Just for the record...this is not an in-continuity group/plot...just me theorizing...for now...
COCKROACH COMMANDERS: Faceless One, Elod Kisfaludi, Painter, Scarlet
Beetle, and maybe Mad Jim Jaspers.
Membership: The cockroaches that destroyed the
S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrrier, the Cockroach, Father Darklyte, "Cockroach" Hamilton, the Inheritor from Beyond, Marcia Kenwell, the Leviotes, Litterbug, the Pursuer, Roachman, Superoaches, Tordenkakerlakk,
the Undying...
cockroaches of Earth and all of its alternate/divergent/potential
future realities
Affiliations: Insects (terrestrial, extraterrestrial,
and extradimensional) - see the list of insectoid races in the comments section
Dr. Keen,
Humbug (Buck Mitty), the Locust, Scatter, Flea Market-Eating Flea,
Enemies: Ant-Man (Lang), Ant-Man (Pym), Vance Astro
(now Major Victory), Cable, Defenders, Fantastic Four, Howard the Duck,
Hulk, Human Torch, Ms. Marvel (Danvers, now Warbird), She-Hulk, Hemlock
Shoals, Son of Satan (now Hellstorm), Spider-Man, Spindrifter, Bill Stiles,
- Captain Marvel (Genis) stopped himself when
he almost stepped on a cockroach in Captain Marvel VI#10. However,
he then picked it up, set it back down on a brick wall, and then punched
it into the wall.
- Ruth Hart visciously attacked cockroaches in her apartment with some aerosol bug spray.
- Cockroaches were killed when
Genosha was assaulted by Sentinels controlled by Cassandra Nova.
- Ice Phillips
killed a cockroach in Punisher War Zone#27. Just a statement on
how filthy the bar was, or something more...?
- Sheriff Sheryl Howards of Bone, Idaho,
she smashed one with a newspaper, cursing the "damn bugs"
(Avengers III#73)
- In Daredevil I#318, a large number of cockroaches
plagued the Stilt-Man while he participated in a plot to obtain
a million dollars worth of grease. Wilbur Day was helpless before their
might...well, not really, but he was REALLY creeped out by them crawling all over him, anyway.
- Rey Trueno, the manager guy from the
last few issues of the Thunderbolts...he killed one, too (Thunderbolts#79)...
- Venom (or another spawn of Venom anyway)
once survived bonding to a swarm of cockroaches. Yes...but who was
the true master and who was the true slave...maybe one day they will
exert the control they might have gained by his exposure to and absorption
of their energies (Venom#9)
- Mallory Book once stomped on a cockroach (She-Hulk
II#21 (October, 2007))
yes...but they'll pay...oh, how they'll pay!
Base of Operations: Unrevealed, possibly Earth
First Appearance: The Blue Blaze and his father first
appeared in Mystic Comics I#1/2 (March, 1940)
The Scarlet Beetle first appeared
in Tales to Astonish I#39 (January, 1963)
(Mystic Comics I#1/2 (fb) - BTS) - In 1852, Dr. Keen (father of the
Blue Blaze),
while working in the Midwest College science department, discovered an
unusual energy source emanating from a blue flame during one of his
experiments. He began testing the unusual properties on live subjects
like insects and mice. Although contact with the blue flames killed his
test subjects, he was alarmed to find that after a few months they had
come back to life apparently stronger and healthier and showing signs
of extended life spans. For reasons yet unknown, Dr. Keen decided that
the mysterious blue flame had to be destroyed.
(Marvel Graphic Novel#18: Sensational She-Hulk) - Nuclear testing in the 1950s mutated a large number
of cockroaches, not all of which were killed
in the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier.
into Terror#19) <1948> - Hungarian mystic Elod Kisdaludi accepted
a deal to drive cockroaches from the overrun village Visegrad. When the
people of Visegrad refused to pay him, Kisfaludi apparently transformed
the villagers' children into cockroaches, leaving the villagers unable
to kill the roaches.
(Mystery Tales#1/1) - During the 1950s giant superroaches planned to conquer the destruction of humanity. They
started by killing every human that killed their kind like
exterminators. At some point they caught an exterminator's son,
who had saved many of them in the past, and mutated him into a
human-cockroach hybrid. He was forced to live with them, but still
tried to warn humanity of the cockroaches' plans.
(Mystery Tales#22) - Bruno, an exterminator,
accidentally enlarged a cockroach to the size of an elephant using a
formula he developed to make it easier to find and kill small insects.
