Name: Unrevealed
Identity/Class: Human/Assassin
Occupation: One of Fu Manchus Si-Fan assassins
Group Membership: Si-Fan
Affiliations: former agent of Fu Manchu; The Monster (agent)
Enemies: Shang-Chi, Leiko Wu, "The Monster"
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Tunnel system under New York City
Appearances: Master of Kung-Fu#92 (September; 1980)
Powers/Abilities: He is a highly skilled assassin.
Weaknesses: Being left alone in the tunnels of New York City with no other company that a gorilla, Dweller had become seriously mad
History: (MOKF#92) - Shang-Chi and Leiko Wu come to the grocery store of Angelas grandmother, who claims she has been attacked by The Monster. Shang-Chi and Leiko decides to investigate the monster story, and goes into the tunnel system of New York City. There they discovers the secret hideout of a Si-Fan assassin, whos only company is a large gorilla. The Si-Fan assassin who has been left by Fu Manchu and his other Si-Fan assassins for years, now finally, with the help of the gorilla, tries to kill Shang-Chi and Leiko Wu. He sets off a bomb to destroy a wooden stairway, which begin to burn. Shang-Chi manages to throw the gorilla down from the stairs to Dweller, Dweller shouts at and kicks the gorilla who turns against his master--both perish in the flames while Shang-Chi and Leiko Wu manage to escape.
Comments: Created by Doug Moench & Mick Zeck
Profile by: The Beetle
Dweller In Darkness is not to be confused with:
The Monster of the Dweller in Darkness has no known connection to:
The Monster
A huge gorilla, for years the only company by
the Si-Fan assassin known only as Dweller In
Darkness. The Dweller sent The monster out from
time to time to terrorize the neighborhood, Shang-Chi and Leiko
discovered the truth, and The Monster perished
alongside Dweller in flames when
Dwellers secret hideout went up in flames .
The gorilla was savage and powerful and proved able to stand up
to both Shang-Chi and Leiko Wu in combat.
-- MOKF#92
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Last updated: 09/07/02
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