godwulf-7484-dlok31-fullGODWULFGodwulf - Deathlok II#31 - upper

Real Name: Unrevealed

Identity/Class: Alternate Reality (Earth-7484 / Earth-Deathlok) human cyborg

Occupation: Freedom Fighter;
    former technician/field agent for
Nth Command;

Group Membership: Formerly Brand Corporation, Nth Command, Nth Commandos, Roxxon Oil Company

Affiliations: Justice Peace, Redeemers (Big Man, Gentle Sam, Iron Butterfly, Sage, Swashbuckler);
    Iron Butterfly was notably his former lover;
    formerly the CIA's Luther Manning clone, Deathlok the Demolisher (Luther Manning),
Henry Akai/Timestream;
    unwittingly formerly
Red Skull;
Deathlok (Michael Collins), Nth Command, Siege;
    (other realities): Justice Peace and the Time Variance Authority (loose, intermittent alliances)

Enemies: (Earth-7484): Avengers, Bangers, DefendersDemolisher (formerly Deathlok), Doomsday-Mech (Hellinger's Luther Manning clone), Doomsday/Alpha-Mechs, Fantastic Four (Human Torch/Johnny Storm, Invisible Woman/Sue Storm, Mr. Fantastic/Reed Richards, Thing/Ben Grimm), Hellinger (Harlan Ryker), Mason and his associates, Timestream (Henry Akai) and his mechanoid agents, X-Men and other heroes;
        presumably Red Skull, Simon Ryker;
        formerly the U.S government (circa 1983 A.D.);
Luther Manning (transformed into Deathlok form and manipulated by Timestream), Mentallo (Marvin Flumm)
    (other realities): Justice Peace, Time Variance Authority;

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: Skulker of the City's Underside; Perpetrator of the Godwulf Principle

Base of Operations: (All Earth-7484)
    the pedestal/remnants of the Statue of Liberty, Liberty Island, New York (circa 2011 A.D.);
    formerly the Redeemers' central command post, Manhattan, New York (circa 1993 A.D.);
    formerly a base within Manhattan's 23rd  Street Station (circa 1991 A.D.);
    formerly Nth Command Central (circa 1983 A.D.)

First Appearance: Astonishing Tales I#36 (July, 1976)

Powers/Abilities: Godwulf primarily relies on physical skills including hand-to-hand combat, archery, and rope swinging.
    At least by 2011 A.D., Godwulf used arrows charged with some form of energy.

    Despite his otherwise primitive appearance, Godwulf apparently has cybernetic technology within his body, allowing him to plug into and connect with computer systems directly.

    Godwulf also has a mastery of advanced technology, including a vast communications network and a functional time machine. godwulf-7484-dlokii29-2-face

    He eventually wore a belt and a pair of gauntlets which allowed him to navigate the timestream on his own. One of his gauntlets was stolen, thus, at least temporarily, neutralizing this ability.
    At least one of the gauntlets contained a
using probability sensor, that allowed him to evaluate the chances of success of any actions he might take.

    His gauntlet, belt or other technology allowed him to levitate and to walk on the surface of a body of water.

    In his more recent appearances, he had the ability to erase the memories of another (at least the memories of the last hour) via brief contact with the target's cranium.

    He is experienced in operating the Redeemers' personal aircraft, rocket-powered and possessing paired lateral blaster units on their aft ends (although he still generally used his bow and arrow as much as possible).

Height: (Unrevealed) approximately 6'
Weight: (Unrevealed) approximately 200 lbs.
Eyes Blue
Hair: Blond


Godwulf - Captain America I#288 - full

(Captain America I#288 (fb) / Deathlok II#34) - Godwulf acted for 6-10 years as an agent of the Nth Command, a subsidiary of the Brand Corporation, which was a subsidiary of Roxxon Oil.

(Deathlok II#34 (fb)) - Nth Command's Henry Akai designed the Nth Generator and Nth Projectors.

(Marvel Fanfare II#1 (fb) - BTS) - The Red Skull secretly funded and directed Roxxon's Nth Command in these efforts.

(Captain America I#289 (fb) - BTS) - After training for ten years the Nth Commandos were sent into action.

(Captain America I#288 (fb) / Deathlok II#32 (fb) / Deathlok II#34 (fb)) <1983 A.D.> - Invading the headquarters of the Avengers, Fantastic Four and the X-Men, the Nth Commandos used their Nth Projectors to beam the heroes to extradimensional realms where most, if not all, were instantly killed.

