Real Name: Harlan Ryker
Identity/Class: Alternate Reality (Earth-7484 / Earth-Deathlok) human mutate/cyborg
Occupation: Would-be World Conqueror
Group Membership: Project: Alpha-Mech;
formerly the Brand Corporation, (a sub-division of Roxxon Oil Company)
Affiliations: Creator of the Alpha/Doomsday-Mechs (notably the original Doomsday-Mech/Luther Manning clone, who had previously served as his silent companion);
formerly BASF Corp, the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), IBM
(International Business Machines) Corporation, Federal Systems Division; Rockwell International, Manned Armor Division; Simon Ryker, US Army
formerly the doctors (Dr. Curtis Giles, Dr. Wilcox, Dr. Wilkins, and Jim; see comments in this profile for discussion of the surgeons involved) involved in the creation of Deathlok;
on some level, he was formerly an ally of Luther Manning and Deathlok as he preserved their/his existence, not that Deathlok would have appreciated it;
used Summers and a quartet of men (the courier/"Mr. Briefcase" and his associates) -- and possibly Victorio Quartuccio (unless that was just an alias for Hellinger) -- as pawns;
presumably created and controlled a number of drones;
Bryce and his associate were presumably agents of Hellinger, but they could have been agents of Simon Ryker placed there to keep Harlan from departing
Enemies: Captain America
(Steve Rogers) of Earth-616, CIA (notably Teresa Devereaux),
Deathlok the Demolisher (Luther Manning), Godwulf, the Provisional Revolutionary Army (notably Strake & Sylvia), Redeemers (Big Man, Gentle Sam, Iron Butterfly, Sage,
Swashbuckler), Simon Ryker, Timestream (Henry Akai); mankind in general
on some level Nina Ferry (for manipulating her being linked to the Omni-Computer);
indirectly Fixer (Paul Norbert Ebersol) and Mentallo (Marvin Flumm) of Earth-616
Known Relatives: Simon Ryker (brother)
Aliases: Homo-Ascendant;
possibly Victorio Quartuccio
Base of Operations: Unrevealed;
formerly his stronghold in Upstate New York, Earth-7484;
formerly Simon Ryker's estate near Long Island, New York, Earth-7484
First Appearance: Astonishing Tales I#33 (January, 1976)
Powers/Abilities: Hellinger is a cyborg
(cybernetic organism), and as such is composed of a combination
of mechanical/bionic and organic parts (it is not known how much of him was organic beyond the visible brain).
His body is composed of his
organic brain, contained within a protective shell, with a
powerful plasti-steel exoskeleton protecting his internal organs, and
limbs replacing his originals.
His great size and augmented musculature granted him some degree of superhuman strength (lifting somewhere between 800 lbs. and 25 tons), speed (presumably slightly superhuman, but certainly less than sub-sonic) and durability (enhanced), although he did not demonstrate and physical abilities in its single appearance.
He originally used a human-sized form, but he later
re-built himself into a similarly-appearing form at nearly twice the
size. His brain appeared to have enlarged proportionately as well.
He possessed a type of cybernetic
telepathy, enabling him to control other machines and computers,
although in some cases he needed his own machines to assist in such
Additionally, he could mesmerize
humans with his gaze, although someone with an extremely strong will,
like Captain America, could throw off his control.
A genius (IQ between 160-200), Hellinger was an expert in cybernetic and bionic technology, weapons and surveillance equipment design, and genetics.
He was experienced with cloning, as he designed at least two clones of Luther Manning, one of which served as his silent companion.
At least while posing as a normal man, he enjoyed smoking a cigar.
Hellinger had a number of "Terminal Eyes," which monitored events throughout New York, allowing him to be aware of virtually everything going on.
He controlled armies of his Doomsday Mechs, cyborg warriors, more machine than man. These mechs were walking plutonium bombs, designed to detonate on command in heavily populated areas to exterminate humanity.
He was based out of a heavily-weaponed stronghold/fortress, which included a giant maze with various traps, his Alpha-Mech control systems, viewscreens via which his Terminal Eyes showed him anything he needed to see, and his flying blaster probes.
Height: 12'2" (originally 6'2")
1876 lbs. (originally 215 lbs.; assuming his earlier cyborg form (which
was the same height as his original form) had a similar composition to
his larger form, his smaller cyborg form would have weighed
approximately 244 lbs.)
Eyes: Red (occasionally shown as gold; originally brown)
Hair: None (originally black, including mustache-less beard)
Other Distinguishing Features:
His cyborg forms had a golden outer shell ("skin") with thickened,
ridged lips and eyebrows and with his brain visible under a transparent
(Captain America I#288 (fb) - BTS) - Harlan Ryker, Hellinger, was a researcher
for the Brand Corporation, working in bionics and cybernetics.
(Captain America I#288 (fb)) <1983 A.D.> - Roxxon's Nth Command banished all of the super-heroes to extradimensional realms where most, if not all, were instantly killed. Roxxon then staged a coup on the USA, which resulted in mass chaos and no clear victor. A number of separate factions struggled for control, including the CIA, the military, and other splinter groups.
(Captain America I#288 (fb)) - BTS / Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes: Deathlok) - Together, Harlan and his brother, Simon Ryker, spear-headed Project: Alpha-Mech, designed to build armies of cyborg super soldiers.
(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition#3: Deathlok) - The Project was under the direction of the CIA, and performed with the aid of major contractors Rockwell International, Manned Armor Division; IBM Corp, Federal Systems Division; BASF Corp.
(Captain America I#288 (fb)) - BTS)
- Though employed in this endeavor by the CIA,
each of the Rykers had their own agenda; Simon wished to use the cyborgs
to take control of the USA (and then the world).
(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe I#3) - When Simon received severe damage to his legs and spine after an altercation with their world's Dr. Doom, Hellinger gave Simon cybernetic replacements.
