Real Name: Elias Poole
Identity/Class: Human
Occupation: Curio shop owner, would-be conquer of the earth
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: None
Enemies: Unnamed man and woman
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: Elias Dane (see comments)
Base of Operations: Miroverse; formerly, a curio shop
First Appearance: Tales Of Suspense I#34 (October, 1962)
Powers/Abilities: Elias Poole possessed no special powers or talents, but did possess the Blue Glass Bottle
History: (Tales Of Suspense I#34 (fb) ) - While searching for new relics in Asia, Elias Poole found the Blue Glass Bottle, and returned with it to America. He displayed it to a woman who visited his shop, and thus trapped her inside of it.
(Tales Of Suspense I#34) - When a man came to the shop looking for a novelty, Poole showed him the Blue Glass Bottle, and he also became trapped inside of it. Poole boasted to the two of them how he could use the bottle to conquer the earth, but the man used a mirror to reflect the bottle's reflection into Poole's eyes. Poole dropped the bottle, setting the two free, and he quickly shrank in size until he disappeared.
Comments: Created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby.
Elias Poole was renamed Elias Dane in the reprint of the story in Where Monsters Dwell#22 (July, 1973).
What a weird coincidence to have characters with the same name appear only a few issues apart from each other with completely different looks. "The Man In The Bottle!" in Strange Tales I#35 (April, 1955) is another story with a man getting trapped in a glass bottle. Profile by
--Markus Raymond
Though the bottle had a completely different origin as it belonged at some point to a genie.
--Markus Raymond
CLARIFICATIONS: The Blue Glass Bottle was rumored to have been brought to Asia by Gulliver from the land of Lilliput. Anyone who stared into light reflected from the bottle would become hypnotized, and then shrink in size until they were drawn inside of the bottle itself.
According to Elias Poole, the bottle had other powers as well: it could reduce entire buildings in size; by filling the bottle with water, it could transform three-dimensional objects into two-dimensions; by reflecting light from the sun at Earth from space, it could create a duplicate Earth. The bottle was destroyed before Poole could actually employ any of these abilities.
--Tales Of Suspense I#34 Appearances: Last updated: 08/06/17
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
Non-Marvel Copyright info
Elias Poole should not be confused with:
Tales of Suspense I#34 (October, 1962) - Jack Kirby (pencils), Stan Lee (editor)
All other characters mentioned or pictured are ™ and © 1941-2099 Marvel Characters, Inc. All Rights Reserved. If you like this stuff, you should check out the real thing!
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