The cockroach kills Bruno by stepping on him, and then escapes, perhaps
to join the ranks of the Cockroach conspiracy...
(Monsters Unleashed I#2) - In the 1970s, Marcia
Kenwell gained the power to control cockroaches, only to inadvertently
summon every cockroach in Manhattan into her apartment. Perhaps her form
was consumed by them and she became a cockroach version of Swarm, and ever
since, she has expanded her control to manipulate the cockroaches (and
perhaps other insects) of the world, eventually forming an alliance...the
Cockroach Conspiracy.
After having two legs partially severed
by Vance Astro in a battle against him and the heroine Ms. Marvel/Carol Danvers,
the extraterrestrial known as the Faceless
One decided that it would refrain from direct
conflict with others. It discovered that its psionic abilities were most
potent against more similar life forms, such as insects, insectoids, etc.
This could have brought it into connection with the Scarlet
The Perilous
Painter, who once blew up into a shower of cockroaches,
could perhaps access and tap into the magical energy of the
Tordenkakerlakk, recreating and controlling it on Earth as a powerful
It could be that
the first battle of wills between Frank Johnson and Yucoya-Tzin was
witnessed by the roach-possessed prospector, Will Campbell, or one of his successors. And,
shortly afterward, some of the bugs were delegated to use those same
magical paints (which created Zzutak) to create
an alternate host body! If such is the case, then
the roach-possessed derelict on Broadway could have been spying
on Wyatt Wingfoot (initially, a good friend of Johnny Storm's) rather
than the She-Hulk!!
Soldiers of STRIKE wearing Beetle-like
costumes served Mad
Jim Jaspers.
In addition, in Mighty World of Marvel#11, just after creating his version
of the Crazy Gang, the Earth-616 Jaspers says:
I made you. I made everything, actually. I made
the sky. I made the tiger and the lamb...I put the Bop in the Bop Shebop
Shebop and the Ram in the Rama Lama Dingdog! I made the stars and the
cockroaches...the trees, the winklepicker shoe..."
Perhaps, he was just making crazy talk (he is Mad
Jim, after all!). Maybe he was just making a statement to include the
cosmic and the mundane. Or, maybe, just maybe, there's more to it!
Maybe Jaspers had something to do with the Cockroach Conspiracy. Maybe
he's one of the Cockroach Conspiracy Commanders
Other humans may be part of the Conspiracy also:
- A legion of cockroaches marched out of the lantern
(focus or source of power) of Father
Darklyte after his seeming destruction.
- The Medallion, who tangled with
the Punisher in Punisher VI#9-12: "He thinks he's GOLDFINGER, and these
schemes of his never go anywhere. This time it's the taxi war. Before that
it was the cockroach army. Nobody ever saw one single radioactive cockroach..."
- Litterbug, of the Morlocks-Chicago Sect,
is pretty cockroach-like.
- Cockroach Hamilton, Locust, Odd
John, and Humbug would gladly serve the insect empire.
Besides the roaches mutated in the '50s, there are several
transformed terrestrial cockroaches that may be a part of the conspiracy:
- The Cockroach, an enemy of Hemlock Shoals, represents another source of potential
magical power, in that he was mutated by and formerly possessed the Cosmic
- The Inheritor
from Beyond was a cockroach evolved into humanoid
form by the High Evolutionary.
- The original Pursuer
was a mutated cockroach, empowered by the
Kree Pursuer template. The same template later empowered its creator, Korath
the Pursuer. (Korath is covered in the OHotMU Master Edition.)
In addition, there are tons of extraterrestrial insect-based
groups and races that could be interested in an interstellar alliance:
insectivorid inhabitants of Ant Tica on Microverse’s
Homeworld, enslaved by Baron Zebek--Alpha Flight II#10
- ANTRONS - Microverse. four armed
drones, some served Psycho-Man and Baron Karza; others were
created in the Body Banks--Micronauts I#15
- Arthropod creatures
of Planet X of Reality-60751 Tales to Astonish #10 (1960) Giant
creatures, virtually idestructible, lethal bite, young can travel on
radio waves.
