Real Name: Dr. Sumner Samuel Beckwith (see comments)
Identity/Class: Human mutate
Occupation: Former genetic research scientist; later swamp monster
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Formerly the Pantheon
Enemies: Hulk, Man-Thing, Rick Jones
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: "Man-Thing"
Base of Operations: Florida Everglades
Education: Ph.D. in genetics
First Appearance: Incredible Hulk II#389 (January
Powers/Abilities: The Glob’s body is composed of
a slightly unstable "mud"-like matter. He can excrete similar slime-like
material from his body, which he uses to smother living beings. As he used
a derivative of Ted Sallis’s flawed Super-Soldier Formula, it is possible
that he could regenerate body parts in the same manner Sallis (as Man-Thing)
could, but no such evidence was presented during his appearances.
Height: (Beckwith) 5' &"; (Glob) 6' 6"
(Incredible Hulk I#389) - Roughly a year later, Paris, a member
of the Pantheon, realized the possible connection between a rash of murders
by a "swamp monsters" in the Everglades and the disappearance of Beckwith.
He sent the Hulk and Rick Jones down to investigate. There, Jones encountered
a group of thrill-seeking kids who knocked him unconscious and tied him up
to a tree in order to draw out the Man-Thing. However, the Man-Thing was
not the first to arrive, but rather Beckwith, now a mud-monster, was, bringing
along two dead bodies of the kids who ran across him earlier. Beckwith/Glob
attempted to smother Jones, but was pushed away by the real Man-Thing, who
sensed Rick’s fear. However, before the Man-Thing could touch Jones,
the Hulk arrived on the scene, distracting both monsters. He then fought
with the Glob and began hurting the creature so much that it began to feel
fear. Driven by the emotion, the Man-Thing grabbed the Glob, and Beckwith
burst into flames, reduced to a pile of ash and mud.
Comments: Created by Tom Field, Gary Barker, and Mark
This was a fill-in issue during Peter David’s long run
on the book, and it shows.
First, the Glob’s real name: At the beginning, Paris refers
to him as Sumner Beckwith. However, after he dies, the narration refers to
him as Dr. Samuel Beckwith. Since this is a Hulk comic, I think
it’s fitting that we see this in the David Robert Bruce Banner mold,
and assume his name is a combination of the two.
Secondly, there has only been a gap of one year between the
time of Beckwith’s original project and the story. Yet, the Hulk confuses
him with the original Glob, whom he fought many years before. How he can
think this is the same creature, especially after he realizes it is Beckwith,
is beyond me. And somehow, he manages to "recognize" the Glob, yet doesn’t
recognize the real Man-Thing, whom he’s encountered before too. In fact,
he encountered him at least once while encountering the Glob as well!
The dates given in Beckwith’s journal of occurring in 1990
can be seen as topical, and should move along with Marvel’s sliding
I’ve listed "Man-Thing" under other aliases, as he was
mistaken for the real thing throughout the story.
Profile by Madison Carter
The Glob has no known connections to
Incredible Hulk II#389, page 17, panel 4; page 15, panel 4
First Posted: 03/17/2004
Any Additions/Corrections? please
let me know.
Non-Marvel Copyright
info Special Thanks to for hosting the Appendix, Master List, etc.!
Weight: (Beckwith) 192 lbs.; (Glob) 900 lbs.
Eyes: (Beckwith) Blue; (Glob) Brown
Hair: (Beckwith) Black; (Glob) None
History: (Incredible Hulk II#389 (fb)) - The Pantheon hired Beckwith
to head their medical research center in Florida. Needing seclusion due to
the danger of the toxic chemicals he was going to use in genetic experiments
in an attempt to cure cancer, Beckwith worked alone in the Everglades. While
there, he discovered Ted Sallis’s old research journals, and traveled
to Sallis’s old laboratory. Upon recreating the flawed Super-Soldier
Formula that Sallis had created, Beckwith decided to test it upon himself.
Soon after, he began mutating into something different.
Last updated: 04/12/2004
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