Type: Alien Planet Environment: Nest World is apparently a Desert World, with at least eight moons in its orbit Usual means of access: Conventional space travel, (but presumably only by the permission of the Brood Imperiatrix) Dominant Life Form: The Brood, Unnamed Humanoid Slave race Significant Inhabitants: The Brood Empress, The Firstborn Significant Locations: The Imperiatrix Nest First Appearance: X-Men/Brood: Day Of Wrath#1 (September, 1996) | ![]() |
History: (X-Men/Brood: Day of Wrath#1) The Brood Empress approached the Rogue Queen Hannah Connover in a dream, showing her the Nest World, "Look, now, upon the Nest World! Look through the minds of your brothers and sisters! See as we see and understand." She explained that "Other species are necessary to cultivate our eggs and propagate ourselves. They are food, they are workers, but beyond this they have no importance. They are not us. They are not Brood!" The Empress then proceeded to take Hannah into her nest, showing her the Brood Attendants within, and finally, revealing herself to Hannah, explaining that she was no longer human, but Brood, and if she refused the "Glory" of the Brood, she and all she loved would be destroyed. She then broke the link, and the vision of Nest World faded.
Comments: created by John Ostrander, Bryan Hitch, and...
Jean Grey also happened to see the Nest
World, through a psychic echo of the Empress transmission to Hannah, but she
apparently hasn't asked the Shi'ar or the Starjammers or any of the X-Men's
other space faring friends to try to locate and help the slaves of Nest World,
in fact, she never mentioned them…I assume that the humanoid slaves are native
to Nest world, simply because I can't picture the Brood taking the time and
trouble to relocate an entire alien race.
I'd guess they might just as likely be a number of people
randomly accumulated, and not necessarily the same race--Snood.
Also, the Brood usually implant embryros within hosts that then are transformed into a new brood, rather than laying eggs. Perhaps the Nestworld is the home of the Firstborn, who might be hatched directly from the Empress/Emperiatrix.
The Brood Nest World is not be confused with:
The Nest World Humanoids have no known connection to:
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
Last Updated: 01/17/04
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