man named) FRANK
Real Name: Frank
Identity/Class: Human (early 20th Century)
Occupation: Bounty hunter and vigilante;
former soldier and cattle rancher
Affiliations: Father Domingo and a pair
of nuns
Augustus/"Gus" (weapons supplier);
former employee of Angus MacCauley
Enemies: Breed, Liam and brother Dunn, Tuck Jurgenson/Swede, Angus MacCauley, Pigeyes, Billy Simms
Known Relatives: Maria (wife, deceased), unnamed son and daughter (both deceased)
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Western USA and
territories, late 19th and early 20th Century;
formerly the New Mexico territories,
First Appearance: Punisher: A Man Named Frank (1994)
Powers/Abilities: Frank possessed no superhuman powers or abilities. Frank was an experienced horseman and marksman. He had access to a variety of different types of guns from his era, and was skilled with each of them.
Height: 6'3'' Weight:
225 lbs.
(Punisher: A Man Named Frank [fb] - BTS) <1898> - Frank
served alongside Augustus and others in the 10th Cavalry under
Pershing in the Spanish-American War. He was active in both
Santiago and Cuba, and even met Teddy Roosevelt during one of his
campaigns. After the war, he and his wife Maria and their two
kids settled on a ranch in the New Mexico territory.
(Punisher: A Man Named Frank)
Frank followed the lead to Angus MacCauley's ranch and signed on as a gunhand. MacCauley instructed him not to discourage cattle rustlers, but rather to punish them.
Frank pursued this goal with vigor, but came no closer to locating the other three killers. Eventually, he learned that many of MacCauley's cattle were being sent over to Mexico, and Frank investigated this. Amongst the men selling the cattle to the Mexicans, were two more of his family's killers, along with Tuck Jurgenson, MacCauley's right hand man. Frank sabotaged the trestle on a bridge the beef was being transported across. With the transport stopped, Frank picked up his two targets and dozens of others amongst those who fired back at him, but was forced to flee the large number of Mexican revolutionaries who came after him.
Frank returned to MacCauley's ranch, where MacCauley revealed that he was allowing the Mexican sales to occur for the large profit he received. Jurgenson emerged and held Frank at gunpoint. When Tuck asked MacCauley for rock candy in his whiskey, Frank glanced over and saw his wife's crucifix around Tuck's neck, marking him as Frank's final target. The sudden, violent arrival of the Mexican revolutionaries provided a distraction that allowed Frank to slip away. After weeding his way through the revolutionaries, Frank doubled back and confronted Tuck, who had had his gun hand injured in the preceding struggle. When questioned, Tuck revealed that his signed "S" stood for "Swede" a nickname from Billy Simms. Unarmed, Swede begged for mercy; Frank did not give it. Instead, Frank gave him a bullet.
Though his initial mission was now over, Frank had found a new criminal to punish. He tracked MacCauley to New York and executed him. Knowing there was nothing else he could ever do again, Frank decided to stick to the trail of he'd cut for himself: to ride where the law doesn't reach. To punish all trespassers.
Comments: Frank was created by Chuck Dixon and John Buscema.
Strictly speaking, Frank was never named the Punisher.
For pre-modern era stories, the dates can be considered as accurate, and not topical.
Profile edited/updated by Kyle Sims
No direct connection to:
First Posted: 08/25/2003
Last updated: 04/28/2004
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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