(Captain America I#289) - Godwulf and Iron Butterfly were on the team who broke into the Baxter Building to eliminate the Fantastic Four. See here for presumably similar actions on Earth-616

    The success of Operation: Purge represents the point of divergence from Earth-616

(Captain America I#288 (fb) / Deathlok II#34) - These years of service culminated in Operation: Purge. One day, several units of Nth Commandos had made synchronized attacks on the headquarters of the Fantastic Four, Avengers, X-Men, and Defenders. Using Nth Projectors, all of these adventurers were displaced to alternate realities where they would soon die. Also, individual metahuman adventurers had been hunted down and similarly teleported. Roxxon, with no metahumans to worry about, attacked the U.S. government, intending a quick coup d'etat.godwulf-7484-at36-swing

(Deathlok II#34 (fb) - BTS) - The Nth Generator exploded, destroying Nth Command HQ and empowering Akai while slaying everyone else present.

(Captain America I#288 (fb) - The Nth Projectors consumed so much power that it had taken a long time to generate just the power for Operation: Purge that rebuilding the Nth Generator and using the projectors for the coup d'etat was out of the question. Roxxon thus relied on more conventional weaponry for their struggle against the U.S. government. A prolonged struggle resulted.

    The U.S. government fragmented, with the CIA setting up a hegemony here, the military a hegemony there. Overseas, repercussions included war in the Near East. Then wars started up in other hotspots. Finally, a spectacular attack on New York -- by whom it remains unclear -- took place.
    An evacuation was attempted, but more people may have died in the panic to escape than in the actual bombing.

    Scrounging together some leftover technology, Godwulf  -- having changed his views on life as a result of the previous events -- sought to atone for his actions in Operation: Purge.

(Captain America I#287 (fb) - BTS) - Godwulf considered Captain America a hero and guiding spirit.

godwulf-7484-at36-kick(Astonishing Tales I#36 (fb) - BTS) - Godwulf practiced a number of combat maneuvers, such as swinging on a cable and kicking down a pair of men, and anxiously awaited the chance to perform them.

(Astonishing Tales I#36 (fb) - BTS) - Mason and/or his associates encountered Godwulf under unrevealed circumstances, but they were apparently easily defeated.

(Astonishing Tales II#36 - BTS / Marvel Spotlight#33 (fb) - BTS) - While Deathlok battled Hellinger's Doomsday-Mech, Godwulf clandestinely caused it to vanish before it could destroy Deathlok.

(Marvel Spotlight#33 (fb) - BTS) - Godwulf's actions made Hellinger aware of his abilities.

(Marvel Two-In-One I#27 (fb) - BTS) - The telepathic Earth-616 villain Mentallo learned of Deathlok's existence by eavesdropping on Spider-Man's thoughts after he had returned to his own time after encountering Deathlok on Earth-7484.

(Astonishing Tales II#36) - As Deathlok battled a number of Simon Ryker's agents (Mason and his associates) in Manhattan's 23rd Street (subway) Station, Godwulf came swinging in. Surprised at his scant clothing, Deathlok asked, "Who's the dude in the underwear?" Godwulf replied that he was the one who was about to save Deathlok from himself, and one of Ryker's agents was distraught to see "him again," considering that they had not a chance in -- and Godwulf kicked them down before the man could finish his sentence; Godwulf was pleased to have finally performed this often-practiced maneuver.

    Godwulf then cordially confronted Deathlok, commenting on Deathlok's presumed confusion, and Godwulf introduced himself, and noted himself to be the "skulker of the city's underside and the perpetrator of the Godwulf principle -- that edict, by no means divine, which advocates sabotage. Commenting on Godwulf's use of bow and arrow against men with automatic weapons and asked if he was crazy. Godwulf told him, "Not quite," but before he could continue, Deathlok told him that he did not have for an overly long discussion, although he did note that  Godwulf had some explaining to do and wondered why they had never met before. godwulf-7484-at36-cableport-dlokbanished

    Godwulf respectfully told Deathlok that his impatience was unwarranted and that his presence was unwanted. Appreciating Godwulf's meaning, Deathlok told him he was going to complete his mission anyway, and Godwulf futilely tried to warn him as he tripped over a wire. Godwulf leapt to safety as a bomb in the wall exploded, after which he told Deathlok he had tried to alert him to this and offered him a hand up, but Deathlok warned him that if tried to help he would beat him. Godwulf then turned and noted that they would part company, but the curious Deathlok followed him. Godwulf entered his base, connected himself to its computers via a port in his chest, and turned some dials.