(Astonishing Tales I#25 (fb) - BTS) - For unrevealed reasons, Simon was considered Alpha-Mech's first "failure."
(Astonishing Tales#25 (fb) - BTS) <1985 A.D.> - After Colonel Luther Manning was fatally injured during an explosion during a training exercise, Simon Ryker -- wishing to preserve Manning's knowledge and experience -- chose him to be part of Project: Alpha-Mech in the event that he did not survive surgery.
(Astonishing Tales#25 (fb) - BTS?) - Luther Manning died on the operating table, but, as per Simon Ryker's orders, the doctors kept a portion of his brain alive, while his body was preserved.
(Astonishing Tales I#33 (fb) - BTS) - Harlan Ryker created a clone of Luther Manning while the original Manning died on the operating table.
(Astonishing Tales I#34 (fb) - BTS) - Another Luther Manning clone was created -- presumably by Hellinger -- for Simon Ryker.
(Astonishing Tales#25 (fb) - BTS) - Manning was left in stasis for five years, part of Project: Alpha-Mech's body-banks.
(Astonishing Tales#25 (fb) / Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition#3: Deathlok) <Circa 1990> - Harlan Ryker led --directly or indirectly -- a group of scientists and surgeons (Dr. Curtis Giles, Dr. Wilkins, Dr. Wilcox and Jim) in converting Manning into the cyborg warrior Deathlok (so named because his being preserved as a corpse animated as a cyborg and maintained by preservatives made him "locked in death") the Demolisher. The process took weeks complete.
(Astonishing Tales I#33 (fb) - BTS / Captain America I#288 (fb) -
BTS) - Harlan Ryker took Project: Alpha-Mech and broke away from the
(Astonishing Tales I#33 (fb) - BTS) <According to Hellinger> - At some point, Simon Ryker allegedly had Harlan imprisoned in his Long Island estate; however, Hellinger was able to re-program Ryker's computers to serve him instead (see comments).
Adopting the alias of Hellinger, Harlan apparently eradicated all knowledge of his own existence from the computers of his world.
(Astonishing Tales I#33 (fb) - BTS / Deathlok I#33 (fb) - BTS / Captain America I#288 (fb) - BTS) - Harlan Ryker continued to advance his process, converting himself into a cyborg, and he also continued advancing his Alpha-Mechs.
(Astonishing Tales I#34 (fb) - BTS) - Hellinger wished to destroy everything for which his brother, Simon, had worked, notably what he saw as his "benevolent technology."
(Astonishing Tales I#35 (fb) - BTS) - Hellinger wished to end Simon's age of order and replace it
with the reign of chaos.
(Astonishing Tales I#26 + 27 - BTS / Marvel Spotlight I#33 (fb) - BTS) - Hellinger apparently somehow arranged for the mind-lock of Nina Ferry with the Omni-Computer, which provided Hellinger with vital information to use against him.
(Astonishing Tales#31-33 (fb) - BTS / Astonishing Tales#31-33 - BTS) - Hellinger arranged a complicated plot to bring Deathlok to him. This involved a man named Victorio Quartuccio who employed Summers to pay a quartet of men a large sum of money (although the money in the briefcase he brought was counterfeit) for information on the last surviving surgeon who had operated on Deathlok.(Astonishing Tales#33 - BTS) - Deathlok returned
to and repaired the helicopter When Deathlok
started the helicopter, it locked onto pre-programmed coordinates
and took him to an estate in Long Island that his computer reported to be owned by Simon Ryker.
At the estate, Bryce and his partner tried to stop him, but Deathlok easily knocked
them down and entered the building, not caring that his computer indicated a 97% possibility that this was a trap.
(Astonishing Tales#33) - Within, Deathlok -- expecting to be confronting Simon Ryker -- found a man in the study and put his gun to his head, at which point Hellinger remotely (over a speaker) shouted "Stop!" Hellinger further instructed Deathlok to look at the man, causing to realize that the man had his face. Hellinger advised that he could shoot the man if he wished -- at which point Hellinger physically entered the room and continued, "But I don't think even you would be up to blowing your own brains out!"
As Hellinger introduced himself,
Deathlok's computer informed Luther that there was no information on
Hellinger in its memory banks. Deathlok exclaimed that Hellinger must
be the doctor who had created him, but Hellinger obliquely replied, "Why must I be anyone, Deathlok? I'm merely Hellinger. I am what I am."
Hellinger excused himself while he turned off the "other" Luther
Manning, and when Deathlok queried whether that Manning was a clone,
Hellinger confirmed this. Grabbing Hellinger and pushing his gun
into his chest, Deathlok stated that this meant that the body would be
compatible for his brain, but Hellinger informed him that there was not
enough of the original Luther Manning left to transfer, and that he
should ask his computer if he did not believe him; Deathlok's computer
confirmed that the remaining organic components of Luther Manning were
too fragmented to allow successful implantation into a new form.
Deathlok's computer further noted that while it did not have data on
Hellinger, preliminary analysis indicated that Hellinger was not a
target. However, it did note that his physical structure was blurred,
with considerable organic surgery grafted onto his original form (see comments).
Hellinger subsequently advised Deathlok that he might suggest a way they could work together, and he subsequently acknowledged that Deathlok's computer did not have him in its data banks, despite the Omni-Computer supposedly having information on everyone..."except me, that is, tho' that is my little secret!"
Hellinger then thanked Deathlok
for freeing him, stating that he was indeed the surgeon who had
operated on him (though he didn't tell Deathlok that
he was the mastermind, and that the third surgeon Deathlok had been
seeking was another man altogether, nor that he was Simon Ryker's
also stated that Simon Ryker had imprisoned him
ever since the surgery; additionally he noted that he knew that
Deathlok was there hoping to have his humanity restored, but claimed
that he was suffering
from radiation poisoning and a deteriorating nervous system, as were
the other doctors that had worked on Deathlok, all planned by Simon
Ryker as
a precaution for the future.
