived from Boreas, the greek god of the North Winds, or some similar character. images: (without ads) Appearances: Last updated: 07/23/04 Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know. Non-Marvel Copyright info(Web of Spider-Man#74-76) - It's not clear whether she met the Painter or Spark first, but she became close enough to Spark to refer to him as beloved. The Painter performed a mystic ritual which joined their three spirits as the Avant Guard, and granted the other two additional power, in turn for inspiration for himself from them. Bora first assisted Spark in his performance art, but then focused her powers at creating a blizzard over the entire city of Manhattan. Alongside Spark, she confronted Spider-Man, and defeated him by coating him with inches of ice.
Web of Spider-Man#74, p3, pan1 (main image)
#75, p16, pan1 (beats Spidey)
Moon Knight I#35 (January, 1984) - Tony Isabella (writer), Kevin Nowlan & Bob McLeod (pencils), Carl Potts, Joe Chiodo & Bob McLeod (inks), Linda Grant (editor)
Web of Spider-Man#74-76 (March-May, 1991) - Tony Isabella (writer), Alex Saviuk (pencils), Keith Williams (inks), Jim Salicrup (#74) & Danny Fingeroth (#75-76) (editor)
New Avengers#16 (April, 2006) - Brian Michael Bendis (writer), Steve McNiven (pencils), Dexter Vines (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
New Avengers#17-18 (May-June, 2006) - Brian Michael Bendis (writer), Mike Deodato Jr. (pencils), Joe Pimentel (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
New Avengers#19 (July, 2006) - Brian Michael Bendis (writer), Mike Deodato Jr. (artist), Tom Brevoort (editor)
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