(Marvel Spotlight I#33) - When Deathlok entered the room, Godwulf told him that when he bade him "au revoir," he was merely being polite, and he did not expect to see him again so soon. "And I simply abhor bring followed! Therefore, my dear death-machine, this time I must extend a most firm farewell -- forever!"

(Astonishing Tales#36 / Marvel Spotlight I#33) - Godwulf's computers formed an energy field, causing Deathlok to vanish.

(Astonishing Tales#36 / Marvel Spotlight I#33 / Marvel Two-In-One#27 (fb) - BTS) - Godwulf transported Deathlok across time and dimensions back to Earth-616, before Operation: Purge had occurred, to briefly hide and protect him from Hellinger.

(Marvel Spotlight#33 - BTS) - However, this plan backfired, since Hellinger had monitored Godwulf's displacement of Deathlok via Terminal Eye read-out.godwulf-7484-mspot33-face

(Marvel Spotlight#33 - BTS) - Godwulf subsequently considered aloud that he hoped Deathlok harbored no hard feelings, as he often had to do what was most expedient.

(Marvel Spotlight#33 - BTS) - Unsure of Godwulf's intentions and considering Godwulf's behavior to have been absolutely arbitrary, and considering Godwulf's inexplicable power made him a threat (to Hellinger) against which only Deathlok's power may prove sufficient to prevail, Hellinger resolved to summon Deathlok from the past.

(Marvel Spotlight I#33 / Marvel Two-In-One#27 (fb) - BTS) - Godwulf attempted to return Deathlok to his proper time soon after he had transported him.

(Marvel Two-In-One#26 (fb) - BTS) - Seeking to use Deathlok as their pawn, the Fixer and Mentallo traveled to the Baxter Building, the base of the Fantastic Four, and used Dr. Doom's time machine to snatch Deathlok from the timestream and returned him to the modern time period of Earth-616.

(Marvel Spotlight I#33 / Marvel Two-In-One#26 (fb) - BTS) - This transportation thwarted both Hellinger and Godwulf's efforts. Both Godwulf and Hellinger apparently lost track of Deathlok due to this.

(Marvel Spotlight#33) - Godwulf apologized after the fact for having transported Deathlok away, stating that he had merely done what was most expedient.

(Marvel Spotlight#33 - BTS / Marvel Two-In-One I#27 (fb) - BTS) - Godwulf, who had only sent Deathlok back in time to remove him from Hellinger's attention, attempted to return Deathlok to his proper time. However, this plan backfired, since Hellinger had monitored Godwulf's displacement of Deathlok, and not knowing who Godwulf was, Hellinger decided to return Deathlok to his proper time to find out. Independently, Godwulf also attempted to return Deathlok to his proper time. Neither got Deathlok, since Mentallo and his partner the Fixer used a Doctor Doom-style time machine to bring Deathlok to the present and enslave him. Godwulf lost track of Deathlok due to this.

(Captain America I#288 (fb)) - BTS) - While Godwulf and most were unaware of the situation overseas, the US military eventually wrested control, but they retained a very tenuous grip on things, as there were dozens of powerful splinter groups itching for a takeover. Eventually, Hellinger proved himself to be a threat to make all the others look like amateurs.

(Captain America#288 (fb) - BTS) - Having rebuilt himself in giant form, Hellinger decided that humanity had reduced the previously logical world into chaos and had to be destroyed.

    With his Alpha-Mechs now walking plutonium bombs, Hellinger strategically stationed them around the world, planning to release his signal, unleashing their nuclear fury and <presumably destroying humanity>. He intended for his machine followers (including humans re-built into mechanical or at least cyborg form), which he called "Homo Ascendant," to rule the world.godwulf-7484-cap286-lmc-sentback

(Captain America I#288 (fb)) - BTS) - At some point (see comments), Godwulf gathered together some of his fellow former Nth Commandos -- notably the ones at least now going by the aliases Big Man, Gentle Sam, Iron Butterfly, Sage, and Swashbuckler -- as his Redeemers. Although they had not considered the ramifications of their actions until it was too late, they strove against all odds to build some meaning from the chaos the brought on, to atone. Their shared experiences, emotions, and goals established a strong bond amongst the members.
    Godwulf and Iron Butterfly, if they were not already so, became lovers.