Hellinger subsequently suggested
that there was a way that they could strike back as Simon Ryker...and
he showed Deathlok Terminal Eye footage of Mike Travers and Nina Ferry
being captured by the Provisional Revolutionary Army
(Astonishing Tales#33 / Astonishing Tales I#34 (fb) - BTS) - Hellinger
further revealed that he
had re-programed Ryker's' computers to serve him and that he had
manipulated events to draw
Deathlok to him because his machines (computers) had indicated that
exactly "one hour ago," Nina would become integral to his schemes.
Hellinger further explained that as Nina had been mindlocked to the
Omni-Computer and that she knew everything Ryker knew, she was the key
to Ryker's destruction. Deathlok asked how he could know that Hellinger
wasn't lying, and Hellinger told him that he couldn't, but that
Deathlok was either in or out. As he walked out of the room, Hellinger
told Deathlok that he could shoot him in the back if he wished, but
Deathlok instead followed him,
Hellinger subsequently told
Deathlok that he may have wondered why everyone in this age of
biological super-science used archaic weaponry, at which point he led
him into a room full of lasers, fission grenades, concussion bombs,
etc. Assuring Deathlok the weapons were all fully functional, Hellinger
told him to take his pick, and he further noted that he had a specialty
item he was saving for Ryker. Claiming a laser pistol to replace the
one he had previously destroyed, Deathlok promised Hellinger that if he
found a way to may him normal, he would make Ryker pay.
(Astonishing Tales#33 / Astonishing Tales I#34 (fb) - BTS) - Hellinger subsequently convinced
Deathlok to strap a briefcase containing a bomb to his wrist (so it could not be knocked free in
battle, I guess),
it would be released from him upon reaching the castle base of the
Provisional Revolutionary Army in Central Park, where Travers and Nina
were allegedly being held. However, wishing to get rid of Deathlok,
Hellinger had not installed any measure to release the cable connected
to the briefcase/bomb.
(Astonishing Tales I#34 (fb) - BTS) - Hellinger was almost certainly aware that Travers and Nina had already parted company with the Provisional Revolutionary Army and were allied with the CIA, although the specific details of that transfer remain unrevealed.
(Marvel Spotlight I#33 (fb) - BTS) - Hellinger did
not care whether Deathlok reached Belvedere Castle, which he considered
a decoy address; he hoped that the PRA would keep him too busy to worry
about the bomb until it was too late.
(Astonishing Tales#33) - After Deathlok had
arrived in Central Park and allowed the PRA to take him toward their
base, Hellinger watched remotely via his Terminal Eye, telling his
Luther Manning clone how Deathlok would soon realize the "safety
margin" he had referenced did not exist. He further discussed how
Deathlok was playing his (Hellinger's) game the way he wanted, and that
Deathlok had outlived his usefulness as a player, a role which the
clone would soon take. Hellinger then revealed that he had faked the
radiation poisoning on his hands via rubber gloves, and he happily shed
the gross distortion of his true self by tearing off his mask. He
concluded that his brother, Simon, would soon look into his eyes -- "the eyes that are the proto-type for a new man -- the homo-ascendant -- more machine than man!"
(Astonishing Tales#33 - BTS) - Upon
overpowering some of the Army and reaching the castle, the cable failed
to release, leaving Deathlok stuck with the bomb with
only a few seconds until detonation; and he realized that he had been
betrayed by the "dirty, double-crossing, son of a--"
(Astonishing Tales#34) - Observing via his Terminal Eye, Hellinger mocked Deathlok's
plight and then ranted -- with the Luther Manning clone his only
witness -- that with both Deathlok and Simon Ryker out of the way
there was nothing that could stand in his way; "It will be Hellinger who dominates! Hellinger who rules! Hellinger who destroys!"
(Astonishing Tales#34 - BTS) - Deathlok survived by
putting the arm holding the briefcase bomb on the other side of the
PRA's Belvedere Castle door. Although his arm was blown off, he was
recovered and restored by the CIA.
(Astonishing Tales#34) - Observing with pleasure as
Deathlok prepared to link to the Omni-Computer to confront Simon Ryker,
Hellinger summoned his Luther Manning clone, noting that he wished his
uncomprehending eyes to witness the destruction of everything his
"sainted brother" had worked for, the end of his "benevolent
technology" at the hands of his greatest technological creation. And
then once they were out of the way, the world would scream before the
clone, the first of his Doomsday-Mechs.
(Marvel Spotlight I#33 (fb) - BTS) - Hellinger
considered that Nina Ferry's mindlock with the omni-computer had
provided the information that led to Simon Ryker's downfall.
(Astonishing Tales#35 (fb) - BTS) - Hellinger subjected his Luther Manning clone to a radiation-bath.
(Astonishing Tales#35 (fb) - BTS) - At some point, the CIA discovered Hellinger to be Simon Ryker's brother, and they determined that he was even more of a threat than Simon.
(Astonishing Tales I#35) - Having watched as Deathlok
defeated Simon Ryker, Hellinger considered that he should mourn his
brother, but he did not have the time. He then summoned the Luther
Manning clone, its transformation into a Doomsday-Mech complete, and he
stated the Simon's age of order was over. "Chaos Reigns! Long Live Chaos! Long Live Hellinger!"
Concluding his rant, Hellinger had
the Doomsday-Mech step out from behind its lead-shielding and head out
into the world, noting that as its radioactive mass slowly
deteriorated, it would gather unto itself the force of a portable
plutonium bomb.
(Astonishing Tales#35) - After having incapacitated Simon Ryker, Deathlok intended to part ways with the CIA until they revealed Hellinger's continued threat, although were apparently unaware that his Doomsday-Mech was en route to CIA headquarters to kill them.
