Real Name: Bob Russo
Identity/Class: Human
Occupation: Baseball player (third baseman); vigilante (for a good ten seconds)
Group Membership: the Bears (baseball team)
Affiliations: Captain America (Steve Rogers)-idol
Enemies: Brick walls
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: ? (a city known best for its baseball team's contract with Bob Russo)
First Appearance: Captain America I#178 (October, 1974)
Powers: Bob Russo is an athlete,
although he is not known to have any special combat training.
Swinging on a rope is much harder than it looks, you know! He
carried a shield, but it was likely made of a flimsy metal, as it
bent pretty badly upon striking a brick wall.
He's much better a fielding baseballs, and that sort of thing.
History: Captain America (Steve Rogers) retired, disillusioned after learning of corruption in the White House at the conclusion of a plot involving the Secret Empire (Captain America I#175, 176).
(Cap#178) - Russo announced that he would be quitting the bears, and would be replacing Captain America. That evening, Russo, as Captain America, prowled the city and spied some criminals robbing a fur store. Leaping from a rooftop, Russo swung down to stop the criminals..but he misjudged his swing and smashed into a brick wall instead.
(Cap#179-BTS) - His left arm broken, Russo announced his retirement from the role of Captain America.
Comments: Created by Steve Englehart and Sal Buscema.
Years later, a similar thing happened with the Punisher: when he disappeared, a bunch of bumbling chuckleheads tried to adopt his identity, around the time of "Suicide Run". It's not too far off from Super-Man's "Funeral for a Friend" story (recently mimicked in Deadpool: Funeral for a Freak). In addition, this very idea had previously occurred to Captain America, as well, in Tales of Suspense I#96.
He should be distinguished from:
First Posted: 06/27/2002
Last updated: 08/02/2002
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