Real Name: Floyd Mangles
Identity/Class: Magic-user
Occupation: Would-be world conqueror
Group Membership: Led the Band of the Bland (Black Hole/Morton Kribbee, Sitting Bullseye/Oliver Bedwette, Spanker/Fred Hovel, Tillie the Hun/Matilda von Tromp)
Affiliations: Presumably le Beaver (Pierre Dentfris), Black Talon (Thibodaux Boudreaux), Jackpot, Jokester,
Greedy Killerwatt, Kong Lomerate, Maller, Pro-Rata, Puffin, Quizling,
and Wally Sidney (see comments);
unrevealed relationship with Brotherhood of Evil Prepositions (Amonger, Arounder, Betweener, Of, Underneather, Withiner), Galactongue
Enemies: Critic, Defenders (Dr. Stephen Strange, Hulk/Bruce Banner, Nighthawk/Kyle Richmond, Valkyrie/Brunnhilde), Howard the Duck, Louise Mason, She-Hulk, Terror (Laslo Pevely), Brent Wilcox;
presumably Andy the Angel, Chirreep, Jennifer Kale, Korrek, Master C'haaj, Hemlock Shoals, Claude Starkowski (see comments)
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: Master of Mundane Mysticism, Conjurer of the Commonplace, Wizard of the Weltschmerz
Base of Operations: New Jersey;
formerly the boardroom of the building on the world created by the Brotherhood of Evil Propositions;
inmate at Wormwall prison
First Appearance: Marvel Treasury Edition#12 (1976)
Powers: Dr. Angst has access to certain magical abilities. He can perform feats of great power, but uses more mundane items and mundane magical entities to accomplish them. For example, he uses a Dropcloth of Invisibility and the Pedestrian Prognosticator (a shoe which enables him to locate and view other people or things). He summoned the Plunger of Patooti to reverse suction on a black hole, creating the Cosmic Blowhole. He escaped from prison by conjuring a giant drill and escaping on the Inflatable Orbs of Igg. He ingested a 14 year old Eucha-Ritz cracker to transform from his civilian identity to Dr. Angst.
(Marvel Treasury Edition#12 (fb) - BTS) - Sitting Bullseye -- along with the Black Hole, Spanker, and Tillie the Hun -- was contacted by Doctor Angst and iinstructed to meet in Central Park at midnight.
(Marvel Treasury Edition#12) - The recruits met,
introduced themseves, and discussed their background, although when
Sitting Bullseye tried to continue after discussing his being fired,
Tillie silenced him. After their illegal campfire, attracted the NYPD,
the recruits took out the police. Angst then introduced himself and
told them that while they were all washouts thus far, he offered them
the chance to achieve fame and wealth by joining him in a mission to
assassinate Howard the Duck,
who was at the time the presidential candidate for the All Night
After Sitting Bullseye and the
others joined Angst at his apartment over the seedy Feelgood's Funhouse
massage parlor, he tricked them into believing he had enhanced
their powers with the mystic placebo known as Promethium.
Their plot was foiled by Howard and the Defenders. Angst was imprisoned in Wormwall prison, and the Band disbanded, pursuing their own mundane lives.
(Steve Gerber's unpublished script for Howard the Duck#1 "Secret Crisis II" (fb) - BTS) - Dr. Angst was transported -- along with the rest of the Band of the Bland (Black Hole, Sitting Bullseye, Spanker, Tillie the Hun), as well as le Beaver, Black Talon, Bzzk J'oh, Dr. Bong, Jackpot, Jokester, Greedy Killerwatt, Kong-Lomerate, Maller, Pro-Rata, Puffin, Quizling, and Wally Sidney -- to within a giant fire hydrant-like construct in an interdimensional space between Reality-616 and Reality-791021 (mirroring the storyline generated by the dark matter-powered Poporb of Krylorian techno-artist Chirreep).
conjured a giant running shoe in the air above the combatants. When
Doctor Bong demanded those present cease their brawling, the Spanker
requested a second opinion. Dr. Angst concurred with Bong and told
everyone, "Now cut it out, or I'll jog all over you!"
In addition to this construct, a motorhome (specifically a Winnebago)-like structure -- containing Andy the Angel, Dakimh the Enchanter, Jennifer Kale, Korrek the Barbarian, Man-Thing, Master C'haaj, Hemlock Shoals, Claude Starkowski -- was also present.
Gerber's unpublished script for Howard the Duck#1 "Secret Crisis II")
- After Howard the Duck encountered the Winnebago group, Hemlock Shoals
identified the hydrant group. Dakimh noted that, apart from their evil,
they seemed
to have little in common...except that they all wanted Howard dead.
As Howard attempted to depart and met up with
Chirreep, the monstrous mouth Galactongue appeared and disgorged an
entire galaxy. As the contents formed a planet with an immense office
building, Dakimh noted with concern the objects streaking toward them: The Brotherhood of Evil Prepositions (Amonger, Arounder, Betweener, Of,
Underneather, Withiner) then appeared and challenged both groups to "Play both ends against the middle, and all you
desire shall be yours."