(Astonishing Tales#35 - BTS) - Luther Manning's mind
was copied into the other Luther Manning clone by the CIA, although
Deathlok remained otherwise unaffected.
(Astonishing Tales#36 - BTS) - As Deathlok remained
restrained by CIA technology, Hellinger's Doomsday-Mech
attacked CIA headquarters, assaulting the other Manning clone. As the
Doomsday-Mech grabbed an electrified cable and reached for the
Manning clone, the clone dodged contact, and Manning's distress
was transmitted to Deathlok, freeing him from the magneto-strictive effect
rendering him motionless.
As Deathlok arrived, the
Doomsday-Mech turned from the Manning clone and charged Deathlok, who
blasted the creature with his laser
pistol, and its energy dispersed rapidly, seemingly causing it to
(Astonishing Tales II#36 - BTS / Marvel Spotlight#33 (fb) -
BTS) - Godwulf clandestinely caused the Doomsday-Mech to vanish before it could
destroy Deathlok.
(Marvel Spotlight#33 (fb) -
BTS) - Godwulf's actions made Hellinger aware of his abilities.
(Astonishing Tales I#36 - BTS) - The CIA convinced Deathlok to work with them to take down Hellinger.
(Marvel Two-In-One I#27 (fb) - BTS) - The telepathic Earth-616 villain Mentallo learned of Deathlok's existence by eavesdropping on Spider-Man's thoughts after he had returned to his own time after encountering Deathlok on Earth-7484.
(Astonishing Tales#36 / Marvel Spotlight I#33 / Marvel Two-In-One#27 (fb) - BTS) - Godwulf transported Deathlok across time and dimensions back to Earth-616, before Operation: Purge had occurred, to briefly hide and protect him from Hellinger.
(Marvel Spotlight#33 - BTS) - However, this plan backfired, since Hellinger had monitored Godwulf's displacement of Deathlok. Not knowing exactly who Godwulf was or what his motivations were, Hellinger decided to return Deathlok to his proper time to find out.
Spotlight I#33 (fb) - BTS) - Hellinger had an army of Doomsday-Mechs,
already in the making, each member unit of which would be a walking
plutonium bomb, "capable of causing unlimited havoc."
(Marvel Spotlight I#33) - Observing his maddened
brother confined to a padded call, Hellinger mocked his fate,
considering that Simon could no longer prevent the advent of his
(Hellinger's) master race: "The advent of the Homo Ascendant is at hand -- a species more machine than man! Nothing can stop that from becoming a reality!
Nothing that is, except the enigma of Godwulf!"
Monitoring Godwulf's actions via
Terminal Eye read-out, Hellinger remained unsure of Godwulf's
intentions. Considering Godwulf's behavior to have been absolutely
arbitrary, and that Godwulf's inexplicable power made him a threat (to
Hellinger) against which only Deathlok's power may prove sufficient to
prevail, Hellinger resolved to summon Deathlok from the past.
(Marvel Spotlight I#33 / Marvel Two-In-One#27 (fb) - BTS) -
Godwulf attempted to return Deathlok to his proper time soon after he had transported him.
(Marvel Two-In-One#26 (fb) - BTS) - Seeking to use
Deathlok as their pawn, the Fixer and Mentallo traveled to the Baxter
Building, the base of the Fantastic Four, and used Dr. Doom's time
machine to snatch Deathlok from the timestream and returned him to the
modern time period of Earth-616.
(Marvel Spotlight I#33 / Marvel Two-In-One#26 (fb) - BTS) - This transportation thwarted both Hellinger and Godwulf's efforts. Both Godwulf and Hellinger apparently lost track of Deathlok due to this.
(Captain America I#288 (fb)) - BTS)
- While Godwulf and most were unaware of the situation overseas,
the US military eventually wrested control, but they retained a very
tenuous grip on things, as there were dozens of powerful splinter groups
itching for a takeover.
Eventually, Hellinger proved himself to be a
threat to make all the others look like amateurs.
(Captain America#288 (fb) - BTS) - Hellinger decided that man had made Earth into a charnel
house, taking an ordered, logical universe and reducing it to chaos. He
concluded that if the planet was to survive, it must be ruled by a
species that worshipped order, a species whose mind was not polluted by
ten million conflicting shades of gray.
(Captain America I#288 - BTS) - After Captain America
was caught up on the history of Earth-7484, he and Deathlok met up with
Godwulf's Redeemers and prepared for an assault on Hellinger to
stop his plans to destroy all humanity.
(Captain America I#288) - As always, Hellinger was aware of their actions via his Terminal
Eyes, and he belittled their rallying behind Captain America and Deathlok as "cheering like fatuous schoolboys!"
Smashing his viewscreen and calling them fools, Hellinger ranted that
they were naive to believe Hellinger so easily bested, and he vowed to "tear their soft, fleshy bodies limb from bloody limb -- and feed what's left to the dogs!"
Hellinger subsequently considered that he would not be surprised if Godwulf's agents believed that Captain America and Deathlok would act as mystic talisman's to wield off Hellinger's "evil." He further monologued, reviewing his plans to release his signal and have his now-positioned Alpha-Mechs detonate and end the age of the fleshlings.
Detecting as the heroes approached his stronghold, Hellinger sent out
some drones to offer token resistance, allowing
them to believe they had fought their way into his base. Once
they arrived inside his base, Hellinger dropped them into a giant
maze, where he divided and conquered them; in the process, he mocked
them, demonstrating how the others were helpless to stop him and that
they had seven minutes to reach him before he keyed in the program to
detonate his Alpha-Mechs.
