Real Name: Minion
Identity/Class: Extra-temporal (Earth-8410) artificial creation/cyborg;
Occupation: Adventurer; alcoholic
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Evelyn Necker and Duffy--and
indirectly A.I.M. (Advanced Idea Mechanics) of Earth-8410 (@ 2020)
Death's Head and Death Metal;
Olivia De Diamond of Earth-9413;
Avengers and X-Saviors of Earth-9939;
possibly the planet of the Luscious Space Vixens
formerly Mr. Carmenio and his mobsters of Earth-616 (@ 1934)
Enemies: Burgen of Earth-928,
Mr. Carmenio and his mobsters of Earth-616 (@ 1934),
Charnel and the Spawn of Charnel of Earth-9939;
Dredge of Earth-93122
The Path of Righteousness; of Earth-9413
possibly the Blood-Beasts of Barnion and the Undead Warriors of
Eternal Darkness
Known Relatives: None.
You could consider Dr. Evelyn Necker his mother, the unnamed
alcoholic to be his father,
and Death's Head and Death Metal his younger brothers
Aliases: Minion, Minion prototype
Base of Operations: Mobile throughout
time (and likely space);
formerly Dr. Necker's laboratory, Los Angles, Earth 2020
First Appearance: Death3#1 (Marvel UK) (September, 1993)
Powers/Abilities: Death Wreck has
superhuman strength, perhaps Class 25, and durability. He is not
particularly quick, nor coordinated, nor intelligent. He is an
alcoholic and he is most often either searching for or consuming
hooch of some kind. When drunk, his coordination, reflexes, and
thinking capacity are even further diminished. He possesses a
time disk, which allows him to travel through time, seemingly to
random destinations, at will.
His onboard equipment include an automatic weapon on his left
arm, and a photocopier in his torso.
He is powered by unleaded gasoline, and he makes a lot of noise
(clicking, whirring, grinding, scraping, and, of course,
smashing) when he moves.
(Death Wreck#1 / Death3 #1)
<October 1, 2018> - The AIM's pre-cognitive division
informed their executive division of their prophecy that an
unknown threat would obliterate them in the near future. To
prevent this they directed Dr. Evelyn Necker to perfect a weapon
that could protect them from said threat. They told Necker that
she needed to light a fire under Project: Minion and get a cyborg
up and running ASAP or she would lose her funding. While she had
estimated five years until expected completion, she was forced to
cut a few corners to get it completed within the month. Rather
than using a cold fusion or other nuclear power device as she
might have wanted, she went an internal combustion engine, taken
from a 1992 model automobile.
(Death Wreck#1 / Death3 #1)
<October 12, 2018> - Dr. Necker and Duffy completed the
Minion cyborg, but as her project hinged on the successful use of
Bio-Organics, she needed a human brain. Controlling Minion under
voice command, she took him out into an alley where they found a
homeless alcoholic man. In an effort to catch the man, Minion
nearly crushed him. Necker stopped him in time and instead shot
and killed the man. She then rushed both Minion and the
"donor" back to AIM, where she transplanted the donor
brain into her cyborg.
(Death Wreck#1)
<October 13, 2018> - Dr. Necker loaded Minion up with fuel
and activated him. Surprisingly enough, Minion awoke with the
mind of a drunkard and began swinging wildly, breaking Duffy's
nose, before Evelyn could calm him down. While she began
figuring he'd be ok after he had a few days to dry up, Minion
began searching around for something to drink. He stumbled across
Dr. Necker's time disc, which he activated, sending him to the
future of 2099. There, in South America, he encountered a
man, Burgen, who identified the Minion cyborg as his old enemy,
Death Wreck. Duffy, who had been pulled forward with Death Wreck
was instantly killed when Burgen's men unleashed a hail of
gunfire upon them. Death Wreck retaliated and slaughtered
Burgen's men, until one of them managed to electrocute him, which
briefly incapacitated him. Burgen then hooked a bomb onto Death
Wreck and sent him back into the past, planning to blow up both
he and Necker.
Death Wreck, however, was sent to 1934.
(Death Wreck#2) - In Los Angeles, 1934, Death
Wreck ended up in the middle of a shootout, which turned out to
be part of a Western movie that was being filmed. One of the
security men aimed a gun at Death Wreck and told him to freeze,
but Death Wreck shattered the gun and took off, leaving behind
Burgen's bomb, which then blew up and destroyed the set--and
everyone on it. Confused, Death Wreck continued to flee from the
destruction and wound up jumping into the car of a mobster, Mr.
Carmenio. Initially terrified, Carmenio quickly realized that he
had found a powerful ally, and brought him back to his hideout.
While getting acquainted, Carmenio offered Death Wreck a
drink...and he had several...bottles...of whiskey.
