Real Name:
Harry Gotham
Identity/Class: Human
Occupation: politician of some sort
Affiliations: Dr. Darkos Edge
Enemies: Church of the Dark Father, Ruth Cummins, Satana
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: Crusader for the Righteous
Base of Operations: Los Angeles, California
First Appearance: Vampire Tales#3 (February, 1974)
Powers/Abilities: None. Gotham opposed Satan worship and anything else which offended his morality, although he appeared to be doing so primarily to further his own career.
(Vampire Tales#3) - Gotham spoke out against Ruth Cummins and
others in the Church of the Dark Father, whipping a nearby crowd
into a mob mentality directed at destroying the cultists. The
sudden appearance of Satana halted the potential attack and
dispersed the crowd. Gotham next contacted Darkos Edge, offering
him $20, 000 to kill Satana. After Edge failed, Satana confronted
Gotham in his office. His terrified pleas for mercy and offers of
payment fell on deaf ears as Satana descended on him, sucking the
life out of him, quite literally.
Comments: Created by Gerry Conway and Esteban Maroto.
Darkos's "Dark Church" has no KNOWN connection to:
Dr. Darkos Edge
The head of the enigmatic and Ambiguous "Dark Church," he was commissioned by Harry Gotham to assassinate Satana. Edge and an assistant tracked Satana to the apartment of Ruth Cummins, where she was staying. Satana confronted her attackers, unafraid, but Ruth unwittingly tried to protect Satana and took a fatal blow to the head from Edge's assistant in the process. Satana then snapped the man's wrist and broke his neck with a single punch. She next cornered Edge and planted a big fat kiss on him, draining his soul in the process.
--Vampire Tales#3
First Posted: 09/22/2003
Last updated: 09/22/2003
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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