As Godwulf and the Redeemers -- whom Hellinger considered to still have some doubts about humanity, indicating him that they could be remade into cyborgs and reprogrammed to serve him -- were
progressively taken out, Hellinger assured them that their fleshling
friends were still alive; he considered them to be of hardy stock, and
he would remold them in his image to be reborn as Homo ascendant after
humanity's demise. Ultimately, Hellinger allowed only Captain
America and Deathlok -- guided by his computer -- to actually reach
As he mesmerized and immobilized the pair (using his machines to wrest control of Deathlok's computer mind), Hellinger mockingly greeting Cap, noting himself to be the living symbol of the new and noted his honor to stand before the living symbol of the old. Hellinger then noted that while the others had doubts and could be reborn as his servants, Captain America's unshakable belief in the inherent decency of humanity would preclude this option for him.
As he sensed that Cap was breaking
free of his hypnotic grip, Hellinger forced Deathlok to blast
Captain America from behind, incapacitating him (unbeknownst to
Hellinger, Deathlok had retained enough of his will that he only
stunned Captain America). After mocking Deathlok as being under his
control forever, Hellinger
prepared to activate his Alpha-Mechs and mocked
Deathlok's inability to stop him.
However, Deathlok, inspired by
a previous speech from Captain America as well as his encounter with
the Luther Manning clone, overcame his programming
and blasted Hellinger repeatedly, blowing him to bits (and then turning
and blasting his control for the Alpha-Mechs). On the ground in flames,
Hellinger cried, "Illogical...Illogical..Illogicaakkkkkk*"
(Captain America I#288 - BTS) - With Hellinger's death,
the entire fortress died with him; machinery short-circuited, imploded,
and screamed, leaving only silence.
Godwulf and the Redeemers were released from the maze.
Deathlok agreed to Godwulf's request to help the whole world, which was in "one devil of a mess."
Apparently with Hellinger dead, his Alpha-Mechs ceased to function as well.
Comments: Created by Rich Buckler, Bill Mantlo, and Klaus Janson.
Deathlok's timeline diverged from Earth-616 in
Captain America I#289, in which Captain America, armed with the
knowledge of the future, led the disruption of Nth Command's
power and prevented the mass banishments.
the Captain America stories were published in 1983, the date is topical
for Reality-616. However, for Deathlok and Simon Ryker's timeline, it
was not a topical date.
Interestingly, in the original Astonishing Tales
stories, Hellinger was all about chaos, with which he wished to replace
the order of his brother's empire. In the Captain America stories, he
valued the order in robots over the chaos of humanity.
At the end of Astonishing Tales I#35, as Hellinger ranted about his plans, he said, "Not since Hitler...will the world have known such Hell!"
In Astonishing Tales I#33, Hellinger told Deathlok a number of lies and half-truths, so I'm not sure that Simon Ryker had Harlan/Hellinger imprisoned in his estate; however, Deathlok's computer did note the estate to belong to Simon Ryker.
At the end of Astonishing Tales I#33, Travers has been confronted at gunpoint by the Provisional Revolutionary Army. At the same time (apparently), Hellinger showed Deathlok a video of this scene. Deathlok then left Hellinger's place (time noted as 8:03 pm) and went to the park (time noted as 8:07 pm), where he got his arm blown off (time noted as 8:30 pm, and then Travers showed up, having already gotten past the Provisional Revolutionary Army, allied with the CIA, received the exoskeleton, and been given Deathlok's location. That's a lot to happen in 30 minutes!
Hellinger's appearance in Marvel
Spotlight I#33 is given the date of 1990, but it takes place after
Astonishing Tales I#34, which covers January 1-3, 1991, and after
Astonishing Tales I#36/2, in which Godwulf sends Deathlok back in time
to Earth-616's modern time period.
Hellinger's appearance in Captain America I#288 is
given the date of 1993, so Marvel Spotlight I#33 takes place somewhere
between those two appearances.
I figure the references in Marvel Spotlight I#33 to his army Doomsday Mechs, already in the making, means he had started making the army.
And then in Captain America I#288, he has completed
and placed the army across Earth, but was waiting to activate them
until he had taken down Deathlok +/- Captain America so they could not
interfere with his plans.
In the notes I compiled on
Hellinger and Simon Ryker's profiles, I stated that Hellinger was
secretly commanding Julian Biggs without Simon's knowledge.
re-re-re-re-reviewed the issues and associated Official Handbook of the
Marvel Universe profiles, and I don't know where that information came
I suspect that I added the information to my notes in the late
1990s or even early 2000s based on internet research, not realizing at
the time that profiles on characters posted on the internet were not
official confirmed.
It does make some sense that Hellinger would have
been involved with Biggs because Biggs was a cyborg or robot, but
Hellinger as a character did not even exist when Biggs appeared in
Astonishing Tales I#25 (August, 1974), which was like 16 months before
Hellinger appeared. Buckler and Moench may or may have even conceived
of him at that time, although he could have been ret-conned into having
done this.
Regardless, if you know the source of information that
Hellinger was secretly behind Julian Biggs, please let me know.
Many thanks to J. M. DeMatteis for wrapping up
and explaining the saga of Deathlok, as well as Hellinger.
And, as a follow-up, it would be really easy for
Hellinger to have copied his brain patterns into another robot form
and/or into another clone of Luther Manning. I would love to see J.M do
a "lost years" story about a subsequent Hellinger conflict.
As far as I can tell, Hellinger was identified as the brother of Simon Ryker in Astonishing Tales I#33, but his first name of Harlan was revealed in the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe I#3, under Deathlok's profile.
On Earth-616, Simon Ryker
struggled against Dr.
Doom and the Sub-Mariner, in Super-Villain Team-Up#4 and Marvel
Spotlight I#27. These events are detailed in the profile for Simon Ryker of Earth-616.
Presumably, some similar events took place on
Earth-7484, resulting in Ryker's injuries and transformation
into a cyborg, as noted in the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe
I#3: Deathlok entry.
Astonishing Tales#33 had Deathlok's computer note that Hellinger's physical structure was blurred and that he had considerable organic surgery grafted onto his original "physiognomy."
