Real Name: Unrevealed, sort of
Identity/Class: Possibly extradimensional/alternate reality
human mutate
Occupation: Racer;
formerly unrevealed, possibly a costumed adventurer
and police chemist (see comments)
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Makkari, Quasar (Wendell Vaughn), Runner
Enemies: Fooferah
Known Relatives: Unidentified wife
Aliases: "Buried Alien" (or something like that)
Base of Operations: Mobile
First Appearance: (as "Buried Alien") Quasar I#17
(December, 1990);
(as Fastforward): Quasar I#58 (May, 1994)
Powers/Abilities: Fastforward possesses
vast superhuman speed. He is capable of faster-than-light travel propelled
by his own legs. His body and mind are adapted to survive these speeds.
Height: 6'0" (by approximation)
Weight: 165 lbs. (by approximation)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
(Quasar I#17 (fb) - BTS) - The man who would later become
Fastforward was native to another world and
superhuman speed.
(Quasar I#58 (fb) - BTS) - In his native reality, the man
had a wife.

(Quasar I#17 (fb) - BTS) - At some point, the man was running and ended up
out of his home universe, losing his memory and even forgetting his name.
(Quasar I#17) - The man ended
up in reality-616 during the midst of a marathon held by the
Elder known as the Runner to determine the fastest man on Earth. He came
to his senses and concluded that while he was definitely not in his home
universe, he had no idea where he was. He also did not remember his name
or any details of his life. The speedster noticed that he only remembered
how he had been running and after that, he ran forward.
The Eternal Makkari held the lead in the Earth marathon until the
unidentified speedster suddenly appeared behind the racers and outran the
remaining competitors. At the finish line, the man was met by the Runner.
Despite not starting with everyone else, he was crowned the winner and
qualified to compete in the Galactic Marathon. When Runner asked about his
name, he replied that he was not sure but he recalled his name sounded
like "Buried Alien." He then said that, instead of participating in the
Galactic Marathon, he would like to return home but the Runner insisted
that "speed is his home."

(Quasar I#58 (fb) - BTS) - After some time, having failed to
remember his real name, the man took the alias of Fastforward and began
actively preparing for the Galactic Marathon.

(Quasar I#58) - Fastforward was warming up for the
Galactic Marathon when Makkari arrived. He watched Makkari talking with
the Runner and then walked over to them himself. He congratulated Makkari
on the Runner letting him participate in the race and befriended him. When
asked by Makkari about his past, Fastforward replied that since he didn't
remember anything, he had decided to leave everything behind for a while.
He then admitted that he got joy out of running and that was all that he
needed at that moment. When the Marathon began, Fastforward rushed
forward. During the race, he was in the lead but he saw that the
competitor known as Fooferah was cheating and attempting to take Makkari
out of the competition. Fastforward sacrificed his position in the race to
save Makkari and take out Fooferah. Makkari went on to win the race but
the entire event was disqualified due to Fooferah's cheating. Fastforward
met Makkari at the finish line, who at that moment was sitting in the
stands. Makkari asked why he fell behind, to which Fastforward replied
that he had stopped Fooferah, who was cheating, at the cost of his own
victory. Fastforward explained that winning didn't meant anything to him:
he took part in the Marathon only to share the joy of running with other
speedsters. Makkari, having achieved "ultimate speed," found himself
trapped at a rate of motion so rapid that he could no longer interact with
normally moving beings. Fastforward and Makkari both relinquished their
rights to compete in a repeat marathon in order to help Makkari readjust
to normal speed and find a way to take Fastforward back to his home
Comments: Created by Mark Gruenwald, Peter
Sanderson, Mike Manley and John Heebink.
When Fastforward was originally created, he was an homage to
Barry Allen, DC's second Flash, who had just died (at
the time) by running himself out of existence during the Crisis
on Infinite Earths. "Buried Alien"...Barry Allen. More
info on this character.
Profile by Snood,
slightly reformatted & given a new link by the
Daevanator. Updated by Mike
Fastforward has no known connections to:
- Fast,
Air Force member formerly known as Sparrow @ New Warriors I#65
- Fastback,
Cannibal Catch member @ Nomad II#18
- Fastball,
Timothy Ferris of New Universe's Troubleshooters @ Spitfire and the
- Flash (Barry Allen), DC
Comics' famous super-speedster @ Showcase I#4
- or any other "Fastforward" characters
images: (without ads)
Quasar I#58, p13, pan1 (main image)
Quasar I#58, p6, pan6 (headshot)
Quasar I#17, p17, pan3 ("Buried Alien" first appearing in reality-616)
Quasar I#58, p6, pan4 (Fastforward standing)
Quasar I#58, p12, pan4-6 (Fastforward vs. Fooferah)
Quasar I#58, p22, pan5 (Fastforward & Makkari after the end of the
Galactic Marathon)
Quasar I#17 (December, 1990) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Mike Manley
(pencils, inks), Howard Mackie (editor)
Quasar I#58 (May, 1994) - Mark Gruenwald, Peter Sanderson (writers),
John Heebink (pencils), Aaron McClellan (inks), Ralph Macchio (editor)
First Posted: 09/01/2001
Last updated: 10/08/2021
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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