Real Name: Unrevealed Identity/Class: human/mutant Occupation: former gang member Group Membership: The Chicago Morlocks (Angel Dust, Electric
Eve, Litterbug, Postman, Shatter,
Trader); Affiliations: Other Morlocks Enemies: The police, Dr. Metellus, Sentinels Known Relatives: None Aliases: None Base of Operations: Chicago, IL First Appearance: Morlocks#1 (June, 2002) Powers/Abilities: The mutant known as Cell evolved
into a single-cell organism. Because of this, he could receive massive amounts
of physical damage without being hurt, and could reshape himself to be able
to slip through doors and sewer grates, as well as stretch himself. He also
ate through absorbing his meal, this absorption could be used as an attack,
if he wanted. Extremely opportunistic, Cell was willing to do anything to
continue his survival. Height: 5' 8"
Weight: Indeterminate History: (Morlocks#1) Shot in the stomach by the cops,
Cell sat in the back seat of a car bleeding, while his fellow gang members
tried to drive away. The cops shot the driver, and the car swerved out of
control. Cell made his way out of the wreck, but his physiology was changed.
The cops opened fire on him, but he survived, and drained into the sewers.
The Postman's Morlocks stood in front of him, then defeated the cops. Offered
a chance to join by the group, he accepts. (Morlocks#2) After trying to get in between a fight between
Angel Dust and Electric Eve, Cell is splattered against a wall. He recovered
quick enough, and was there to see Electric Eve kill her ex, before the Sentinels
arrived. (Morlocks#3) Forced to flee from the Sentinels, the Morlocks
retreat back to the sewers, where Cell absorbs an apple into himself. Attacked
by the cops again, Trader is shot and killed. Cell finally gets back at the
police, wrapping himself around several of them, digesting them (in a way.)
He is later shocked at the extent of Postman's powers, as he forced the entire
remaining group of cops to literally forget everything. (Morlocks#4) Using a Sentinel as a Trojan Horse, the Morlocks
returned to the military base where the Sentinels are created, and bring
the base down around them. Cell, feeling his powers are inadequate against
enemies like these, ran away, but when the rest of the Morlocks are forced
to flee from the base, he wrapped himself around Dr. Metellus, and the two
were blasted by a Sentinel. Comments: Created by Geoff Johns and Shawn
Martinbrough The XIII gang tattoo that Cell had on his neck is reminiscent
of the tattoo that the character Train Heartnet has on his chest from the
manga Black Cat by Yabuki Kentaro. Red XIII from Final Fantasy 7 is another anime character with
a prominent XIII tattoo, this one branded onto him by a scientist who was
using him as a lab rat. The number 13 is generally considered an unlucky number, mostly
due to references in the Bible (13 people at the Last Supper, the 13th Psalm
concerns wickedness and corruption, etc.)
More info
His body unable to digest the bullets fired at him by the
cops at his original transformation, Cell walked around with a bullet placed
in his forehead the entire mini-series.
CLARIFICATIONS: Cell of the Morlocks Chicago is not to be confused
with... Appearances: Last updated:
04/28/04 Any Additions/Corrections? please
me know. Non-Marvel
Copyright info
unnamed gang(s?)
Two years ago, Black Cat, number XIII of the secret society Chronos' elite
assassins, wasn't killed though he was supposed to be. Now, Train and his
partner Sven are sweepers, bounty hunters trying to clean criminals off the
street. Complicating matters for them is a thief who is above the law, in
addition to a cute little girl with deadly abilities. Worse, Train's former
partner, with his new companions, has plans for everyone else...
Morlocks#1-4 (June-September, 2002) - Geoff Johns (writer), Shawn Martinbrough (artist)
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