Membership: Individual names unknown, perhaps inapplicable
Purpose: To harmoniously align the energies of all realities
Affiliations: Servitors, Walkers (servants)
Enemies: The inhabitants of Rimworld R-76, The Avengers (Thor, Moondragon, Tigra, Photon, Starfox, Quasar, Jack of Hearts), Eternity
Base of Operations: Some
realm in the Multiverse (or perhaps the Megaverse or even
the Omniverse);
the Dimension of Manifestations
First Appearance: (first
mentioned) Avengers Forever#10 (October, 1999);
("hand" only) Avengers Infinity#3 (November 2000);
(fully shown) Avengers Infinity#4 (December, 2000)
The Infinites were originally a group of three "abstract
beings" of incalculable power. While manifesting
in our dimension, one of their hands was as big as Eternity
himself. They continued to dwarf him in the Dimension
of Manifestations. The Infinites sought to align the
energies of all the universes known to them in a manner they
considered harmonious. This involved turning planetary mass
into raw materials, fashioning it into a ring, and yanking it in
a manner that would pull the stars along. Oh yeah, and
killing billions upon billions of beings in the process.
(Avengers Infinity#1-4) The Servitors killed everyone on the Rigellian outpost R-76 as part of the preparation for The Infinites' realignment. Quasar discovered the slaughter and sent a call to Avengers Mansion. The regular team was out on another mission, but Thor (who had temporarily stepped down) got the call and went to help his Rigellian friends, meeting up with Photon and Moondragon along the way. Starfox and Tigra also received the message and they all met up with Quasar on R-76. Quasar had also found Jack of Hearts who was injured trying to fight the Servitors.
The Servitors attacked anew and the Avengers managed to defeat them. However, Photon discovered that there were millions more Servitors underground and that the planet was doomed. The team fled, much to Thor's chagrin. The Avengers could only watch helplessly as the planet exploded. Things went from Bad to Worse when a massive, armored, humanoid figure emerged from a space warp.
The heroes all ASSumed that this
figure was an Infinite, and resolved to fight it, with Thor and
Quasar giving pep talks about how they had beaten other Big
Cosmic Threats. Meanwhile, the figure was manipulating
the molten mess that had been R-76 into a curved, metallic shape.
The team decided to scout out the threat to figure out
exactly what they were up against. Photon phased into the
"Infinite" while mentally linked with Jack and Moondragon.
However, they lost contact with her and the heroes rushed to her
aid while Tigra stayed with the ship. Tigra reported that
other "Infinites" were coming in with curved shapes and
were linking them together with their bodies. The heroes
fled from the creature's body just as the full horror dawned
on Jack. The beings they were seeing were merely
"The Walkers" a tool for the true Infinites!
An enormous hand appeared out of nowhere, preparing to grasp the
handle formed by the Walkers.
Jack told the assembled Avengers that when the Infinite grasped the ring, an energy wave would shoot out, linking all the stars in the Milky Way, which would then be added to the Infinites' "Wall of Galaxies", destroying all life in the process. The heroes linked their wills with Quasar's who then summoned Eternity. Eternity began to grapple with the Infinite's hand, which was as large as Eternity himself. Then, Eternity and the Avengers were shunted into the Dimension of Manifestations, where cosmic beings can interact more easily. One by one, the Avengers spoke through Eternity and convinced the Infinites that the lives in the galaxy were worth saving. After rebuking Thor for his arrogance, the Infinites dissolved the ring, and one of them gave its life to reform R-76 and turn it into a virtual paradise. He bid the Avengers farewell as its essence merged with the planet's. What became of the other two Infinites is unknown.
Created/mentioned by Kurt Busiek.
Detailed and pictured by Roger Stern and Sean
Hmm. . .a trio of omnipotent beings, one of whom gives its life to save a doomed planet. . . .Seems I've heard that somewhere before . . .
This story was beautifully drawn by Sean Chen, and there were some great character moments between the Avengers with lots of continuity thrown in. However, I thought the Infinites were kinda lame. Cosmic entities who can dwarf Eternity need a handle to control galaxies? And they can't even restore life on one lousy planet without sacrificing their own? Whatever. Still, an enjoyable LS for the characters and art.
The explanation of the "Megaverse" and Omniverse can be found here.
Profile by Chuck D.
This profile represents
Chuck's last for the foreseeable future. Life, his career, and
his impending marriage are going to have to take priority. Best
wishes Chuck! We'll miss you.
And yes, I did say marriage. Have faith, young (and old) comic
readers, some day it is possible that you, too, may someday move
out of your parents' basement, and maybe even kiss a girl ( a
real girl!) ! I'm living proof. Just celebrated my 10th anniversary in 2007!
No known connection to:
The Servitors have no known connection to:
The Walkers have no known connection to:
The Servitors
The Servitors were humanoid automatons
approximately 9' feet in height created from the bodies of the
Walkers. Their primary function was to tunnel through the
layers of a planet and expose the core. This would destroy
the planet and render it into raw materials which the Walkers
could manipulate. They were also programmed to defeat any
opposition to the Infinites' plan. They possessed
superhuman strength sufficient to knock Thor off his feet.
They could also fire an energy beam from their "face"
which could shatter Quasar's energy constructs and give him a
major concussion. If a Servitor was shattered, each piece
would merge with surrounding materials and form a new Servitor.
--Avengers Infinity#1 (2-4
The Walkers
The Walkers were planet-sized, humanoid automatons who were responsible for forming the handle the Infinites used to carry away galaxies. They would do this by molding a destroyed planet into a curved shape, and linking it with similar shapes formed by other Walkers. They were never seen in battle, but their armor could be pierced by one of Quasar's quantum drills. They defended themselves from internal attacks by creating Servitors.
--Avengers Infinity#2 (3, 4
images: (without ads)
Avengers Infinity#4, p10, pan4 (Infinites main image)
Avengers Infinity#4, p9, pan4 (Infinite hand)
Avengers Infinity#1, p20, pan5 (Servitor VS Thor)
Avengers Infinity#3, p20, pan1 (Walkers)
Avengers Infinity#1-4 (September-December, 2000) - Roger Stern (writer), Sean Chen (pencils), Scott Hanna (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Last updated: 04/09/08
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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