Real Name: Id
Identity/Class: Extra-terrestrial (Armechadonian) Deviant
Occupation: Warrior, in care of Lord Khult
Enemies: None
Known Relatives: Tantalus (father, deceased), Nirvana (mother, deceased), Khult (grandfather), Blackwulf (Pelops, brother, deceased), Blackwulf (Lucian, brother), unnamed brother
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: the underground kingdom of Lyonesse; also, Pangea, the Savage Land
First Appearance: (behind-the-scenes) Blackwulf#2 (July, 1994)
Powers/Abilities: Id's superhuman abilities are unknown, but he was said to be nearly genetically perfect. He possesses a unusually long lifespan, having lived for tens of thousands of years. He likely possesses enhanced strength and durability, like his brothers.
Weaknesses: Id is a rampaging berserker, kept in check only by his grandfather, Lord Khult.
History: (Blackwulf#9 (fb, BTS))- Id was one of the first offspring of Tantalus and Nirvana, born on the planet Armechadon. Although the first three of Tantalus' children were nearly genetically perfect, Id somehow developed a form of sanity over the centuries. He journeyed with his father to earth in Tantalus' attempt to conquer it, and was stranded there with him by the Celestials.
(Blackwulf#1 (BTS))- In a fit of fury, Id destroyed part of Tantalus and Khult's lab. Having recently murdered his son Pelops, Tantalus was especially annoyed by such behavior from his offspring. (Blackwulf#6 (BTS))- Having evidently accompanied his father to the land of Pangea in the Savage Land, Id destroyed the hyperdrive transponder in his father's vessel, the Vimana, seriously upsetting his father's plans to return to Armechadon.
Comments: Created by Glenn Herdling (but never depicted).
First Posted: 12/21/2003 Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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