    The Redeemers established their central command post in Manhattan, a walking distance from the 23rd Street (subway) Station in which Godwulf had a base. They cobbled together machines from post-war leftovers.

    They further recruited a relatively small number of followers who engaged in war against Hellinger and the other would-be enslavers of America.

(Deathlok II#34 (fb) - BTS) - Godwulf allied with Timestream in efforts to destroy Hellinger.

(Captain America#288 (fb) - BTS) - Godwulf was approached by the Luther Manning clone (the one originally possessed by Simon Ryker and later associated with the CIA; the one with Deathlok's memories and computer link-up). The clone stated that he theorized that Deathlok might still be alive in another era. Godwulf offered him a chance to prove his theory.godwulf-7484-cap287-capgush

(Captain America I#286) - Godwulf sent the surviving Luther Manning clone from his 23rd Street station subway base back and across time to Earth-616, just days before Operation: Purge.

(Captain America I#287 - BTS) - Although the Luther Manning clone had perished at a re-programmed Deathlok's hands, it restored Deathlok's memories before dying, and Deathlok traveled to the 23rd Street Station and had Godwulf transport him back to his own timeline. Having followed Deathlok, Captain America leapt into the temporal portal and arrived in Earth-7484's 1993 A.D.

(Captain America I#287) <1993 A.D.> - As Deathlok arrived on Earth-7484 at Godwulf's 23rd Street station subway base, Godwulf started to ask where the clone was but was shocked by Captain America's arrival. As Godwulf gushed over Captain America, Deathlok grabbed him by the hair and demanded explanations. Cap calmed Deathlok, telling him that Godwulf would provide the answers they wanted without his bullying.

(Captain America I#287 (fb) - BTS) - Cap and Deathlok explained to Godwulf the circumstances of the clone's death and how Captain America had become involved.

(Captain America I#287) - When Captain America asked for an explanation of what was going on, Godwulf started by showing Cap the devastated appearance of Manhattan in his time.

(Captain America I#288) - En route to the Redeemers' central command post, Godwulf caught up Captain America on the history of Earth-7484.

 (Captain America I#288) - Godwulf introduced Deathlok and Captain America to the Redeemers, who were ecstatic to meet the legend from their past. Godwulf then detailed Hellinger's plot, and he and Captain America convinced Deathlok that he (Deathlok) was the symbol or rallying point that the Redeemers and their associates needed to defeat Hellinger.

(Captain America I#288 - BTS) - As always, Hellinger was aware of their actions via his Terminal Eye monitors.

(Captain America I#288) - Detecting as Captain America, Deathlok, Godwulf and the Redeemers approached his stronghold in their personal aircraft, Hellinger launched a number of blaster probes at them. Godwulf took out at least one of them with his bow and arrow.godwulf-7484-cap288-firingarrows

    The group ultimately took out the rest of the blaster probes and landed at the base of Hellinger's stronghold. Too late, Deathlok's computer warned them as Hellinger opened the floor from underneath them. As they fell toward the base, some kind of air-jets below them slowed their fall, preventing injury upon landing within the maze..

     As the group navigated the maze, Hellinger progressively captured them in pairs; he assured  the group that those captured would not be killed but rather transformed into "Homo-Ascendant" cyborgs under his control. 

    Two trios of tentacles extended from a wall, grabbed Iron Butterfly and Godwulf, and pulled them against the wall, which then flipped 180 degrees. They were gone before Captain America or Deathlok could react, but Deathlok urged Captain America to leave them and continue forward to Hellinger.

(Captain America I#288 - BTS) - Guided by his computer (which was almost certainly already influenced by Hellinger), Deathlok led Captain America out of the maze and into Hellinger's control center.

mesmerized and immobilized the pair (using his machines to wrest control of Deathlok's computer mind), but Deathlok ultimately overcame his programming and blasted Hellinger repeatedly, blowing him to bits (and then turning and blasting his control for the Alpha-Mechs).

    With Hellinger's death, the entire fortress died with him; machinery short-circuited, imploded, and screamed, leaving only silence. Apparently with Hellinger dead, his Alpha-Mechs ceased to function as well. Godwulf and the Redeemers were released from the maze.

(Captain America I#288) - Godwulf noted that while Hellinger was gone, there was a whole world out there that's still in "one devil of a mess" and needed all the help it could get. Deathlok agreed to help him in this endeavor.