The cops arrived to bring Carmenio's mob in, and the mob opened
fire on them. Death Wreck stumbled to his feet and then swung and
missed a cop, falling to the ground. When he stood up, he was
facing the wrong way, and he opened fire on the mobsters.
Furious, Carmenio started shooting at Death Wreck, and a stray
bullet struck his time disk, sending him forward to 2053.
(Death Wreck#3) - In New York 2053, Death Wreck
encountered "Dredge," a futuristic cop who tried to
bring him in. The still inebriated Death Wreck was much too slow
to lay a hand on Dredge, but he did managed to stumble and fall
on top of another homeless man, killing him. Not wanting the
homeless man's bottle of alcohol to go to waste, Death Wreck
quickly sucked it down. When Dredge shattered the bottle before
he was done with it, he really ticked DW off, and the drunken
cyborg got in a lucky shot, swatting Dredge across the alley.
Just then, Dr. Necker, having managed to trace Death Wreck's time
disk, arrived and neutralized Dredge with a stun blast. She then
prepared to take DW back to 2020 with her, but he again activated
his own disk, heading forward to 2159.
In a Washington DC ruled by the Path of
Righteousness, DW ended up in the bedroom of Olivia De Diamond,
AKA Twinkle. Olivia was the head of the Westside Minion
Appreciation Society, which idolized the Minion series robots
from their past, and rebelled against the reactionary Path of
Righteousness. She was delighted to meet Death Wreck, who was her
personal favorite. The Path of Righteousness (PoR) sent a patrol
to bring in the fugitive Olivia, and they were more than
surprised to find one of the hated Minions in her room. Well,
actually he wasn't in her room anymore, he had fallen out of her
window and was raiding her father's poolside bar.
DW and Olivia fled the Path of Righteousness Patrol, and ended up
running into Senator Mick Hart, the head of the PoR. They took
Hart hostage, but as the PoR locked onto them, Olivia managed to
activate DW's time disk. The PoR Patrol fired on them, but they
teleported away just in time, and they blew away Hart instead.
Olivia and DW ended up in 2085, in the South American fortress of
Burgen, 14 years before DW had last encountered him.
(Death Wreck#4) - In 2085, Death Wreck attacked
Burgen's men, but was eventually overwhelmed. DW and Olivia were
separated, and DW was found in his cell by Evelyn, who had
managed to trace him once again. She instructed DW to come with
her, but he refused to leave without Olivia and threatened to
activate his time disk and escape from her once again if she
tried to force him. Evelyn conceded to him, and DW broke out of
his cell and located Olivia. Burgen tried to hold Olivia hostage,
but she kicked him into his Gene Pool, which was a device that
kept him eternally young and healthy. Evelyn blew up the Gene
Pool's generators as they teleported away, and Burgen was mutated
into a hideous mockery of his once-perfect form. He swore
vengeance on Death Wreck if he ever met him again.
Evelyn brought DW and Olivia back to 2018, where she downloaded
his memory banks and made copies of his operating system for the
next Minion. She then prepared to dismantle DW, whom she
considered a failure, but Olivia cold-cocked her and knocked her
out. She then revived DW and told him that he still had lots of
adventures to have--which she had read about in her history
books: he would battle the Blood-Beasts of Barnion...Duel with
the Undead Warriors of Eternal Darkness...and rescue the planet
of Luscious Space Vixens from their terrible fate.
DW was very interested in getting started on those adventures--or
at least the last one--and he and Olivia teleported away to do
just that.
(Death3 #1) - Death Wreck returned
to Dr. Necker's lab in the Omni Tower in 2021: He missed his
Evelyn, in the meantime, had developed a second Minion prototype,
which had gone one to become Death's Head, and had also abandoned
her. She wanted to find out what had gone wrong with Death Wreck,
and wondered if his series of time jumps might be the problem.
She sent him on a random time jump, and he arrived in
Earth-Charnel, where he was attacked by the Spawn of Charnel.
When DW teleported back to Dr. Necker's lab, he brought the arm
of one of the Spawn with him. From this metal--which she dubbed
Promethium--she built the third in the Minion series, which she
dubbed Death Metal.
She built Death Metal from June 12 to July 9. However,
immediately upon activation, Death Metal rebelled against Necker
and swatted her aside. Death Metal reached over and grabbed
another of her time disks, and activated it just as Death Wreck
grabbed him to punish him for hurting his mommeeee. The two were
sent across time, and they were split up in 2021 of
(Death3 #2) - In the swamps of Earth-Charnel, Death Wreck met up with Alicia Masters-Grimm, who sensed he was a warrior and brought him to Avengers Mansion. Once inside the mansion, DW set himself to polishing off Lord Anthony Stark's wine collection. Stark/Iron Man mistook him for a vagrant from the Radiation Wastes and attacked him, until the misunderstanding was resolved. When Stark offered him wine as part of an apology, DW agreed to join with these Avengers (which included only an armored Thing/Ben Grimm and an older Black Widow/Natasha) against Charnel. Thinking that DW was part of an army of warriors, Stark used his technology to summon forth others of similar origins, but brought forth only Death's Head, who was none too happy.