Physiognomy refers to the archaic practice of assessing a person's character or personality from his or her facial appearance. However, it can refer to the general physical characteristics of a person.
Physiology refers to the study of functions and mechanisms in a living system
Anatomy refers to the internal structure of organisms.
I think that Hellinger has had major modification of his anatomy, but references to modification of his appearance/physiognomy is not overtly inaccurate. Hellinger has additional images in the Doomsday-Mech/Luther Manning clone profile as well as in the Alpha-Mech control system sub-profile.
Harlan Ryker of Earth-616 designed his Deathlok version based on studies of Deathlok the Demolisher, constructed by his Earth-7484 counterpart.
Hellinger received a profile in the Captain America: America's Avenger handbook.
Some images by David A. Zuckerman.
Major text expansion and image addition by Snood. Thanks to Mike Castle
for cleaning up the Captain America: America's Avenger image.
Profile by Snood.
Hellinger, Harlan Ryker, should be distinguished from:
Alpha-Mechs, aka Doomsday-Mechs, should be distinguished from:
Project: Alpha-Mech was the project developed by Harlan and Simon Ryker. After splitting from Simon and adopting the alias Hellinger, Harlan eventually used a radiation bath, at least, to transform a clone of Luther Manning into the first of his Doomsday-Mechs. Designed as a walking plutonium bomb, it was sent to the CIA base to eliminate them and his rival Deathlok (the original Luther Manning). This creature was destroyed or banished by the enigmatic Godwulf. (Marvel Spotlight I#33 (fb) - BTS) - Hellinger began working on an army of Doomsday-Mechs, each member unit of which would be a walking plutonium bomb, "capable of causing unlimited havoc." (Captain America#288 (fb) - BTS) - With his Alpha-Mechs (as he now referred to them) complete, Hellinger strategically began to station them around the world, planning to release his signal, unleashing their nuclear fury and <presumably destroying humanity>. He intended for his machine followers (including humans re-built into cyborg form), which he called "Homo ascendant" and who worshipped order, to rule the world and to replace humanity with semi-lobotomized cyborgs under his control. (Captain America#288 (fb) - BTS) - After having taken control of Deathlok's computer systems, Hellinger prepared to activate his Alpha-Mechs and mocked Deathlok's inability to stop him.However, Deathlok overcame his programming and blasted Hellinger repeatedly, blowing him to bits (and then turning and blasting his control for the Alpha-Mechs). (Captain America I#288 (fb) - BTS) - With Hellinger's death and the destruction of his Alpha-Mech control device, the Alpha-Mechs were no longer a threat. --Astonishing Tales I#34 (Astonishing Tales I#34-36, Marvel Spotlight I#33, Captain America I#288 Note: We don't know the sources of the Doomsday/Alpha-Mechs seen in Marvel Spotlight I#33 and Captain America I#288. The Luther Manning clone was the source of the first one, so presumably other humans were similarly transformed...maybe they were all Luther Manning clones, but there is no further information available. We also don't know the
fate of the Alpha-Mechs following Hellinger's death. Presumably they
either stood where they last were, continued walking in whatever
direction they had been, or collapsed inert. I would imagine that
Godwulf and his Redeemers, as well as Deathlok, traveled the world and
cleaned up the rest of the Alpha-Mechs. |
![]() |
Simon Ryker's Long Island estate (Hellinger's base)
![]() ![]() Hellinger lived there, along with his Luther Manning clone and security agents, Bryce and his partner. Hellinger observed almost anything he wanted to observe in Manhattan via his Terminal Eye cameras. (Astonishing Tales I#33) - Via a helicopter programmed to return to the estate, Hellinger summoned Deathlok to him. As his computer had identified the estate as belonging to Simon Ryker, Deathlok expected to be tracking him down. After taking out Bryce and his partner, Deathlok entered the mansion, at which point he encountered Hellinger and his Luther Manning clone. After showing Deathlok his chamber of advanced weaponry, which included lasers, fission grenades, concussion bombs, etc. (from which Deathlok claimed a new laser pistol), Hellinger sent him on a mission to recover Nina Ferry (although this was actually a trap, although it failed to kill Deathlok. (Astonishing Tales I#34) - Hellinger remotely observed Deathlok's plight; he presumably also observed Deathlok's surviving his trap and being recovered by the CIA. Hellinger subsequently observed as Deathlok prepared to link to the Omni-Computer to confront Simon Ryker in cyberspace. (Astonishing Tales I#35) - Hellinger remotely observed as Deathlok defeated Simon Ryker, after which he subjected the clone to a radiation bath, transforming it into his Doomsday-Mech. He then sent the Mech to Fort Dix to destroy Deathlok and the CIA. ![]() --Astonishing Tales I#33 Note: Hellinger told Deathlok a number of lies and half-truths, so I'm not sure that Simon Ryker had Harlan/Hellinger imprisoned in his estate; however, Deathlok's computer did note the estate to belong to Simon Ryker. Deathlok's computer informed him that the estate had real grass, not synthetic, and at present inflationary costs, the damage of Deathlok crushing the grass beneath his feet ran in excess of $300,000. Ryker's Terminal Eye reports noted this base to be in the area of Sector LI11569. At some point, Hellinger relocated from this estate to his stronghold in Upstate New York. It makes sense that he did so before beginning to mass produce the Doomsday/Alpha-Mechs, but we don't know for sure if this occurred before or after Marvel Spotlight I#33. Certainly before Captain America I#288. |