(Captain America I#289 - BTS) - Captain America returned to the modern era of Earth-616, where he succeeded in destroying the power source of Nth Command, effectively nullifying Operation: Purge, and thus diverging Earth-616 from Earth-7484.

godwulf-7484-dlok32-tbaseextassaultgodwulf-7484-dlok32-tbaseintassault(Deathlok II#32 (fb) - BTS) - Restoring a semblance of civilization apparently drew the interest of a foreign monarch (this was Henry Akai, aka Timestream, although on Godwulf knew his identity) who established a command center from which he launched a cyber-tank army that ravaged the country (presumably America).

(Deathlok II#34 (fb) - BTS) - Apparently after Timestream/Japan's forces established a presence in America, Godwulf resolved that he did not want Timestream in his country.

(Deathlok II#32 (fb)) - Obsessed with destroying this foreign monarch and realizing that an attack against him would be a suicide mission, Godwulf led Deathlok and the Redeemers against his command center to eliminate his control of the cyber-tank army, and they went along without question. Arriving via their personal aircraft, they fought their way in and battled the mechanoids within. When Iron Butterfly was impaled by a mechanoid and called out to Godwulf, he stated that there was not time to help her, and he continued on the mission.

(Deathlok II#32 (fb) - BTS) - Appreciating that she was dying, Iron Butterfly fired into the mechanoids, taking as many of the mechanoids with her as she could. Ultimately the group succeeded in destroying their target.

(Deathlok II#32 (fb)) - Godwulf and the others escaped the command center on foot, but as they got into their aircraft and fled, the base's defenses took out the rest of the Redeemers' ships. Only Godwulf and Deathlok made it out, and they believed the rest of the Redeemers to have perished. Timestream survived as well.

    The retaliation for this mission led to massive nuclear attacks from three sides.

(Deathlok II#31 (fb) - The ensuing conflicts toppled what was left of civilization.

(Deathlok II#32 (fb) - BTS) - Godwulf blamed the CIA for not doing things his way, while Deathlok was sure that Godwulf had known that this would be the result of their actions.

    Believing that Godwulf had been withholding information from the others, Deathlok separated from Godwulf.

(Deathlok II#31 (fb) - BTS) - Godwulf underwent a trial and was disciplined by the Time Variance Authority for his use of unauthorized time travel.

(Deathlok II#33 (fb) - BTS) - Godwulf fought alongside Justice Peace during some unknown struggle.

(Deathlok II#33 (fb) - BTS) - The Time Variance Authority commissioned Godwulf to capture and execute Timestream for his threats to the temporal continuum.

    Godwulf defeated Timestream, but gave him the option of life imprisonment as a gesture of honor.

    Timestream accepted that option but later escaped.

(Deathlok II#29/2 (fb) - BTS) - At some point, Godwulf established a base within the remains of the Statue of Liberty/pedestal.

godwulf-7484-dlokii29-2-statlib-int(Deathlok II#29/2) <2011 A.D.> - Eighteen years after the struggle against Hellinger, Godwulf observed as Timestream recruited the Demolisher (Manning, who had since dropped the Deathlok alias) to his side. Appreciating that Timestream had returned from his banishment, he noted that "the timeflux has been triggered," and he considered that his having taken Deathlok was the most heinous of harbingers.

(Deathlok II#31 (fb) - BTS) - Timestream's return and actions led the Time Variance Authority to call Godwulf before a tribunal.

godwulf-7484-dlokii31-full-post(Deathlok II#31) - Criticizing Godwulf's failure to permanently deal with Timestream previously, the Time Variance Authority informed him of Timestream's potential to implode Earth-616 and other existing realities via his efforts to change events in the past. Granting Godwulf full immunity to time-skip as necessary to detain Timestream before he succeeded, the TVA also warned him that he knew what they did to failures.

(Deathlok II#33 (fb) - BTS) - The implication was that the TVA would destroy both Reality-7484 and -616 and that Godwulf himself would be nullified if he failed.

(Deathlok II#31) - Godwulf traveled to the modern time period of Earth-616 and recruited Deathlok (Michael Collins) and his ally Siege, informing them of what the TVA had told him of Timestream's threat to their reality as well as that of Collins' predecessor Deathlok (Luther Manning). Via virtual reality, Godwulf revealed to them the history of Earth-7484 and how Manning had been sent back to their reality and had served as the impetus for the creation of the current Deathlok form by Cybertek.

