Real Name: Hamilton "Bo" Greaves
Identity/Class: Human
Occupation: professional criminal
Affiliations: Donald, Harley, Richie;
other agents
Enemies: General Leo
Besserman, FBI, IRS, Punisher (Frank Castle), SEC, US Army and
Esperanza (former forced girlfriend)
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: Bo
Base of Operations:
formerly Puerto Salvaje (just off the Keys)
formerly Atlanta, Georgia
First Appearance: Marvel Graphic Novel: Punisher: Kingdom Gone
Powers/Abilities: Greaves has no superhuman powers, but he is both clever and lucky, managing to stay one step ahead of his enemies.
(Marvel Graphic Novel: Punisher: Kingdom Gone (fb) - BTS ) -
Greaves was a white collar crimelord, working primarily in money
laundering, turning mob money from drugs and prostitution into
clean cash to invest in legitimate businesses. However, he burned
the wrong people, powerful people in Washington and on Wall
Street. Indictments for Greaves came down. The Punisher also was
following his activities, and he knew that if the indictments
stuck, that Reaves would do five years in a country club Federal
Prison for the privileged--playing gold and getting a tan while
his lawyers worked on appeals, while if he ran, he'd take
millions with him and set up some third world tax haven. The
Punisher found neither option acceptable.
(Marvel Graphic Novel: Punisher: Kingdom Gone) - Greaves prepared to flee, and thanked his agent Richie for hiding and re-routing all of his holdings by having him thrown out the window. The Punisher then arrived to kill him, but Greaves managed to escape in his helicopter, taking millions with him, and heading off to Puerto Salvaje. Once there, he began using his hired muscle to establish a niche for himself, strong-arming the Phillipe, the leader of Puerto Salvaje, into sell him his bank. Phillipe, however, countered by informing the US government of Greaves' actions, and drawing their attention by claiming Greaves was making alliances with the Cubans. The US agents responded by sending the first marines and a couple of army regiments to investigate Cuban activities.
Despite the presence and various investigations of the US military, Greaves remained free--as he was not involved with the Cubans. In the meantime, he had his muscle man, Harley, kidnap Esperanza, a young woman Greaves took an interest in, and force her to stay with him in his villa. When Esperanza's father tried to get her back, Greaves killed him. Meanwhile, Castle--unwilling to wait until the military had left in case Greaves might slip away once again--air-dropped into Puerto Salvaje, posed as an US Army officer and recruited a group of Marines to assist him on a brief recon mission in Greaves' villa. Castle left the soldiers at the door to gain entry into the villa, then began fighting his way towards Greaves. It soon became apparent that Castle was a ringer, and Greaves ordered his men to take down the soldiers at the gate, prompting a firefight, and the marines called in reinforcements.
When Castle reached Greaves, his bodyguard Harley stalled him long enough for Greaves to make it to the US troops and surrender, knowing they would protect him from Castle. Esperanza fired a shot at Greaves from inside the villa, but missed and was killed by return fire from the troops, who thought they were being fired upon. Back in the US, Greaves was sentenced to 10-15 years at a "cozy little lock up in Allenwood" (with parole likely in five years) for insider trading and extortion, as the other charges were dropped or traded for other low-level mob thugs he had turned over.
On the way to his prison, Greaves laughed about how, even in prison, he would live better than most working stiffs. Yep, he had it made...until it turned out that his guard was actually Castle, who promptly carried out his own sentence, executing Greaves.
Comments: Created by Chuck Dixon and Jorge Zaffino
Not so much.
Last updated: 08/10/03
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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