![]() ![]() (Captain America I#288 (fb) - BTS) - At some point, Hellinger relocated from his Long Island estate to his stronghold in Upstate New York (or perhaps he had other bases between these two). Hellinger created an army of Doomsday/Alpha-Mechs and sent them across the world. Captain America I#288) - From his stronghold, Hellinger observed Godwulf and the Redeemers' meeting with Captain America and Deathlok, as well as their discussion of their plans to storm Hellinger's stronghold. Detecting their approach, Hellinger had his blaster probes engage them. When they reached his stronghold, he dropped them into his maze, within which he captured Godwulf and the Redeemers, intending to turn them into cyborgs under his control (Homo Ascendant). As Captain America and Deathlok confronted them, he mesmerized Cap and took control of Deathlok's computer. However, as he prepared to signal his Alpha-Mechs to detonate, Deathlok overcame his programming and repeatedly blasted Hellinger and then blew up the Alpha-Mech control systems. Godwulf and the Redeemers were released following Hellinger's death. --Captain America I#288 Note: It makes sense that Hellinger relocated to his stronghold before beginning to mass produce the Doomsday/Alpha-Mechs, but we don't know for sure if this occurred before or after Marvel Spotlight I#33. Certainly before Captain America I#288. |
America I#288 (fb) - BTS) - Whether specifically with plans for
Deathlok, Godwulf and the Redeemers or not, Hellinger had an immense
maze with various traps/containment devices constructed below the
ground floor of his stronghold. (Captain America I#288) - As
Deathlok, Godwulf and the Redeemers, and their ally from Earth-616,
Captain America, arrived within Hellinger's stronghold, Hellinger
opened the floor from underneath them. As they fell toward the base,
some kind of air-jets below them slowed their fall, preventing injury
upon landing within the maze. As the group navigated
the maze, some force pulled Sage and Swashbuckler high into the air and
out of sight while Hellinger's remotely-projected voice mocked the ease
with which he captured the fleshlings; he further advised the group
that they had 7 minutes to reach him before he activated his
![]() ![]() . . While assuring the group that those captured would not be killed but rather transformed into "Homo-Ascendant" cyborgs under his control, the maze swiftly slid in new wall sections, trapping Big Man and Gentle Sam. A rapid influx of anesthetic gas incapacitated the pair. Deathlok urged the others to continue, as Hellinger was all that mattered. |
![]() Hellinger continued to taunt the group, noting "How much like the life of the fleshlings my ingenious maze is! Such a twisted labyrinth, devoid of meaning -- with unexpected and senseless tragedy waiting around every turn!" At the same time, two trios of tentacles extended from a wall, grabbed Iron Butterfly and Godwulf, and pulled them against the wall. They were trapped against the wall, which then flipped 180 degrees, before Captain America or Deathlok could react. Deathlok told Captain America to leave them and continue forward to Hellinger. Guided by his computer (which was almost certainly already influenced by Hellinger), Deathlok led Captain America out of the maze and into Hellinger's control center. --Captain America I#288 |
(Captain America I#288) -
As Captain America, Deathlok, Godwulf and the Redeemers approached
Hellinger's stronghold in aircraft, a number of blaster probes were
launched at them. In small groups, the blaster probes engaged the invaders. As they unwisely blasted at Captain America directly rather than the front of his aircraft, he blocked their blasts with his shield. Godwulf took out at least one of them with his bow and arrow, and Deathlok dropped others with his laser pistol, and the others used the weapons on their aircraft. The blaster probes took out Swashbuckler's ship -- Cap considered that he had been too busy grandstanding that he had let his guard down -- but Iron Butterfly swooped down with her aircraft and caught him. Recovering, Swashbuckler continued using his blaster while Iron Butterfly continued using her aircraft's weapons. The group ultimately
took out the rest of the blaster probes and landed at the base of
Hellinger's stronghold. --Captain America I#288 Note: These were not named in the story, except where Captain America wondered what they were and considered that they were "death." The Captain America:
Official Index of the Marvel Universe calls them "blaster probes," and
that's both as official as we get and good enough for me! | ![]() |
Homo ascendant was the name Hellinger used for cyborg humans -- more man than machine -- with which he intended to replace humanity. Hellinger himself was the first of the Homo-Ascendant. (Astonishing Tales I#33 / Captain
America I#288 (fb)) - BTS) - Unlike
his brother, Simon Ryker, who envisioned a cyborg army as the means to
conquer the USA and eventually the world, Harlan saw perfection in the
cyborg form, which he considered to be the prototype of the new man:
Homo Ascendant. (Astonishing Tales#33) - Harlan, having transformed himself into a cyborg and now calling himself Hellinger, vowed that Simon, would soon look into his eyes -- "the eyes that are the proto-type for a new man -- the Homo-Ascendant -- more machine than man!" (Marvel Spotlight I#33) - After Simon's downfall, Hellinger considered that he could no longer prevent the advent of his
(Hellinger's) master race: "The advent of the Homo Ascendant is at hand...Nothing can stop that from becoming a reality! (Captain America#288 (fb) - BTS) - With his Alpha-Mechs now walking plutonium bombs, Hellinger strategically began to station them around the world, planning to release his signal, unleashing their nuclear fury and <presumably destroying humanity>. He intended for his machine followers (including humans re-built into mechanical form), which he called "Homo ascendant" and who worshipped order, to rule the world and to replace humanity with semi-lobotomized cyborgs under his control. (Captain America#288 - BTS) - As Godwulf and the Redeemers -- whom Hellinger considered to still have some doubts about humanity, indicating him that they could be remade into cyborgs and reprogrammed to serve him -- were progressively taken out, Hellinger assured them that their fleshling friends were still alive; he considered them to be of hardy stock, and he would remold them in his image to be reborn as Homo Ascendant after humanity's demise.--Astonishing Tales I#33 (Marvel Spotlight I#33, Captain America I#288 Note: I'm not sure how Hellinger was planning on creating cyborgs after he had wiped out humanity with nuclear weapons, but he was crazy, so there's that... In the original