    Godwulf then transported Collins and Siege back in time to prevent Timestream's forces, which included the Demolisher, Luther Manning of Earth-616 (who Timestream had transformed into a duplicate of Deathlok-7484's past self) and Timestream's alternate reality Bangers cyborgs, from slaying Captain America and the Luther Manning clone that had been sent back to retrieve Deathlok (circa Captain America I#286-287) from the Brand Corporation's Long Island facility.
    Timestream apparently sought to have Operation: Purge occur, diverging another reality of his creation.

(Deathlok II#32) - As Timestream and his allies prepared to ambush the past Cap & Manning clone, Godwulf opened a portal to this time and location, and he, Collins, and Siege emerged through it and fought Deathlok the Demolisher, Manning-616, Timestream, and his Bangers; Timestream acknowledged him as "the most hated Godwulf."

    Noting that he had let him live all of those years ago as a gesture of honor, Godwulf fired an arrow that Timestream -- while countering that he would not have done the same for Godwulf -- blocked with his sword, although he received an apparently electric shock.

(Deathlok II#32 - BTS) - Timestream somehow retaliated, knocking Godwulf to the ground and preparing to blast him again.godwulf-7484-dlokii32-b&a

(Deathlok II#32) - Collins blocked his attack. With Collins' having ripped of the Demolisher's arm and with the time for the past Deathlok blowing up the Brand Corporation building imminent, Timestream fled with one of his Bangers, promising death for Godwulf another time. Godwulf, Collins, and Siege successfully prevented the remaining Bangers from taking out the past Cap and Deathlok until the moment of detonation, after which Cap and Deathlok headed back to the 23rd Street Station (see comments).

(Deathlok II#32 - BTS) - Collins did something -- for which Siege gave him credit -- to protect himself, Siege, and Godwulf from the explosion.

(Deathlok II#32) - As the trio extricated themselves from the rubble, Collins' computer noted the location of Timestream and his associates, and Godwulf considered that they must be lost (Timestream was not aware of the location from which they had traveled back to Deathlok's future, and the Demolisher was suspicious of Timestream and had not yet shared that information) as that was not where Captain America and Deathlok would be heading.

    Collins wondered how a cyborg from a timeline that shouldn't even exist anymore could have led to his creation (and the subsequent conflicts), and Godwulf informed him,  "implausibilities and realities are more closely linked than you'd care to know" (translation: Changing the past does not necessarily eliminate the future, it just diverges a different reality). Siege wished to just take out their foes, but Godwulf told him that that was not possible according to his probability indicator. godwulf-7484-dlokii32-probsensInstead, he instructed Siege to seek out Timestream and his allies and to delay them in any way possible while he and Collins traveled to the 23rd Street Station that his younger self was monitoring in 1993 A.D of Earth-7484; Godwulf had calculated a 79% probability that they would have to stop Timestream at that junction. 

(Deathlok II#32 - BTS) - As Siege engaged Timestream and his associates, Timestream sent Manning-616 to the subway station to try to stop the past Cap and Deathlok from being pulled forward in time to Earth-7484's 1993 by that time's Godwulf.

(Deathlok II#32) - At the subway station, Collins considered that at this time period, he was still living with his wife, Tracy, in Philadelphia. He noted that he wished he could change things so that he would not become a cyborg, but Godwulf asked him to compare he and his wife dying in the wars following Operation Purge in Earth-7484 to his current existence. Collins asked what would happen if the Demolisher assassinated his younger self, and Godwulf clarified that such an action would diverge a new timeline, but he was certain that the Time Variance Authority would wipe out both of their timelines to make room for the new reality. Noting the good that he had accomplished as Deathlok, Godwulf assured Collins that he was where he needed to be.

    When Manning-616 arrived and called out to Godwulf to transport him back home, Godwulf recognized that this was Manning-616 rather than Deathlok-7484, and he instructed Collins to get him out of the way. Collins successfully occupied Manning-616 while the past Cap and Deathlok were transported to Earth-7484's 1993 A.D. by that time's Godwulf.

    Timestream and the rest of his agents arrived too late to stop them, but Timestream had the Demolisher threaten Siege to force Collins to release Manning-616. Not caring about the others, Godwulf fired an arrow into Timestream's chest. Announcing how is power had grown since they had let met, Timestream pulled out the arrow and then used his sword to open a vortex that cast them into the the timestream itself -- the junction point of all time and dimension. Not willing to allow Timestream to remain in Earth-616's past to wait for Captain America's return (so they could kill him then), Godwulf blasted Timestream and his allies with his time gauntlet, although he was not sure exactly when or where he had sent them.godwulf-7484-dlokii32-blastts

(Deathlok II#33) - After they crashed to the floor and Siege was incapacitated in the impact, Godwulf mused that he had never imagined the timestream's enormity, the sheer volume of time vortexes and warp holes.

