MEMBERSHIP: leader; Various unnamed
PURPOSE: Japanese street gang in New York City
BASE of OPERATIONS: Streets of New York City
APPEARANCES: Master of Kung-Fu#91 (August, 1990)
(MOKF#90-bts): Two days before the events Tommy Lee leader of the Joy Boys is killed by members of the Golden Claws
(MOKF#90-bts): David Wu tells Shang-Chi and Leiko about the current gang-war between the Joy Boys and the Golden Claws
(MOKF#91): The Joy Boys meet the Golden Claws in the park to fight them for revenge for killing their leader. Shang-Chi and Leiko arrive to try to stop the fighting; during the fight Chen, one of the higher ranking members of the Joy Boys, gets hold of a gun stolen earlier the same day, and tries to shoot the leader of the Golden Claws, but he is saved by Shang-Ch. Shang then convinces all the members of the two gang, that there should be no more fighting, they should all return home, and both gangs do that
COMMENTS: Created by Doug Moench and Mick Zeck
Profile by: The Beetle
The Golden Claws are not to be confused with:
Leader of the
Golden Claws
Unnamed leader of the Golden Claws, a Japanese immigrant, and gang leader, who is saved from a bullet from the leader of the Joy Boys by Shang-Chi
- MOKF#91
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