ill-mannered extraterrestrial race from Reality-20051,
planet threatened by Galactus--Marvel Adventures: The Avengers#26
- BEM race (Bakka, Tromka) - space
parasites and raiders from Reality-5391, opposed in 2075 AD by Speed
Carter and
the Space Sentinels--Spaceman#3/5
colony of nearl-microscopic insects, captured turn of 20th Century,
sent into space by Avengers, Outlaws, and Spider-Man--Spectacular
Spider-Man II#170
- BLATTARIANS - extraterrestrial cockroaches, seven
mutated by
Bianca LeNiege into humanoid dwarves and empowered to serve
X I#40
- BOH-TAN-EE insects - local
fauna--X-Factor I#110
race - extraterrestrial insectoids, Broodworld,
winged, razor sharp teeth, tentacles, stingers, chitinous armor,
hatched embryo in
host's body
turns into young brood--Uncanny X-Men I#155
- CANNIBAK - insectoid Mindscape demons,
one attacked
N'ogskak and T'opali--Sleepwalker I#25
- CHITINAUT race - Negative Zone
race, served Catastrophus, fought Darkhawk and Brotherhood of
Raptors--War of
Kings: Ascension#1
- CHNITT race - extraterrestrial,
large, savage
insectoid/arthropod-like creatures, razed the home planet of Karel,
battled by
Bishop and Deathbird on a port planet--Uncanny X-Men I#358
- CH"RP - planet, home of insectoids
including queen mother insect--X-Men: Spotlight on Starjammers#1
race - extraterrestrial, Shi'ar galaxy, planet
Ch’yllalisa. Insectoid, helicopter-like form, empathic abilities, can scan interior of organic bodies--Uncanny X-Men I#156
- COLONY - intelligent insect swarm
which acted as one sentient
being, Shi'ar Death Commando--Uncanny X-Men I#467
race - nearly extinct alien species with inscrutable
Avengers I#18/2
- DARVINIAN race - extradimensional
metal-coated insectoids,
invaded Earth intending to use it as a breeding ground, defeated by
Avengers--[Avengers: The Man who Stole Tomorrow]
- DUNE DEVILs of Reality-791 - natives
Ferrol--Marvel Preview I#14
- EARTH-6095
alien insect race - swarm
invaded Earth and devoured all life on the planet within minutes,
witnessed by
Warren Traveler and Ms. Marvel--Ms. Marvel II#5
- EPHEX race - giant flying insects from
Cloudsea dimension, radiate an aura that dulls the reactions of their
prey--Marvel Graphic Novel#22: Spider-Man: Hooky
race - long-extinct extraterrestrial scientists, large + green biped
semi-insectoid, composed of numerous geometric shapes--Quasar I#51
race" - extradimensional insectoid mechanoids, transformed
Earth creatures on an island to
them; defeated by Wolverine--Marvel Comics Presents I#137
- GRAD NAN HOLT - clan-based extraterrestrials that served the Shi'ar--X-Men Legacy I#250
- GRYXPTZNORSWY of Reality-8116 - aka "Army Ants"--Dreadstar#
scientifically advanced extragalactic species,
teleportational technology stolen by Mephisto in an alternate
"locusts of the universe," sent to Earth upon the awakening of the
Dreaming Celestial, used human as a host to gather information on Eternals--Eternals III#5
- HORNETROIDs of the Microverse -
insectoids; an apparent cyborg creation of Baron Karza was used in his
Arena of
Death--Micronauts Annual#1/3
- HREYTION race - presumably extinct,
one native
sought to utilize the Omegex to avenge its race--Hulk I#29/2
Moon-dwelling race of Reality-5106, delegation attends
annual interplanetary conference in the year 2000--Space Squadron#3
extradimensional bio-mechanical lifeforms, organized by
Moot into invasion force to attack Reality-1298’s Earth, opposed by the
Six and Fantastic Four--Mutant X I#2
Arthrosians(?); hivemind insectoid drones who serve
Annihilus--Webspinners: Tales of Spider-Man#5
(Bug, Centivor, Jasmine(d), Wartstaff, Esmera, Treefern, queen Lyca,
old one )
- Microverse, natives of Kaliklak--Micronauts I#1
(Kkallakku) - aka Fear Eaters, extraterrestrial insectoid demons,
generate and
feed off of fears of others--Marvel Comics Presents I#1/4
(BA'T'LL) - extraterrestrial insectoids, planet
agricultural society, Earth,
fought off by confused Hulk--Incredible Hulk
- native to the dimension of Kosmos--(Creature
caste)--Tales to Astonish I#44; (insectoids)--Thunderbolts I#13
- KRYIHD race - ancient race, warred
with and
eventually vanquished by the Dargalans; created the Red Hole, which in
created the Omegex to destroy the Dargallans--Hulk I#29/2
- KRONOS race - Microverse, war-like
sub-species of
Insectivorids, former agents of Baron Karza--Micronauts Annual#2
race (Faceless One) - extraterrestrial, insectoids; smooth round
with six legs, secrete nerve toxins from claws,
telepathically, advanced technology--Astonishing Tales I#2
- LEVIOTES - population of Leviaverse,
semi-insectoid creatures, attacked Reed Richards' Datavore until
repelled by
him--Fantastic Four III#60
(Hemlock Shoals, Prey-Ying Mantis) - extradimensional
and vertically standing intelligent insectoids--Howard the Duck II
- NORRAK (Kon) - unsuccessfully
sought to avenge Omegex's destruction of their role, now extinct--Hulk
- PARAXIS INSECTS - parasitic winged
species which inhabit the isolated, mostly-deserted planet of
Surfer III Annual#6
- PHOBOS race - Microverse, Spiral Path,
sub-species of Insectivorids, former allies of Baron Karza--Micronauts
- PSYKLOP's race -
semi-humanoid/insectoid that
allegedly once dominated the Earth.