    The Time Variance Authority then sent Justice Peace and some other time-troopers to recapture Godwulf in order to bring him in for trial and potential nullification for his failure to capture Timestream; and they further planned to nullify all involved timelines to remedy the potential threat to the entire temporal continuum. With Deathlok trying to revive Siege, Godwulf expressed frustration with the TVA's bureaucratic impatience that might destroy countless realities, to which the Time-Troopers too umbrage and battered Godwulf into submission. However, Collins and then Siege then revived, took out the Time-Troopers and put Justice Peace at their mercy.

Convincing Justice Peace that he could find them anywhere or anywhen, Godwulf made a deal to give him 24 hours (absolute time) to eliminate Timestream. Justice Peace provided Timestream's location at junction 4831143, and he provided a timesled that was programmed to take them there directly.

    Godwulf, Collins, and Siege thusly caught up with Timestream and his cyborg allies, including both he Demolisher and Manning-616. Still blaming Godwulf for the deaths of the Redeemers, the Demolisher punched back Godwulf as he approached Timestream's platform, but Godwulf saved himself via a tethered arrow.The Demolisher subsequently had Collins at his mercy but he hesitated, wanting to understand Godwulf and Timestream's connection before committing. Siege then recovered Godwulf and still had him in tow when Timestream and the Bangers fled into a vortex; attempting to stop them, Siege (along with Godwulf) was instead pulled into the vortex with them.

(Deathlok II#34 - BTS) - Timestream manipulated the vortex to put some distance between his group and Godwulf and Siege.

(Deathlok II#34 - BTS) - Justice Peace located Collins by the corpse of Manning-616, who had killed himself to escape from Timestream's control; he sent Collins to Godwulf's timeline at the time of Operation Purge. In order to prevent the TVA from eliminating that reality, Collins had to prevent Timestream from changing events to diverge a new timeline.

(Deathlok II#34) - Siege and Godwulf arrived on Earth-7484 circa 1983 A.D., the day of Operation Purge's enactment, and Godwulf reasoned that they would find Timestream at Nth Command headquarters.

(Deathlok II#34 - BTS) - Learning Timestream was the foreign monarch he had fought in the battle that slew the Redeemers, the Demolisher turned on Timestream but was taken down by the Bangers and left behind.

(Deathlok II#34) - Guided by Godwulf, Siege broke into Nth Command headquarters, and Godwulf told that time period's Henry Akai that his future self was coming to assassinate him. Seconds later, Timestream and his allies arrived via an elevator from a secret passageway (having been able to use his powers due to concern of being neutralized due to proximity to the Nth Generator), and Godwulf noted that Timestream's powers were becoming hypersaturated. The Demolisher then arrived alongside Collins, and the Demolisher soon after impaled Timestream with his own technosword, but Timestream's seething energies allowed him to remove the sword and recover. Collins then blasted Timestream with an Nth Projector, but the energies unleashed against and possessed by Timestream caused the Nth Generator reached maximum capacity such that it would explode and devastate the complex within 5 minutes. Timestream ultimately discorporated, although he warned that things were not what he thought them to be.

    When the Demolisher prepared to execute the younger Henry Akai to prevent him from becoming Timestream, Godwulf warned him that they must let everything happen as it previously had or the TVA would...but the Demolisher cut him off, asking if they would nullify him and if this was all about him anyway or if he actually cared about the rest of the world. Godwulf asked the Demolisher to return to their world with him and together they would...but the Demolisher cut him off again, noting that together they had helped to destroy a world: "Every time I get involved with you, it all goes straight to the devil." Stealing one of Godwulf''s time gauntlets, the Demolisher activated it and stated his plan to get as far away from him as possible.

    Godwulf lamented that without both time gauntlets, he could not return himself to his own time or Collins and Siege to their timelines, nor could he track the Demolisher.

    Justice Peace then arrived and instructed Godwulf to use his science to blank the younger Henry Akai's memory of the last hour, and in two minutes Akai would be mutated in the
Nth Generator explosion that would destroy complex, leaving him the sole survivor.

