Real Name: Kenneth Connell
Identity/Class: Human, extra-dimensional, Star Brand-empowered, (Earth-New Universe)
Occupation: Super-hero, auto mechanic
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Arden, John Eberhardt, Myron Feldman, Madeline Felix, Nightmask, Barbara Petrovic, Ariane Poirot, Tad Selby, Spitfire
Enemies: Deanie, Gladiator, Mrs. Kaminski, Tony Kraft, Old Man, Scrunch, Witness
Known Relatives: Carol Connell (sister), Paul (brother-in-law), Stan Connell (father), Mrs. Connell (mother), Starchild ("son")
Aliases: Old Man, Star Brand, Starchild, Subject 14C Base of Operations: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
First Appearance: Star Brand#1 (October, 1986)
Powers/Abilities: Ken Connell possessed all of the abilities granted by The Star Brand
Height: 6' 5" History: (Star Brand#1 Ken flew to see his friend Myron Feldman in West Muffin and demonstrated his powers to him, but they were then attacked by a seeming alien who came for the Star Brand. Ken fought the creature, and caused an explosion that seemed to kill it.
Ken went to see Madeline Felix in Whitehall, and crashed on her sofa. The next day, he searched for the Old Man's body but could not find it -- only a uniform where the body had lain. That evening, Ken had dinner with his girlfriend Barbara Petrovic. He tried to settle down for a romantic evening, but Barbara's daughter Laurie drew a gun on Ken, in a hypnotized state. Ken phoned Myron and learned that the FBI had been questioning him. Ken went to see Madeline again, and decided to stay at her apartment until the danger had passed.
The following day, Ken went to his job as a mechanic to keep from getting fired. That evening, he put on the uniform he had found, and set after the "alien" he had seen before. He chased the alien back into its craft, and it seemingly departed Earth.
(Star Brand#2 The next day, Ken heard about a child trapped in a well, and he set out to save him, attempting to dig through the earth, but he couldn't tell where he was going. Ultimately, the armored hero Spitfire beat him to saving the boy. Later, hearing about Muslim terrorists with a nuclear device hijacking the Ajax cruise ship, Ken flew to the scene, but was unable to determine how to best use his power. Before he could act, American commandos assaulted the terrorists, and the nuclear weapon was armed. They threw it overboard, but Ken flew after it and carried it to the bottom of the ocean to minimize damage. Afterward, he visited Spitfire again and warned her and her Troubleshooters to bear in mind the consequences of their actions.
(Star Brand#3 (Star Brand#4 (Star Brand#5 (Spitfire and the Troubleshooters#5 (Star Brand#6 (Star Brand#7 (Star Brand#8 (Star Brand#9 (fb)) - Tad died a short time later, and Ken was overcome with grief.
(Star Brand#9) - Ken went to see Myron, telling him he had been having nightmares ever since Tad's funeral. Myron pointed him to the sleep therapy clinic of Dr. Lucian Ballad, where Ken's dreams
(Subject 14C) were analyzed by Keith Remsen, Nightmask. In the dreams, Nightmask saw Tad represented as "True Believer", sidekick to the Star Brand, battling the villain Dr. Foom. Nightmask eventually learned that Dr. Foom was a representation of Ken, blaming himself for Tad's death. Ken finally confronted his dark-side, and afterward, came to terms with Tad's death.
(Star Brand#10) - Ken confronted Gladiator, a paranormal intent on ending the Cold War by single-handedly bringing down the Soviet empire. Fearful of what the Soviets might do, Ken fought Gladiator, and ultimately hurled him into space.
(Star Brand Annual#1) - Ken went to Zurich to visit his friend Tony Kraft, but his girlfriend Ariane Poirot became attracted to Ken, making Tony jealous. Tony hired two men to kill Ken, but they secretly planned on turning him over to Interpol. When they attacked Ken, he lashed out with the Star Brand to stop them, and buried them alive with an avalanche, killing the hired men and putting Tony in the hospital. Ken subsequently revealed his powers to Ariane and attempted to protect her from Interpol, who were now very interested in Connell, but Ariane became furious with him for not killing the people who pursued them. She left Ken, and he returned to America. The following day, Ken learned that Ariane had been killed -- supposedly by terrorists.
(Untold Tales of the New Universe: Star Brand#1) - Connell met Arden, an explorer from an alternate reality who had been exploring instances of the Star Brand, and made contact with Ken, showing him new ways to use his powers. They had a brief relationship that was cut short when Arden's people came and took her away from Ken's world for violating their rules.
(Star Brand#11 (Star Brand#12 (fb)) - Madeline informed Ken that she was pregnant, but he refused to believe that he was the father.
(Star Brand#12 Ken made his way to Myron, and Myron convinced him that he had to be rid of the Star Brand. He handed him the barbell he had bent back on his first day with the Brand, and directed him to fly up into space and attach it to the barbell. However, Ken stopped at 10 miles up, thinking it would be enough. It wasn't.
(The Pitt (Star Brand#13 (fb)) - Ken went to see Madeline, and apologized to her for not accepting the baby. Ken was now haunted by Myron's spirit, sent after him by the Witness, who had seen what Ken had done. Ken begged with Madeline to keep their child safe.
(Star Brand#14) - Ken saved a woman from a band of looters and then held her prisoner, becoming delusional with power. He was then brought into space by the Starchild, his son, who demanded that Ken release the Star Brand to him. Ken struggled against the Starchild, but it was hopeless; he gave him the Star Brand.