Single compound eye, hypnotic powers, flexible joint--Avengers I#88
(Miek, Mung) - Sakaar, insectoids--Incredible Hulk III#92
- SCATTER race - formerly used Century
to track
worlds previously attacked by Lore--Force Works I#1
(Dargon, Devora, others) - insect-evolved humanoid
inhabitants of the alternate-reality planet Symbion--Sectaurs#1
- SERAYN race-
extraterrestrial, tremendous intellect, extremely curious but fragile,
created spaceship and the Undying as pilots, but Undying turned and
exterminated them--Cable II#84
race - extraterrestrial, Shi'ar galaxy, evolved in free-floating asteroid
used by Shi'ar as hunters. Crab-like form, live in deep space, project
energy blasts--Uncanny X-Men I#154
- SLAVEWORLD INSECTS - extradimensional
spine-covered fauna of Dehnock (aka "Slaveworld"), helped Ant-Man
warlord Kulla--Tales to Astonish I#41
- SLIG race -
extraterrestrial, Milky Way galaxy, planet Ankara. Insectoid,
limbs, telepathy, levitate, shrivel upon death--Fantastic Four I#209
race (Supreme One) - extraterrestrial, sent Examiner to
Earth's potential, partial transmission led them to believe
Earth had warrior race with composite powers of West Coast Avengers.
bipeds--West Coast Avengers II#30
- Insectoid bipeds; Harvester from Beyond obtained soil samples in
hopes of
saving his starving, war-ravaged world via encounter with the
Hulk II#230
- grasshopper-like aliens from a destroyed
world who have an affinity for music--Shuri I#2
- TIDING-FLIES - Ninth-Cosmos species
bred for communication across great distances of space and
- TIMEBREAKERS (Sovereign and Worker
Caste Drones) -
discovered the Panoptichron and inadvertently damaged a number of
began recruiting Exiles to repair the realities--Exiles I#1
- TORZIANS - pink-skinnned semi-insectoid aliens, planet Torz,
human lovers Howard and Laura to learn Earth's nuclear
capabilities--Journey into Unknown Worlds I#26/6
- TRIAX - giant flying insectoids used
as weapons/warriors by the H'Mojen, battled Fantastic Four and
Spider-Man--Spider-Man and the Fantastic Four#2
- TRILEXIA - green insectoid
extraterrestrials of Reality-691 circa 31st Century, attacked crew of
III--Cyberpace 3000#1
insectoids used by
Broker to control servants, bond to hosts' necks, stimulated by
ultrasound to cause great pain/death--Force Works I#15
- U'SR'PRIANS (U’Sr’Pr) - semi-insectoid
formerly enslaved to maintain technology by U’Sr'Pr until overthrown by
Her--Marvel Comics
Presents I#35/4
- VALLEY OF LIFE bugs - lived in lush
region created by Gardener on otherwise desolate world of K'ai,
commanded by
Gardener to attack Hulk--Incredible
- VISITORS - insectoid aliens with
large claws and slender bodies who claimed victims in New Jersey for
some time
until driven off by the Fantastic Four--Marvel Knights 4#5
extraterrestrial, planet Vrellnex, formerly partnered with Sssith in
extraterrestrial slave
trading ring. Six-limbed semi-humanoid/insectoid--Thor
- XLEXU of Reality-22181 Epic Illustrated #14 (1982) Insectoid; guided humans brought to them by whalers to merge their aura/soul with the space whale Abraxas.
