Real Name: Justin Alphonse Gamble
Identity/Class: Human, technology user
Occupation: Time traveler
Group Membership: Former member of the Time Variance Authority
and Penance Corps Affiliations:
Aguila, Anachronauts, Black
Tiger, Luke Cage, Crime-Buster,
"Joseph Duffy" (assumed identity of Gerry Kammill), Professor
Gamble, Iron Fist (Daniel Rand), Merlin, Terminatrix,
(William Carver) Enemies: Incinerators
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: Sergius O'Shaughnessy
First Appearance: Power Man and Iron Fist#79 (March, 1982) Powers/Abilities: Professor Gamble is a brilliant thinker and inventor, described as a "Victorian gentleman, scholar, eccentric, and scourge of evil mechanical monsters everywhere!" He claimed at one point to be over ninety-five years old. He possesses a time machine which he took from the Time Variance Authority which can disguise its exterior appearance to blend in with whatever era Gamble travels to, and reconfigure its interior to whatever appearance Gamble desires. It is also much larger on the inside than it appears to be from the outside.
History: (Avengers Annual#22/2 (fb) - BTS) - Professor Justin Alphonse Gamble was once a member of the Time Variance Authority until he left the organizaiton, "borrowing" one of their time machines. Gamble became a time travelling adventurer, and encountered the rogue TVA robots, the Incinerators, on several occasions.
(Power Man and Iron Fist#79 (fb) - BTS) - Under the alias of "Sergius O'Shaughnessy", Gamble penned a popular Broadway play entitled "Day of the Dredlox" in which actor Bob Diamond portrayed the heroic Professor Gamble, battling the Dredlox (Incinerators).
(Power Man and Iron Fist#79)- With his time machine disguised as a bookstore, Gamble encountered Luke Cage and Iron Fist, who were attempting to free Diamond from the Incinerators, who thought him to be Gamble, and needed him to fix their time platform. Gamble had Cage and Iron Fist distract the Incinerators long enough for him to activate his temporal polarization destablizier, returning them all to their own time. Gamble himself then disappeared.
(Power Man & Iron Fist II#2 (fb) - BTS) - Black Tiger,
along with el Aguila, Black Tiger, Crime-Buster, Professor Alphonse Gamble and
Thunderbolt, was approached by Penance Corp founder Muhammed Zebari.
Hoping to have some costumed heroes on the board of directors of his
new private prison company, Zebari offered them all positions.
Thunderbolt and the others accepted. (Avengers Annual#22/2 (fb))- At a later point, the Incinerators snuck a miniaturized Incinerator inside of Gamble's time machine with a TVA replicator, and soon flooded the machine with more Incinerators. They took Gamble hostage, and tore from his mind the means to create a Time Incinerator with which to eradciate time itself. Needing the Starstone to do this, they directed his time machine to Camelot to retrieve the Starstone immediately after it fell to earth.
(Avengers Annual#22/2) - However, the Anachronauts, led by Terminatrix, set after the Incinerators and fought their way inside the time machine. They set Gamble free, and after he recovered the remote control for his time machine, he was able to expel all of the Incinerators from the machine. He thanked the Anachronauts, who couldn't believe they had been saved by a little man in a bow tie, then Gamble set off to give the Starstone to Merlin in exchange for his Book of Skelos.
Comments: Created by Jo Duffy, Kerry Gammill and Ricardo Villamonte.
Professor Gamble is, of course, an homage to Dr. Who, and the Incinerators are his equivalent to the Daleks.
Gamble has the Doctor beat in at least one respect -- his time machine can actually change its exterior appearance.
The alias "Sergius O'Shaughnessy" was also an alias used by Denny O'Neil while writing for DC and Charlton comics.
Just a point about his name which further ties him to the Doctor. Douglas Adams, before he became a famous author the world over, wrote for the show. One of the stories he worked on, broadcast under the name "City of Death", had the working title of "A Gamble with Time". I'm pretty certain that Jo Duffy admitted that this was where they got the Professor's name from.
