Name: Valerie Campbell
Identity/Class: Human, U.K. citizen
Occupation: Unknown
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Brian Braddock (a.k.a. Captain Britain - a one night stand)
Enemies: None
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Britain
First Appearance: Captain Britain Weekly#14/1 (January 12th 1977)
Powers/Abilities: Valerie Campbell's womanly charms were powerful enough to distract a young Brian Braddock from getting home by the deadline he had promised his parents.
(Captain Britian I#14/1 (fb)) - Brian Braddock and Valerie Campbell got into a conversation
at the Lion's Rock Pub. She was aware of his reputation as a bit of a ladies'
man, so when he told her he needed to go home, she expressed disappointment
and asked if his reputation was a fraud. He responded to this challenge by
kissing her passionately. Some time later the two of them got off with each
other in the front seat of his car.
(The Daredevils#1 (fb)) - Valerie was with Brian in his car when his parents were killed by an electrical explosion. They were close enough to Braddock Manor to see the flash.
Comments: Created by Gary Friedrich (writer), Herb Trimpe (penciller) and Fred Kida (inker). Chris Claremont may have been involved in coming up with the original concept of the character, since Brian referred to being responsible for his parents' deaths during Claremont's period of writing the strip.
Valerie Campbell was the girl that Brian Braddock was with while his parents were being murdered by the Mastermind computer. We've only ever seen her (twice) as an illusion created by the Mastermind computer, recreating the night in question, and once in a single panel when Merlyn was reviewing Captain Britain's memories. The second time round, the illusion was definitely altered to upset Captain Britain more, so we can't guarantee what really took place between Brian and Valerie, though it's fair to assume the illusion contained at least a grain of truth. For completeness, here's that flashback:
(Daredevils#2/1 (fb)) - Valerie and Brian were in his car. While kissing her on the head and neck, Brian mentioned that this was the first time he had ever done such a thing. She told him to relax and enjoy it, and that they had all night, but then asked him if his parents might worry about his continued absence from home. Brian replied that he didn't care about them, and besides, they would be dead by the morning anyway. "Let them die. I don't care. I just want to be with you doing this."
And for the Americans out there, "getting off" with someone generally means passionate kissing with perhaps a bit of fumbling and groping (e.g. not necessarily sex) - what you Yanks would probably call "making out." (I could have used the latter phrase, but CB is British, so I figured the British one was more appropriate.) In Daredevils#1 we get a glimpse of Valerie in a car with Brian, witnessing a flash of light at the same time as Brian's parents died. Since Braddock Manor is situated on what appear to be large grounds, this suggests Brian was taking Valerie to his home, so it seems likely things were going to go further, until the tragedy interrupted things.
Profile by Loki
Not to be confused with
Captain Britain Weekly#14/1, p5, pan4 (main)
Captain Britain Weekly#14/1, p5, pan5 (head shot)
Captain Britain Weekly#14/1
The Daredevils#1-2 (January-February 1983)
First Posted: 09/25/2004 Last updated: 09/25/2004
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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