Real Name: Manuel Diego
Identity/Class: human magic user; Mexican citizen
Occupation: sorcerer
Group Membership: none known
Affiliations: Aged Genghis, Dr. Doom, Dr. Strange, Khalid Inshallah, Jules St. Thomas, "Screamer," Sen-Yu, Tareva, and Wai Chee Yee, at least four other unnamed mystics.
Enemies: none known
Known Relatives: none
Aliases: none
Base of Operations: unrevealed
First Appearance: Marvel Graphic Novel: Dr. Strange and Dr. Doom: Triumph and Torment (1989)
Powers/Abilities: unspecified magical
History: Diego's past history is unrevealed.
(Marvel Graphic Novel: Dr. Strange and Dr. Doom: Triumph and Torment) - Diego was one of the sorcerers of Earth summoned to the Temple of the Three in the Javan Rainforest by the Aged Genghis to participate in the centennial contest to decide the Sorcerer Supreme of Earth. Before the contest, he was honored to meet Dr. Strange. Like most, during the contest he swiftly fell before the magic of the Vishanti and his body was then used by the Vishanti against the others. He regained her mind at the contest's conclusion, when Dr. Strange became the victor.
Comments: Created by Roger Stern, Michael Mignola, and Mark Badger.
No known connection to:
Marvel Graphic Novel: Dr. Strange and Dr. Doom: Triumph and Torment, p11, panel
p13, panel 1
Last updated: 04/27/04
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