    After Godwulf complied, Justice Peace then transported Godwulf back to Earth-7484 (presumably in 2011 A.D.) and Collins and Siege back to Earth-616's relative present (for them).

Comments: Created by Rich Buckler & Keith Pollard.

    Deathlok's timeline diverged from Earth-616 in Captain America I#289, in which Captain America, armed with the knowledge of the future, led the disruption of Nth Command's power and prevented the mass banishments.
    While the Captain America stories were published in 1983, the date is topical for Reality-616. However, for Deathlok and Simon Ryker's timeline, it was not a topical date.
    The top left image in the
Nth Commandos' sub-profile may or may not represent Godwulf. I had thought it was, but when we saw Godwulf with the Nth Commandos on Earth-616 prior to the divergence, he had a mustache but no beard. Perhaps Godwulf shaving off his beard was an early divergence than the thwarting of Operation Purge?

    Godwulf's and Iron Butterfly's Earth-616 counterparts were involved in the failed Operation: Purge, as seen in Captain America I#289. Their subsequent fates are unrevealed. Now there's a story!
    Godwulf and Iron Butterfly-616 should really have sub-profiles under Earth-616's Nth Command profile. I will plan to add them at some point, but if someone else wants to get to it before I do, more power to you!

    As I re-re-re-re-re-reviewed all of the Deathlok stories as part of a celebration of his 50th anniversary, I have realized that a few things I have long assumed are no longer certain to me.

    If the storyline from Deathlok is confusing, allow me to summarize. It basically involved every single incarnation of Deathlok (who existed at the time of its publication) and revolved around stopping Timestream from wreaking havoc with the timelines--and thus prevented the TVA from nullifying corrupted timelines, which might otherwise have included Earth-7484 and possibly even Earth-616.
    I know the events of Deathlok II#29-34 are confusing, and I've detailed them as clearly as I can. It was a cool story, and you probably need to get the issues yourself to fully understand them.
    However, it is noteworthy that the Fordham Roads Station references are erroneous, as this station was actually Manhattan's
23rd  Street Station. See that sub-profile for further discussion/explanation.

Profile by Per Degaton and Snood.
Old images replaced with digital versions by David A. Zuckerman.
New images and major text expansion by Snood.

Godwulf of Earth-7484 should be distinguished from his Earth-616 counterpart.
Neither has any known connection to:

Astonishing Tales I#36/2, pg. 5, panel 1 (swinging on cable);
       panel 2 (kicking Mason and associate);
       panel 4 (head shot; Godwulf principle);
    pg. 7, panel 11 (Godwulf with cables hooked into chest; banishing Deathlok through time);
Marvel Spotlight I#33, pg. 2, panel 1 (face);
Captain America I#286, pg. 3, panel 1 (sending Luther Manning clone back in time);
    #287, pg. 21, panel 2 (gushing over Captain America);

Captain America I#288, p1 (full body)
Captain America I#288, p4, pan2 (Redeemers)

Captain America I#289, p6, pan1 (Earth-616 version)

Deathlok II#29/2, pg. 8, panel 5 (seated/wired in SoL base);
          panel 6 (face; lateral oblique);
    #31, pg. 12, panel 1(full; rear view);
            panel 2 (upper; main);
       pg. 17, panel 6 (full);
    #32, pg. 2 (full, with bow & arrow);
       pg. 10, panel 3 (using probability sensor);
       last page, panel 1 (Godwulf blasting Timestream and his allies via his gauntlet);

Astonishing Tales I#36 (July, 1976) - Rich Buckler (writer/pencils), Keith Pollard (inks), Marv Wolfman (editor)
Marvel Spotlight I#33 (April, 1977) - David Anthony Kraft (writer), Rich Buckler, Mike Nasser & Arvell Jones (pencils), Klaus Janson (inks), Archie Goodwin (editor)
Captain America I#286-289 (October, 1983 - January, 1984) - J.M. DeMatteis (writer), Mike Zeck (pencils), John Beatty (inks), Mark Gruenwald (editor)
Deathlok II#29 (November, 1993) - Gregory Wright (writer), John Hebert (pencils), Richardson & Tim Tuohy (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Deathlok II#31-33 (January-March, 1994) - Gregory Wright (writer), Kevin Kobasic (pencils), Greg Adams (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Deathlok II#34 (April, 1994) - Gregory Wright (writer), Kevin Kobasic & Anthony Williams (pencils), Greg Adams (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)

First Posted: 12/26/2002
Last updated: 07/24/2024

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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