(Star Brand#15) - While riding his motorcycle, Ken laughed over his choice, determined to get the Brand back. However, Myron's spirit appeared, and drove him off the side of a cliff.
(Star Brand#16) - Now mutilated and insane, Ken operated his own church, claiming that the Old Man was God himself. He was kept alive only because the Starchild had caused all death on Earth to cease. When the Starchild ended this, Ken died.
(Star Brand#17) - However, Ken's portion of the Star Brand soon restored him to life.
(Star Brand#18) - Ken wandered through the wastes of the Pitt, still determined to reclaim the Star Brand.
(Star Brand#19) - His mind cleared, Ken now wished only to make up for all the grief he had caused. He was brought to see the Starchild, along with two other men who had held the Star Brand, Jake Burnley and Roger Price. The Starchild revealed that the Star Brand was too dangerous to remain on Earth, and that its power had to be contained. Burnley brought the Old Man to them, and the Starchild revealed that he, Connell, and the Old Man were all the same person, a walking paradox. In order to complete the circle, the three of them would have to become one. The Old Man was terrified at the prospect, but Connell accepted what had to be done, and comforted the Old Man as the three men joined together, becoming a single entity.
(The War#3-4) - The entity created by their merging brought to an end World War III by using its power to make all weapons useless. It also revealed to all of Earth's denzins that the Star Brand was responsible for the creation of paranormals.
Comments: Created by Jim Shooter, John Romita, Jr., and Al Williamson.
Star Brand was one of the Avengers seen in Avengers either Connell has an Earth-616 self somewhere in the multiverse, or an alternate Connell wound up in a reality where the Avengers exist.
Ken Connell was also glimpsed from Earth-616 by Quiet Bill in Gambit III#19.
Weight: 230 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blond
CLARIFICATIONS: Images taken from:
First Posted: 08/11/2004 Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
Non-Marvel Copyright info
Ken Connell should not be confused with:
Star Brand#13, page 26
Star Brand#1, page 24, panel 6
Star Brand#9, page 13, panel 3
Star Brand#12, page 20, panel 5
Star Brand#16, page 20, panel 2
Star Brand#19, page 3, panel 5
The War#3, page 43, panel 2
Star Brand#2 (November, 1986) - Jim Shooter (writer), John Romita Jr. (pencils), Al Williamson (inks), Michael Higgins (editor)
Star Brand#3 (December, 1986) - Jim Shooter (writer), Alex Saviuk (pencils), Vince Colletta (inks), Michael Higgins (editor)
Star Brand#4-6 (January - March, 1987) - Jim Shooter (writer), John Romita Jr. (pencils), Al Williamson, Rick Bryant (#6) & Al Milgrom (#6) (inks), Michael Higgins (editor)
Spitfire and the Troubleshooters#5 (February, 1987) - Roy Thomas & Gerry Conway (writers), Herb Trimpe (pencils), Tony DeZuniga (inks), Bob Harras (editor)
Star Brand#7 (May, 1987) - Jim Shooter (writer), Roy Thomas (pencils), John Romita Jr. (inks), Michael Higgins (editor)
Star Brand#8 (July, 1987) - Jim Shooter (writer), Arvell Jones (pencils), Danny Bulanadi (inks), Michael Higgins (editor)
Star Brand#9 (September, 1987) - Cary Bates (writer), Keith Giffen (pencils), Bob Wiacek (inks), Michael Higgins (editor)
Star Brand Annual#1 (October, 1987) - Bobbie Chase (writer), Geof Isherwood (pencils), Art Nichols (inks), Michael Higgins (editor)
Star Brand#10 (November, 1987) - George Caragonne (writer), Mark Bagley (pencils), Pablo Marcos (inks), Howard Mackie (editor)
Star Brand#11 (January, 1988) - John Byrne (writer/pencils), Tom Palmer (inks), Howard Mackie (editor)
Star Brand#12 (March, 1988) - John Byrne (writer), John Byrne & Tom Palmer (pencils), Tom Palmer (inks), Howard Mackie (editor)
The Pitt (March, 1988) - John Byrne & Mark Gruenwald (writers), Sal Buscema, Chris Ivy & Don Hudson (pencils), Stan Drake (inks), Howard Mackie (editor)
Star Brand#13 (May, 1988) - John Byrne (writer), John Byrne & Tom Palmer (pencils), Tom Palmer, Danny Bulanadi & Joe Rubinstein (inks), Howard Mackie (editor)
Star Brand#14 (July, 1988) - John Byrne (writer), John Byrne & Tom Palmer (pencils), Tom Palmer, Chris Ivy & Tom Morgan (inks), Howard Mackie (editor)
Star Brand#15 (September, 1988) - John Byrne (writer), John Byrne (pencils), Chris Ivy & Tom Morgan (inks), Howard Mackie (editor)
Star Brand#16 (November, 1988) - John Byrne (writer/artist), Howard Mackie (editor)
Star Brand#17-18 (January-March, 1989) - John Byrne (writer), John Byrne (pencils), Tom Morgan (inks), Howard Mackie (editor)
Star Brand#19 (May, 1989) - John Byrne (writer), John Byrne (pencils), Jeff Albrecht (inks), Howard Mackie (editor)
The War#3-4 (1989 - 1990) - Doug Murray (writer), Tom Morgan (pencils), Tom Morgan & Paul Mounts (#3) (inks), Howard Mackie (editor)
Untold Tales of the New Universe: Star Brand#1 (May, 2006) - Jeff Parker (writer), Javier Pulido (artist), Mark Paniccia (editor)
Last updated: 05/28/2006
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