Both groups were
transported to the office building on the planet formed from
contents disgorged by Galactongue; Angst's group arrived in the boardroom.
Gerber's unpublished script for Howard the Duck#1 "Secret Crisis II") -
While Kong Lomerate stood at the head of the table, Dr. Angst sat on
Kong's left and Dr. Bong sat on Kong's right. Seated on Angst's side of the table (from nearest to farthest) were Le Beaver, Black Hole, Sitting Bullseye, Tillie the
Hun, the Spanker, Jackpot, and Black Talon.
Kong Lomerate led the villains in a plot to destroy the other group.
While Kong led Maller,
Jackpot, and Greedy Killerwatt to attack Howard and Chireep, Angst was presumably involved with another part of their
divide-and-conquer strategy, likely targeting Andy
the Angel, Dakimh the Enchanter, Jennifer Kale, Korrek the Barbarian,
Man-Thing, Master C'haaj
(sp?), Hemlock Shoals, and Claude Starkowski.
Angst's involvement in this conflict is not revealed.
(Sensational She-Hulk I#14-15 (fb) ) - Angst
spent the first 4 years of his time in prison meditating on the
chipped paint in his cell walls until his revenge took form. He
summoned the Plunger of Patooti to reverse the suction of a
distant singularity. This created the Cosmic Blowhole, from which
spewed, among other things, a number of Compaction Receptacles.
These Receptacles were created by unknown means and unknown
beings. How they came to be inside the singularity is similarly
unrevealed, but each served to contain an Encroachiverse. These
were failed dimensions, such as the Baloney-verse or the Dimension
of Suicide, which were compacted to prevent them from interacting
with viable realities.
(Sensational She-Hulk I#14) - A short time ago the Receptacle containing the Baloney-verse landed on Earth, in Mount Pookie, Vermont (later known as Mount Pressure). A native escaped to empower the Reverend Wildmoon, but both were eventually destroyed in battle with the She-Hulk. Handling of the Receptacle (or the Anomaly, as it was referred to in Mt. Pressure), caused the Baloney-verse to begin to expand and Encroach on the space of the Earth dimension.
(Sensational She-Hulk I#15-17) - Around the same time that a large number of Receptacles were heading to Earth, Angst made his escape from prison, conjuring a six story high power drill and the Inflatable Orbs of Igg. He went on to relocate and reorganize the Band of the Bland to assist him. As per his plans, humans were poking and prodding the Receptacles, causing each of the pocket universes to begin to enlarge. With the large number of universes expanding and trying to occupy the same space at the same time, all of the Encroachiverses and the rest of Earth's dimension would destroy each other. Angst referred to this as the Cosmic Squish Principle.
Angst then set up five locus points, which would be the only five places in the universe exempted from the Squish. He chose points that were, in his mind, the dullest places in current existence: a square block in manhattan including Rad Ronin's Fujiyama Funhouse; Henderson, Nevada; El Segundo, California; most of New Jersey; and the planet Sqazzl. Around these five locus points, Angst sought to form a new universe, the Insipiverse, the quintessential distillation of cosmic tedium.
A member of the race of Critics had observed the creation of the Blowhole, and sought to prevent the Cosmic Squish. To this end, he summoned Howard the Duck, and the formerly inactive hero, the Terror, to assist She-Hulk and her friends, Louise Mason and Brent Wilcox. Angst saw these six (that would be including the Critic) as the only threat to the success of his plans, and brought the Band to wipe them out. However, the heroes held their own against the Band, and Wilcox came upon the idea to force the Black Hole to contain all the Receptacles within his gravity well. The Critic summoned all of the Receptacles and their associated leaking Encroachiverses, which were sucked into the gravity well, preventing their expansion. The Critic brought Black Hole with him to prevent him from releasing his contents, and then wiped the memory of the events from the minds of those involved.
Comments: Created by Steve Gerber, Sal Buscema & Klaus Janson.
Surely Gerber could draft another story,
allying Angst and his Band with Howard's eternal nemesis, the
Kidney Lady, and maybe even Pro-Rata. Perhaps in the new
Defenders series...
--I obviously wrote that before Gerber's passing. Still, maybe he could send the story through Dakimh?
And, stop calling me Shirley.
A period of fourteen years of real time occurred between Angst's appearances. However, as Marvel Time always has its own version of the Cosmic Squish, it's probably more like 2-4 years. This only affects the lengths of time mentioned in the story.
Gerber's unpublished script (
Clarifications: Dr. Angst should not be confused with:
images: (without ads)
Marvel Treasury Edition#12
(Dr. Angst earlier costume)
Sensational She-Hulk I#15, p18, pan5 (Dr. Angst main image)
Marvel Treasury Edition#12 (1976) - Steve Gerber (writer), Sal Buscmea
(pencils), Klaus Janson (inks), Archie Goodwin (editor)
unpublished Howard the Duck story by Gerber - 1985
Sensational She-Hulk I#14-17 (May-July, 1990) - Steve Gerber (writer),
Bryan Hitch (pencils), Jim Sanders III (inks), Bobbie Chase (editor)
First Posted: 12/26/2001
Last updated: 03/28/2020
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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