Real Name: Unrevealed
Identity/Class: Human/Mutate (Earth-84041)
Occupation: Pencil-pusher/superhero
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Generic
Girlfriend; Generic Boss
Enemies: Parsons, Sanderson, Emily Carstairs
Known Relatives: Unnamed Mother, Unnamed Father, Bobby
(Younger Brother)
Aliases: None
Base Of Operations: Manhattan, NY
First Appearence: Generic Comic Book: Type Super-Hero
Action Adventure#1 (April, 1984)
Powers/Abilities: Slightly enhanced strength, Super speed
(Um... Around 30mph, I guess...), enhanced leaping abilities...
Basically he became an Olympic-level athlete. Along with all
that, he had a complete and total lack of shame and silver hair
Weaknesses: Negative thinking
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 225 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: White (formerly brown)
(Generic Comic Book#1) Our unnamed hero walks his girlfriend to
the bus stop, where she is catching a bus to her Aunt Clara's,
who is sick. Seeing her off, he stops by at the hospital to visit
his comatose little brother Bobby. On his way home, he is held up
at gunpoint by muggers who take all his money, leaving barely
enough for a subway ride home in change. After sneaking in, he
gets so angry about his status in life that he smashes his
favorite glow in the dark snowglobe of 3 Mile Island. See, that's
his hobby. Collecting glow in the dark stuff. Yep. Anyway, after
spending 19 years of his life surrounded by glow in the dark
doohickeys, he is awakened to the sound of popping. As he reaches
his bathroom mirror, he realizes it was just the sound of his
muscles popping out! Also, his hair is now silver! At the
breakfast table he worries about his parents noticing his
changes, but they're too busy with their morning rituals.
Sneaking out to catch the bus, he rips the screen door right off
it's hinges. Just missing it, he runs to catch it... And does!
His boss compliments him on his recent muscle growth, but
Parsons, who has always hated him, says he can't fool him with a
padded suit. Emily Carstairs, the office flirt, hits on him, but
there's something important he has to do... Look in the phone
book for a store selling superhero uniforms! A little low on
money, he has to buy the tacky economy superhero outfit. Sneaking
into his house late, he gets past his parents, who are watching
some kind of prime time soap. Putting on his costume, he sneaks
out his window to do super stuff. Spotting some hooligans trying
to mug some lady, our hero dives into action. He quickly disposes
of them, until the evil genius Sanderson shows up and plants
negative thoughts in his mind. While our hero is trembling in
fear, Sanderson slowly walks up to him to hit him with his super
special... Punch to the gut! When the hero wakes up, he heads for
home, but it's already time for work. Barely making it through
the daily grind, he takes a short nap and paints his old football
helmet white to match his costume. Easily taking care of
Sanderson's cronies, he gained revenge on the mad genius,
revealing that he had put a self-help tape in his football
helmet. As the police showed up, he took Sanderson's helmet and
made a hasty exit. After his success last night, he walked into
work the next morning feeling like he owned the world.
Unfortunately, the cops are there and arrest his boss for hiring
Sanderson last night! Realizing that now Parsons is his boss, our
hero wonders if this is the reality he'll hafta put up with from
now on.
Comments: Created by Steve Skeates & Dave Morris.
To quote Mr. Generic, about his $29.95 costume, "I'll probably have to miss a few lunches this week!"
The Generic Super-Hero's adventures could
easily occurred in the MU, but until clarified, they're fringe
adventures, and will be lumped into an alternate Earth
(Earth-Generic, naturally), until clarified as otherwise--Snood.
Or Earth-84041 as it is now!
--Markus Raymond
The Generic Super-Hero got a full entry in Marvel Legacy: The 1980s Handbook.
Profile by: Zerostar
Clarifications: Generic Super-Hero is not to be confused with:
A former "respected scientist" who gave up the sweet life for a career on the mad side. He invented a helmet which, when combined with his insults, brutally injured anyone's self esteem. After Super-Hero beat up the muggers, Sanderson recruited them as his thug squad. Despite his success in their first encounter, Super-Hero's self help tape proved to be too much for his insults and he was quickly defeated. Afterwards he confessed to the police that Super-Hero's boss hired him to rob some place to cover for him dipping into company assets.
Generic Girlfriend:
Super-Hero's main squeeze, she left town to help her sick aunt.
She seemed very supportive and loving of Super-Hero (God knows he
needs all the help he can get... GLOW IN THE DARK STUFF, I TELLS
Bobby has been in this "same pathetic coma for over three
months now!" Apparently he's waiting for an operation, as
Super-Hero mentions that getting a promotion and a raise will help
him somehow. Poor kid is probably STILL in a coma.
: The hero's boss at his dayjob. Hired Sanderson to rob
some place to cover for his embezzlement. He seemed like a nice
enough guy and liked Super-Hero's work around the office though.
All around mean dude. Liked to put down Super-Hero every chance he
got, but after the boss was fired, he became Super-Hero's new
boss. DOH!
Emily Carstairs:
The office flirt. After Super-Hero's transformation, she hit on
him, but he was having none of it.
Generic Comic Book: Type Super-Hero Action Adventure#1 (April, 1984) - Steve Skeates (writer), Dave Morris & "Many Hands" (pencils)
Last updated: 09/08/02
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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