CHALKER, Professor VIC
Real Name: Professor Vic Chalker
Identity/Class: Human, advanced technology user
Occupation: Mad scientist;
would-be mutant exterminator
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Carnivore, Charon, Number One Fan, Satannish (as Nick Cloot)
Enemies: X-Factor (Havok,
Multiple Man, Polaris, Quicksilver, Strong Guy, Wolfsbane);
mutants in general
Known Relatives: Rick Chalker (Number One Fan, brother, deceased), Dick Chalker (Carnviore, cousin, deceased) - see comments
Aliases: none
Base of Operations: Satannish's
realm of Hell;
formerly a warehouse headquarters in
Washington, D.C.?
First Appearance: X-Factor I#72 (November, 1991)
Powers/Abilities: Chalker wore a massive suit of armor, which--when it worked--granted him superhuman strength (Class 25) and durability, the ability to fire energy blasts, etc.
He was intelligent enough to design a powerful exoskeleton. Like his relatives, he was highly lacking in common sense.
(X-Factor I#89 (fb) - BTS) - Disgusted at the behavior of his
mutant relative Carnivore, Professor Vic Chalker decided to make
it his mission in life to exterminate all mutants.
(X-Factor I#72) - Chalker voiced aloud his plans to slay all mutants.
(X-Factor I#73) - Chalker completed "the most devastatingly destructive exo-skeleton in the world." However, he had taken his own measurements wrong and found he could barely fit in, could not see out, and could not reach the hand controls. He recognized this as a minor setback.
(X-Factor I#75 (fb) - BTS)
- Chalker refashioned his armor so it actually fit him.
(X-Factor I#75) - Chalker donned his armor and began his march towards mutant extermination. However, the march was quite short as the armor was so strong that it drained the power cells almost immediately after he started it. He recognized this, too, as a minor setback, but then he recognized that he could not open the armor without power, either.
(X-Factor I#77 (fb) -BTS) - Chalker added "enough generators and batteries to light up South Dakota" to his armor.
(X-Factor I#77) - Chalker strode outside of his
headquarters, determined to finally begin the extermination of
mutant kind. As it started to rain, he realized too late that he
had not checked to make certain the suit was completely
waterproof. A few drops of rain hit him and he was instantly
electrocuted, leaving only a skeleton inside the massive armor.
Cannonball flew by, noting the weird statue.
(X-Factor Annual#8 (fb) - BTS) - Chalker's spirit was sent to Satannish's realm of Hell.
(X-Factor Annual#8) - Satannish (as Nick Cloot)
resurrected Vic Chalker--alongside Number One Fan and Carnivore,
as X-Factor's greatest enemies, sending him to join Charon in his
attack on X-Factor. Not getting the whole magnetic powers thing,
Chalker attempted to assault Polaris several times, only to be
hurled away from her each time. One time, Number One Fan tried to
catch him, but neglected to consider the propellers on his hands
and chopped up Vic pretty badly. Enraged, Vic used a laser to cut
Number One Fan in half.
Shortly thereafter, Satannish/Cloot took
Charon as his own prisoner, and the Chalkers three were never
seen nor heard from again.
Comments: Created by Peter David, Larry Stroman, and Al Milgrom.
Number One Fan (Rick) referred to Vic as his brother. Carnivore (Dick) also referred to Vic as his brother, but called Rick his cousin (actually, he called him "Mick"). Since Vic told Rick that he was "always horning in," I'd take those two to be be brothers, and Carnivore to be their cousin, especially since he didn't even know Rick's real name. Then again, Number One Fan could be named Richard Michael Chalker (Rick or Mick) or Michael Richard Chalker (ditto). There also could be some weirdo family thing going on, either via remarriage, half-brother status, or some really weirdo Arkansas type thing which I won't get into.
Strong Guy: "That Figures! Only we could have a bunch of 'greatest enemies' that we never heard of...Maybe you've confused us with X-Force. Everyone else does."
Professor Vic Chalker seems to be a modern counterpart to Albert Poole, who both seem to be graduates of the Wile E. Coyote School Of Technology ;) .
No known connection to:
X-Factor I#72, p9, panel 3 (body)
X-Factor I#73, p25, panel 4 (face)
X-Factor I#73, p25, panel 1 (armor)
X-Factor I#72 (November-December, 1991) - Peter David (writer), Larry Stroman (pencils), Al Milgrom (inks), Bob Harras (editor)
X-Factor I#75 (February, 1992) - Peter David (writer), Larry Stroman (pencils), Al Milgrom (inks), Bob Harras (editor)
X-Factor I#77 (April, 1992) - Peter David (writer), Larry Stroman (pencils), Al Milgrom (inks), Bob Harras (editor)
X-Factor Annual I#8 (1993) - Peter David (writer), Terry Shoemaker (pencils), Mark McKenna (inks), Kelly Corvese (editor)
Last updated: 03/09/16
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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