Real Name: Lord Robert Greville

Identity/Class: Human

Occupation: Archeologist

Group Membership: None

Affiliations: None

Known Relatives: Shan Greville (father), Rima Barton Greville (mother), Melissa Greville (cousin),
Amanda Greville (cousin), Sir Lionel Barton (great uncle)

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Egypt, England

First Appearances: Master of Kung-Fu#26 (March, 1975)

Powers: None

History: (MOKF#26) - Robert Greville was the son of Shan Greville and Rima Barton Greville, long-time foes of Fu Manchu. Robert was visited by Sir Denis Nayland Smith in Egypt, where Robert was looking for the Golden Beetle. To no ones surprise, both Fu Manchu and his daughter Fah Lo Suee was also looking for the Golden Beetle, and in finding the Golden Beetle, Fah Lo Suee used Robert Greville. After Fah Lo Suee got the Golden Beetle, she killed Robert Greville by kissing him with her poisonous lips.

Comments: Created by Doug Moench & Keith Pollard

Profile by the Beetle


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Last updated: 08/27/02

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