Earth-691, circa 2018 AD
Real Name: Grok (clone of Andre Frost)
Identity/Class: Alternate Earth (Earth-691) human clone, mutate
Occupation: Warrior
Group Membership: Killraven's Freemen (Carmilla Frost, Hawk, Mint Julep, Old Skull, M'Shulla Scott, Volcana Ash)
Affiliations: None
Enemies: Martian Masters, Sabre and his slavers, Skar
Known Relatives: Andre Frost (genetic template), Carmilla Frost (genetic daughter)
Aliases: The Clonal Man; "Andre Frost"
Base of Operations: mobile across the USA
First Appearance: Amazing Adventures II#21 (November, 1973)
Powers/Abilities: Grok possessed great, possibly even enhanced human, strength. He was somewhat simian in appearance and intellect. He had powerful suction-cup tips on his fingers, strong enough to tear off large hunks of flesh from his victims. He was a savage warrior, although he had no training beyond direct combat experience. He was fiercely loyal to Carmilla, who got communicate with him to some extent.
Height: Unrevealed
Weight: Unrevealed
Eyes: Black
Hair: Brown fur
(Amazing Adventures II#34 (fb)) - Prior to the Martian Masters' attack on Earth-691 in 2001, Andre Frost was a successful geneticist specializing in cloning. (Amazing Adventures II#34(fb) / Amazing Adventures II#24 (fb)) - Andre Frost and his daughter, Carmilla, were captured by the Martian Masters. They apparently spent some amount of time experimenting on Andre, before they wrapped him in their tentacles and crushed the life from him. Afterwards, they locked Carmilla in with his body, wanting her to clone him. She did so, but apparently some time passed before his cells were harvested. As a result, his cells had deteriorated somewhat, and the clone she created was less than identical. She named her bestial creation Grok, which to her meant some sort of hope. BTS - Grok was caged in the Masters' research facility, while Carmilla was forced to work for them. (Amazing Adventures II#21) <2018> - Killraven and his Freemen stormed a Martian Masters' laboratory, liberating Carmilla and Grok in the process. During their escape, Grok helped Killraven overcome a giant crab-man. (Amazing Adventures II#22-24) - After surviving an attack on their ship by an immense creature in the Potomac River, Killraven and his allies were attacked by slavers, led by Sabre. Grok drove off the slavers almost single-handedly. (Amazing Adventures II#25) <2019> - In Indianapolis, Grok growled as Killraven argued with Carmilla. He then followed Killraven as he tracked down Skar and his Devil's Marauder tripod. (Amazing Adventures II#26) - In Battle Creek, Michigan, Grok watched over Carmilla as she took a bath, and then savagely slew one of the men who tried to ambush her (Carmilla knocked out the other). (Amazing Adventures II#27-29, 31) <March, 2019> - While sailing across Lake Michigan, Killraven's band was attacked by a giant, mutated lamprey. The creature latched on to Grok, who was gravely injured before Killraven could dislodge it from him. Nearly dead, Grok was placed in a stretcher and carried around during the assault on the Deathbirth Facility. (Amazing Adventures II#32) - <June, 2019> - Hawk wondered at how Grok kept hanging on. Nonetheless, Grok remained nearly lifeless, and remained on his stretcher. (Amazing Adventures II#33 - BTS) - Grok hung out on the stretcher. (Amazing Adventures II#34) <July, 2019> - Old Skull played some tunes for Grok, who actually seemed to be recovering from his injuries. Skar again attacked Killraven and his allies.
In the course of the battle, Skar caused a rockslide over Grok, who was attempting to crawl out of the way. Hawk rushed to Grok's rescue, and they were both crushed by the large rocks. Comments: Created by Don McGregor and Herb Trimpe. As Killraven's saga and "The War of the
Worlds" concepts exist in an alternate timeline, the dates
given are accurate and appropriate (i. e. not topical). Nearly
thirty years have passed since the stories were written and it's
only 15-20 years until real time "laps" the saga, and
Earth-Killraven ceases to be an alternate future.
Already, one of the points of divergence, the Martian attack date
of 2001 is a thing of the past. The "Martian Masters" were not
actually natives of Mars, but used Mars as a base before
attacking Earth. Amazing Adventures II#30, for the most part, was
just a reprint of 22--no new Grok! In regards to Grok's name: Author Robert A. Heinlein originally coined the term "grok" as a word from the Martian language in his 1961 science fiction novel "Stranger in a Strange Land" Profile by Snood CLARIFICATIONS: Images: (without ads) Appearances:
First Posted: 06/21/2002 Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know. Non-Marvel Copyright info
Later, alongside Mint Julep and her Freewomen, he participated in an invasion into Washington, D. C., to rescue Killraven and a few of the Freemen.
--Ron Fredricks
Grok has no known connections to
Amazing Adventures II#21, p7, pan5 (main image)
Amazing Adventures II#21, cover (fighting Killraven)
Amazing Adventures II#22, p6, pan5 (closeup)
Amazing Adventures II#21 (November, 1973) - Don McGregor (writer), Herb Trimpe (pencils), Yolande Pijcke (inks), Roy Thomas (editor)
Amazing Adventures II#22 (January, 1974) - Don McGregor (writer), Herb Trimpe (pencils), Frank Chiaramonte (inks), Roy Thomas (editor)
Amazing Adventures II#23 (March, 1974) - Don McGregor (writer), Herb Trimpe (pencils), Frank Chiaramonte (inks), Roy Thomas (editor)
Amazing Adventures II#24 (May, 1974) - Don McGregor (writer), Herb Trimpe (pencils), Jack Abel (inks), Roy Thomas (editor)
Amazing Adventures II#25 (July, 1974) - Don McGregor (writer), Rich Buckler (pencils), Klaus Janson (inks), Roy Thomas (editor)
Amazing Adventures II#26 (September, 1974) - Don McGregor (writer), Gene Colan (pencils), Dan Adkins (inks), Roy Thomas (editor)
Amazing Adventures II#27 (November, 1974) - Don McGregor (writer), Craig Russell (pencils), Jack Abel (inks), Roy Thomas (editor)
Amazing Adventures II#28 (January, 1975) - Don McGregor (writer), Craig Russell (artist), Roy Thomas (editor)
Amazing Adventures II#29 (March, 1975) - Don McGregor (writer), Craig Russell (artist), Len Wein (editor)
Amazing Adventures II#31 (July, 1975) - Don McGregor (writer), Craig Russell (artist), Len Wein (editor)
Amazing Adventures II#32 (September, 1975) - Don McGregor (writer), Craig Russell (pencils), Dan Green (inks), Len Wein (editor)
Amazing Adventures II#33 (November, 1975) - Bill Mantlo (writer), Herb Trimpe (pencils), D. Bruce Berry (inks), Marv Wolfman (editor)
Amazing Adventures II#34 (January, 1976) - Don McGregor (writer), Craig Russell (artist), Marv Wolfman (editor)
Last Updated: 03/09/2025
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