Real Name: Desmond Kline
Identity/Class: Human, conventional weapons user
Occupation: Postal Worker;
would be vigilante
Affiliations: idolized the Punisher (Castle);
unnamed pet dog.
Enemies: criminals
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: Punisher
Base of Operations: New York City
First Appearance: Punisher War Journal#62
(January, 1994)
(Punisher) Punisher War Journal#63 (February,
Powers/Abilities: None. Desmond owned a several guns (like most postal workers).
Height: 5' 8" Weight: 190 lbs.
(Punisher War Journal#62) - When Frank Castle was believed to
have been killed during the "Suicide Run," postal
worker Desmond Kline, who idolized Castle, was devastated. He
told his co-workers that the Punisher can never die, and that
there'd always be a Punisher as long as the city was a stinking
cesspool. His co-workers laughed at him.
(Punisher War Journal#63) - Making his own Punisher suit, Desmond confronted a trio of car thieves from the roof of another car. He slipped getting off the roof and fell to the ground, and the crimals shot him and left him for dead.
Comments: Created by Chuck Dixon and Gary Kwapisz.
Desmond was always referred to as the Idiot Punisher in all outside references, but in the title, he took up the name Punisher...for a few pages, anyway.
Not to be confused with the other Punishers or any of his would-be
Last updated: 05/03/04
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