(Death3 #3) - Death Wreck convinced
Death's Head to settle down--he didn't get the hug he had also
wanted, though--and to join him against Charnel and their other
brother, Death Metal. Death's Head revealed that Earth-Charnel
was only a shadow reflection of a timeline that was soon to be
wiped out, as he had defeated Charnel some years in the past, on
Earth-616. Eventually, a temporal wave would come forward and
obliterate that reality. Death Wreck, however, revealed that
Death Metal possessed some of their shared memories and could
warn Charnel, so that he could take steps to prevent his past
defeat (Charnel was a time traveler, too!).
The two Death cyborgs and the Avengers were joined by the
X-Saviors (Archangel, Cable, Hulk, Storm) and they stormed
Charnel's base, where they were attacked by an army of the Spawn
of Charnel, led by Death Metal. Charnel appeared and revealed
that Death Metal had given him the information he needed, and
after defeating the current insurrection he would indeed go back
in the past to insure his continued existent in the present of
Earth-Charnel (take the advice from Austin Powers: The Spy
Who Shagged Me: Don't try to think about it too much, just sit
back, and enjoy).
(Death3 #4) - Death Metal proved
much more powerful than either of his predecessors, and he would
have destroyed them both, but the Ghost Rider of that world
subjected him to his "penance stare," which somehow
broke his connection with Charnel and granted him a conscience.
Death Metal teamed up with his two prototypes, ambushed Charnel,
and successfully defeated him.
Death Metal: "We found his weakness! He wasn't immune to
three indestructible cyborgs tearing the living crud out of
The temporal loop then caught up with them, seemingly erased the timeline of Earth-Charnel, and sent the three brothers to different dates and places. Death Wreck ended up back in Dr. Necker's lab, where he quickly began looking for something medicinal.
Comments: Created by Dan Abnett and Dell Barras.
Earth 2020 would appear to be the common
timeline to such characters as Iron Man 2020, the Machine Man
limited series, the previous Death's Head (the Freelance
Peacekeeping Agent, see clarifications), and a few other Marvel
UK series, such as Nikki Doyle: Wild Thing. Because it is not
unique to a single, primary character, I refer to it by that
time, using the same terminology as for Earth 2099.
In addition, as yet, there's no reason to consider this part of
Marvel's sliding timescale, so I would consider the dates in the
history to be accurate, and relevant to that timeline. At
minimum, the years in that time are relevant to each other, and
Death Wreck was created two years before Death's Head, who was
created a year before Death Metal.
I'm not certain whether the 2099 of Burgen is the same as the
more mainstream 2099 that Marvel featured in the mid to late
1990s. There is no mention of the other characters, and there's
nothing else to rule it in or out. The 2085 time they visited is
14 years in the past of Burgen, regardless--or as they say in
Tennessee, irregardless--of whether the two 2099s are the same or
I'd consider the 1934 adventure as possibly Earth-616's past,
since he didn't really change anything. The future era are just
potential futures, which I'll call Earth-Dredge and Earth-Path of
According to the story, Earth-Charnel was wiped out by the destruction of Charnel in the modern era. Typically, in the MU at least, this sort of thing creates a divergent timeline, rather than erasing one or the other. But, time travel stories always have some sort of artistic license.
I chose the name "Dredge" to describe the unnamed futuristic cop, who reminded me a lot of Judge Dredd.
Per an interview with Paul Neary in Wizard#19, Death Wreck was originally going to be called Death Rattle.
Death Wreck/Minion should be distinguished from:
He was Dr. Necker's assistant in the creation of Death Wreck. He was appalled by what she was doing and disgusted by the results, but he lacked the guts to tell her his true thoughts. His nose was broken when Death Wreck was first activated and rampaged around, and then he got pulled forward in time to Burgen's fortress, where he was shot and killed by Burgen's men.
--Death Wreck#1
Death3#1-2 (September-October, 1993) - Dan Abnett (writer), Dell Barras (artist), Jacqui Papp (editor)
Death3#3 (November, 1993) - Dan Abnett (writer), Dell Barras (pencils), Ewan Smith (inks), Jacqui Papp (editor)
Death3#4 (December, 1993) - Dan Abnett (writer), Dell Barras (artist), Jacqui Papp (editor)
Death Wreck#1 (January-April, 1994) - Craig Houston (writer), Stewart Johnson (pencils), Robin Riggs (inks), Stuart Bartlett (editor)
Death Wreck#2-4 (February-April, 1994) - Craig Houston (writer), Stewart Johnson (pencils), Martin Griffiths (inks), Stuart Bartlett (editor)
First Posted: 02/06/2003
Last updated: 02/02/2019
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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