profile and presumably other references, I mistook Homo-Ascendant as
another name for the Doomsday/Alpha-Mechs. Whoopsie-daisy... |
The control systems for the Alpha-Mechs was a large spherical structure
within Hellinger's stronghold. He intended release his signal, unleashing the Alpha-Mech's nuclear fury and
<presumably destroying humanity>. Hellinger intended for his machine followers (including humans re-built into mechanical form), which he called "Homo ascendant" and who worshipped order, to rule the world and to replace humanity with semi-lobotomized cyborgs under his control. (Captain America I#288) - Either because the Mechs were not quite ready before that time, or because he wished to eliminate Deathlok and Captain America as threats before activating the Mechs, or just because he was a crazy super-villain and wished his powerless foes to witness his victory, Hellinger waited until he had captured Godwulf and the Redeemers, mesmerized Captain America and controlled the computer systems of Deathlok before moving forward with his plan. However, as Hellinger began to focus on the Alpha-Mech's control system, Deathlok overcame his programming and blasted Hellinger repeatedly, blowing him to bits (and then turning and blasting his control for the Alpha-Mechs). (Captain America I#288 (fb) - BTS) - With Hellinger's apparent death and the destruction of his Alpha-Mech control device, the Alpha-Mechs were no longer a threat. --Captain America I#288 |
Astonishing Tales I#33, pg. 6, panel 4 (Hellinger's estate; Long Island);
panel 6 (Hellinger's base, showing fountain);
pg. 9, panel 1 (upper, opening curtain)
pg. 11, panel 12 (head shot; wearing face mask mimicking his original appearance);
pg. 14, panel 4 (armory);
pg. 17, panel 3 (with Manning clone; smoking cigar);
panel 6 (tearing off mask to reveal cyborg face);
#34, pg. 3, panel 1 (head shot, cyborg);
#35, pg. 10, panel 1 (head shot, profile, wearing goggles);
#36, pg. 4, panel 1 (Alpha Mechs)
Marvel Spotlight I#33, pg. 11, panel 1 (ranting alongside visions of the Doomsday-Mech and Nina Ferry);
pg. 12, panel 1 (hand detail; Doomsday-Mech on viewscreen)
panel 6 (posterior view, in unidentified base);
Captain America I#288 cover (face surrounded by Cap, Deathlok, Godwulf, & the Redeemers);
pg. 5, panel 3 (face) - they couldn't have Cap a little to the side so he's not covering up part of the face?
pg. 6, panel 2 (Alpha-Mechs on screen);
pg. 11, panel 1 (stronghold);
panel 2 (upper);
panel 3 (posterior view, with Alpha-Mech control device);
pg. 12, panel 1 (Godwulf & Redeemers approaching stronghold);
panel 3 (stronghold releasing blaster probes);
pg. 13, panel 1-2 (blaster probes targeting Cap & Godwulf);
pg. 14, panel 1 (blaster probes taking out Swashbuckler's aircraft);
pg. 15, panel 2-3 (falling into maze);
pg. 16, panel 2 (Swashbuckler & Sage pulled away);
panel 5 (traversing maze);
pg. 17, panel 1-2 (Gentle Sam & Big Man trapped and gassed);
pg. 18, panel 2-3 (Godwulf & Iron
Butterfly grabbed by cables and trapped behind revolving wall);
pg. 19, panel 1 (main);
pg. 20, panel 5 (Deathlok blasting Hellinger);
pg. 21, panel 5 (Deathlok blasting Alpha-Mech controls; Hellinger's flaming remains)
Captain America: America's Avenger: Hellinger
profile - great full body image, but unfortunately showing him with a
normal human nose-shape, as opposed to the more triangular shape
Hellinger had; an image from Astonishing Tales I#34 had the same issue
Astonishing Tales I#26 (October,
1974) - Rich Buckler (concept/plot/pencils), Doug Moench (plot/script),
Pablo Marcos (inks), Roy Thomas (editor)
Astonishing Tales I#27 (December, 1974) - Rich Buckler
(concept/plot/script/pencils), Doug Moench (plot), Pablo Marcos (inks),
Roy Thomas (editor)
Astonishing Tales I#33 (January, 1976) - Rich Buckler (plot/pencils),
Bill Mantlo (script), Klaus Janson (inks), Marv Wolfman (editor)
Astonishing Tales I#34 (March, 1976) - Rich Buckler (plot/pencils),
Bill Mantlo (script), Klaus Janson (inks), Marv Wolfman (editor)
Astonishing Tales I#35 (May, 1976) - Rich Buckler (plot/pencils), Bill
Mantlo (script), Klaus Janson (inks), Marv Wolfman (editor)
Astonishing Tales I#36 (July, 1976) - Rich Buckler (writer/layouts), Keith Pollard (finishes/inks), Marv Wolfman (editor)
Marvel Spotlight I#33 (April, 1977) - David Anthony Kraft (writer),
Rich Buckler, Arvell Jones & Michael Netzer (pencils), Klaus Janson
(inks), Archie Goodwin (editor)
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe I#3 (March, 1983) - Mark
Gruenwald (writer/editor), Mike Carlin & Jim Shooter (editors)
Captain America I#288 (December, 1983) - J.M. DeMatteis (writer), Mike
Zeck (pencils), John Beatty (inks), Mark Gruenwald (editor)
Captain America: America's Avenger (August, 2011) - Jeff Christiansen, Mike O'Sullivan & Stuart Vandal (head writers/coordinators), Sean McQuaid, Markus Raymond, Kevin Garcia, Madison Carter, Patrick Ryall, Ronald Byrd, Patrick Duke, Rob London, Matt Forbeck, Paul Fairchild & Chris Biggs (writers), Gus Vasuqez (Hellinger artwork), James Emmett & Joe Hochstein (editorial assistants), Alex Starbuck & Nelson Ribeiro (assistant editors), Jennifer Grunwald & Mark D. Beazley (editors, special projects), Jeff Youngquist (editor)
First Posted: 07/21/2002
Last updated: 07/30/2024
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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