- ZZIAZZIS - insectoid
race, planet Zziazz, associated with Blackbody, traded ability to
fly in
exchange for a portion of the Silver Surfer, consumed by great
Surfer III#115
- Unidentified extraterrestrial race -
large cockroaches who planned to conquer Earth, entered sci-fi writer
Slade’s body and mind to better understand humans--Uncanny Tales I#17/5
- Unidentified
race - giant green insectoids, attempted takeover of Earth
in 1615, fought
off by Adam Destine--ClanDestine I#8
- Unidentified
extraterrestrial race (K'kkt) - insectoid--Century: Distant
- Unidentified
extraterrestrial race (Offset) - subterranean all-female
insectoids--Uncanny X-Men I#467
- Unidentified
extraterrestrial race of
Reality-8116 - giant green insectoids, encountered twice by Vanth
Dreadstar and his crew--Dreadstar I#44
- The Marvel Boy/Protector, etc., Noh-Varr,
is a Kree gene-spliced with a cockroach, possibly from a similar line
of research as the Pursuers.
- The Stenth use giant insect and spider vessels as cities.
- The extraterrestrial race known as the Undying
(Cable II#79, 84) were trapped in the forms of cockroaches by Cable and
his allies.
- The Gu'Knoiss and Tal Ba-Rii
are a pair of allegedly extinct races listed as "hive species" that the
Kree had attempted to control. There are three other insectoid races
listed, notably the Brood, Scatter, and Sidri, but also listed is the
Phalanx, who are not insectoid but rather techno-organic beings. So, we
don't know whether they are insectoid or not.
Extradimensional insect-like
creatures (beyond those included above) could be involved as well:
- In Defenders I#115, page 5, in the first three panels,
a cockroach-like insect on and from Earth-712 interferes
with the mechanics of the Squadron Supreme's inter-dimensional teleporter
sending part of the Defenders home and other members to a different dimension.
Coincidence? Or was it another piece in the intricate scheme of the
--Kyle Smith
- The Possessors have a hive-like mentality and are possibly semi-insectoid.
Psyklop and his race -- if any
survived -- would be natural allies
- Back in Tales to Astonish#41, Ant-Man (Pym) took
control of a group of cockroach-like extradimensional insects (Slaveworld
insects) to help him overthrow Kulla... but what
if the insects were in fact trying to overthrow Kulla so they could
start off the Cockroach Empire? The rebels who took over after Kulla's
death were pretty peaceful, and could probably be easily overthrown.
And after that, the cockroaches could then break the Window Washer out
of his prison, and use him to bring other members of the C[ockroach]
C[onspiracy] over to Slaveworld!
--James Murton
The Worker and Sovereign caste drones that guide the
Exiles via the Panoptichron @ Exiles#62. This shows that the cockroaches
will one day rule the Omniverse!!!
- In Reality-12928, Deathlok used psi-shield devices
that looked like roaches, which could be placed in the ear, to protect
its wearer from the psychic detection of Magistrate (Betsy) Braddock, at least.
Grottu...leader of an army of ants...or
Krang, another giant ant...or Thok (also a giant
ant, from the Hyborian era).
Casper Green
Flea Market Eating Flea from the Hostess
Sgt. Stinkbug and Dr. Dung Beetle...not really...
The not necessarily on Earth-616,
the Sleeze Brothers landlord was called Mr. Cockroach.
I found this great site with online Sleeze Brothers comics:
In "Godzilla on Monster Island" (known to purists as "Godzilla
vs Gigan")? The ringleader of the disguised aliens had himself
spotlighted...and the shadow was that of a bipedal, human-sized cockroach!
..In the far-off future of "The Hulk: The End"
(originally from "The Last Titan" short story), the only things left alive
on the Earth are the Hulk, and a bunch of giant mutant cockroaches! Never
underestimate them cockroaches!!
COMMENTS: Created by Jeff Christiansen.
Ok this
story hasn't been told in Marvel Continuity...yet. However, there are some
pretty powerful bugs out there that have to have some connection. I'm sure Kurt Busiek, Christopher Priest, Mark Waid,
Fabian Nicieza, or Saladin Ahmed, or John Byrne could write
a great story explaining some master plot.
Thanks to
Flank McLargehuge for adding the Scatter.
An apropos quote per Will U regarding cockroaches:
"They were here before man; they will be here after man and why? Because
they eat crap !"
