Real Name
: Unknown (if any)Identity/Class: Giant terrestrial insectoid creature/Unknown (See Comments)
Occupation: Unknown (if applicable)
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: None known; possibly the Cockroach Conspiracy (See Comments)
: Captain Mar-VellKnown Relatives: None known
Aliases: the Flea
Base of Operations: Unknown, presumably mobile
First Appearance: In a Hostess ad appearing in January 1982 editions of Marvel comic books (example: Marvel Team-Up#113)
Powers/Abilities: Little is known about the powers or abilities of the
Giant Flea Market Eating Flea. Presumably, the Flea possesses the
characteristics similar, if not completely identical, to conventional,
terrestrial fleas, which would be directly proportional to its great size.
Such abilities would include Hulk-like leaps of great distance, superhuman
strength (50 times that of its body weight), and an atmospheric-change detection
system similar to a "danger" sense. Unlike common fleas, the
Flea apparently levitates through the air via a nimbus of invisible energy
similar in appearance to the Invisible Woman's force field
(See left-sided image). This may be
due to some type of psionic (mentally -powered) ability. If the Flea's
levitation power is mentally-based, it may be a sentient creature, despite the
relatively small size of its head, where the brain of a regular flea would be
located. Of course, the bulk of the Flea's brain could be located within
its large thorax (its body or trunk) as well as its head, making it a creature
with a cephalothorax, in turn.
History: BTS - The Giant Flea-Market-Eating Flea devoured the Englishtown Flea Market.
A month later, the Flea appeared at the world's largest flea market, startling those in attendance.
Either by coincidence or design, Captain Marvel arrived, as well. The alien superhero baited the Flea with Hostess® Twinkies and then trapped it under a net, ending its insatiable threat.Comments: Creators unknown
Like most of the other Hostess characters, little is known about the Giant Flea Market Eating Flea. Given that Captain Marvel encountered the Flea, perhaps it hailed from the extra-dimensional realms of the Negative Zone or the Microverse. Given its insectoid appearance and name, the Flea might join as an ally in the Cockroach Conspiracy!
Of all the Hostess villains, only Icemaster
has shown up in an Earth-616 title. He could have crossed over to
Earth-616 from "Earth-Hostess, " but I say leave them on Earth-616
until proven otherwise. Nonetheless, until they do show up in regular
continuity, they remain outside regular canon. Surely someone will write a
story teaming them all together This is not true anymore as some Hostess ad villains were mentioned in the Fantastic Four Encyclopedia as natives of Earth-616. And lets not forget about Printout Man in the New Avengers Most Wanted Files.
--“ptera” means wings.
You can get the whole story, and some clever commentary from Seanbaby's The Hostess Page. It might not meet with the Comics Code Authority's approval, so kids, ask your parents before checking that out!
Thanks to
CHANGELING for providing the images for this entry.CLARIFICATIONS: The Hostess ad character, the Flea Market Eating Flea should not be distinguished from:
Any other flea market eating character, you know, since there are so many of
them out there! NOOCH!
"Flea Bargaining", pan5 (main image)
Last updated
: 05/06/03Any Additions/Corrections? please
let me know.Non-Marvel
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