Real Name: (first name unrevealed) Darrance
Identity/Class: Human, conventional weapons user
Occupation: Assassin, Mercenary; former big game hunter
Affiliations: employee of Damon Dran; former ally of Black Lotus, Iron Maiden, Laralie (now Wrangler), N'Kama, Snapdragon (Sheoke Sanada), and Kono Sanada
Enemies: Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff)
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: currently unknown; formerly Damon Dran's submarine.
First Appearance: Marvel Fanfare I#11 (November, 1983)
Powers: None. Darrance was apparently a highly
skilled hunter, and an excellent marksman. He traditionally uses
both a rifle and a handgun.
History: Darrance established a name for himself as a big game hunter without peer. At some point, he quit hunting to pursue a more lucrative career as a mercenary assassin.
(MarvFan#11, 12)-Darrance was hired by Damon Dran, along with several other assassins, to capture the Black Widow. They ambushed her all at once in Hong Kong. In the course of the struggle, Darrance shot Kono in the face when the Widow dodged his shot. She subsequently knocked him out with a "boot to the head."
Comments: Created by Ralph Macchio and George Perez
Clarifications: none for me, thanks.
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
Last updated: 01/16/02
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