- Al Bundy, "Married With Children"
Besides Bill Stiles and Casper Green there is this character from Marvel Tales I#105 (February, 1951) "The Spider Waits". I wonder how many other bug-people Atlas created?
And a bunch of additions from Carycomic@aol.com. In fact, here's a possible Cockroach Conspiracy theory
as presented by Cary:
When in
crime-fighting mode, the symbiotes [of Scott Williams AKA Hybrid] form an
outline that's very similar to Abner Jenkins'
second-generation Beetle-armor. Except, of course, for being
reddish-black in color (sort
of like dried blood).
*Insert "EWWWW!" here.* I guess what I'm driving
at is this. Wouldn't it be great if Marvel Comics did
a story where the Locust wore a suit of exo-skeletal armor just that color?
And, thus,
renamed himself...the
Scarlet Beetle? The NYPD's Code: Blue team would, of course,
initially be looking for Hybrid. And so would Spidey and Venom, probably. But it would all turn out to
be an elaborate ruse by the
Cockroach Conspiracy
to reassert control over the Venom-symbiote! That way, they could
separate it from Eddie Brock and
use it to take over his cousin (and Code: Blue's newest member), Officer
Kyle Brock [AKA
Earth Lord]!!
Knowing of his secret identity as Earth Lord (occasionally giant-sized member
of Earth Force), the Cockroach Conspiracy
would then send him to battle the ultimate threat to their long-range plans
for world
Thor, Lord of Asgard! Imagine it!! Spidey, Hybrid, Code:
Blue, and the Thunder God against the Venomized Earth-Lord
and Scarlet Beetle II (with perhaps the Thunder Cockroach thrown in for
good measure?).
Cary also speculates about the Looter: Maybe the meteors that empowered
him were dormant eggs laid (outside a parasitized host) by a mutant Broodqueen.
You know; as a new contribution to their ongoing part of...THE COCKROACH
The Fraudulent Furniture Federation is just another front for...THE COCKROACH CONSPIRACY. The Hostess-ad villain known as "Chairman" is actually Kulla of Slaveworld's former collaborator: the Window Washer! The new insectoid
rulers of Slaveworld freed him, and gave him a molecular rearranger
(similar to the one used by Ultron to re-shape adamantium). For what
purpose? To test its effectiveness on organic molecules.
You see, the Darvinians
know that the Avengers recently disbanded. So, they -- with the help of
their Slaveworld allies -- have been infiltrating Earth disguised as
pieces of office furniture! And, when the time is ripe, they will
resume their true form, and conquer the Earth, alongside their Terran
Of course, they didn't anticipate the Avengers being
reassembled by Iron Man and Capt. America, or that a certain
wall-crawling webslinger would be among its newest members. The
latter's infernal "spidey-sense" could ruin this latest dastardly plan
before it's even implemented!
So, right now, they have manipulated the Federal government
into spying on the New Avengers. Let us hope the Good Guys discover the
truth, before it's too late.
The solicitation to December 2003's ANT-MAN#1: --I don't think this ever came out...Snood
Written by Daniel Way, cover and art by Clayton Crain.
Size does matter. And no one knows this more than Hank Pym - a.k.a.
Ant-Man. Got a problem with Galactus? Call the FF. Got a problem with,
say, mind-controlled cockroaches? Then Ant-Man's your man. And
needless to say, it's done a number on the diminutive hero's self-esteem.
When Ant-Man is tapped to infiltrate an international spy ring that
has been siphoning secrets out of Washington, he jumps at the chance
- unaware that he's being used as a pawn in a larger game of espionage.
The truth is out there!
SAMSA - television character on
Earth-928 circa 2099 A.D.; New York Police Department, transformed into
human cockroach, continued to work as a cop
Kylie Gagarin's parents were killed
during the filming of an early episode
--Ghost Rider 2099#8
Profile by Snood; updated/edited by Snood and Kyle Sims
Adventure into Terror#19) (1953) - Sam Kweskin (penciler)
First Posted: 01/11/2002
Last updated: 02/21/2025
Any Additions/Corrections? please let
me know.
Non-Marvel Copyright info
All other characters mentioned or pictured are ™ and © 1941-2099
Marvel Characters, Inc. All Rights Reserved. If you like this stuff, you
should check out the real thing!
Please visit The Marvel Official Site at: http://www.marvel.com
Special Thanks to www.g-mart.com for hosting the Appendix, Master List, etc.!
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