Having Thunderbolt and Crime-Buster as fellow board
members of the Penance Corp in 2011's Power
Man & Iron Fist limited series poses a bit of a continuity
conundrum. Carver died in Power Man
& Iron Fist I#62, while Crime-Buster didn't make his first
appearance until 1984's Power Man
& Iron Fist I#105. In fact, the man who would eventually
become Crime-Buster was still serving a 30 year prison sentence in
Louisiana when the Thunderbolt was active. It might have been the second
Thunderbolt who served with Crime-Buster and the other vigilantes,
even though he wasn't created until 1991. Having Thunderbolt and Crime-Buster as fellow board
members of the Penance Corp in 2011's Power
Man & Iron Fist limited series poses a bit of a continuity
conundrum. Carver died in Power Man
& Iron Fist I#62, while Crime-Buster didn't make his first
appearance until 1984's Power Man
& Iron Fist I#105. In fact, the man who would eventually
become Crime-Buster was still serving a 30 year prison sentence in
Louisiana when the Thunderbolt was active. It might have been the second
Thunderbolt who served with Crime-Buster and the other vigilantes,
even though he wasn't created until 1991.
I got the distinct impression that their involvement working for Penance
Corp was intended by Fred van Lente to have taken place AFTER their
appearances in the original PM&IF series. Obviously that's problematic for
the deceased Thunderbolt, but if it wasn't for that concern I don't think
anyone would hesitate to have placed the various heroes' involvement later
in their careers. The
Penance Corp membership took place early, as stated in Thunderbolt's
entry. After his demise, the others left PC for a while, so they were
all freelance (as depicted in their original appearances - CB is
definitely not a board member with PC in his first appearance) when
Luke and Danny met them, and then went back to work for PC later.
Workable, but messy. The
tour of the facilities and group photo took place earlier, but there
was a sizeable gap before anyone took up the offer of employment.
Thunderbolt never actually joined, despite any misphrasings by the
others that might have suggested he did. Again, viable but messy, as
the whole reason why PC said they were willing to take on someone like
Crime-Buster was because they were a start-up when they asked him and
couldn't afford to be choosy - if there'd been a gap between the offer
and the acceptance long enough to fit in 80+ issues of PM(&IF), by the
time he decided to take up the offer they'd have no longer been so
desperate. It
was after PM & IF's series ended. The Thunderbolt present was (a) the
second one; (b) the original somehow resurrected (hardly unusual these
days); (c) the original out of his proper place in time (plausible
given Prof. Gamble's presence). I
personally think 3 is the best bet, with (b) being a personal preference
(I liked the original Thunderbolt), but with (a) probably being the more
feasible, least convoluted option. Interesting
theories, I especially like the Professor Gamble time travel idea. Still,
it made me think of a fourth:
After all, the Thunderbolt was a remarkably popular and beloved vigilante
(in the inner cities, at least) whose death was never made public. That'd
make him an ideal token/spokesperson/source of credibility. by
(Power Man & Iron Fist II#1 - BTS) - Professor Alphonse Gamble posed for a picture
with el Aguila, Black Tiger, Crime-Buster, and the Thunderbolts while touring one of the
facilities run by Penance Corp.
Add to that writer Fred van Lente pointing out that all the vigilantes he had working for the
Penance Corp were in fact established Power
Man & Iron Fist characters.
Is it not just possible that
Crime-Buster was active more early than when he first appeared? He escaped
from prison, and I don't see why that has to be later than Thunderbolt's
Add to that writer Fred van Lente pointing out that all the vigilantes he had working for the
Penance Corp were in fact established Power
Man & Iron Fist characters.
Is it not just possible that
Crime-Buster was active more early than when he first appeared? He escaped
from prison, and I don't see why that has to be later than Thunderbolt's
I can see a few options to make it all fit:
4. It was established that Justin Hammer used his business connections to
acquire the Thunderbolt costume after Carver's death. It's not been
revealed who he bought it from, but... If we agree that the Penance Corp
started after the PM&IF series ended, it might be possible its founder
Zebari got his hands on the costume and simply hired someone to wear it
for publicity.
With his business up and running and with sufficient real vigilantes on
board, Zebari could have decided to "retire" the Thunderbolt, selling the
outfit to Hammer.
CLARIFICATIONS: Images taken from: Other appearances: Last updated:
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
Non-Marvel Copyright info
Professor Gamble should not be confused with:
Power Man and Iron Fist#79, page 14, panel 2
Avengers Annual#22, page 56, panel 1
Power Man and Iron Fist#79, page 14, panel 5
Avengers Annual#22 (1993) - Roy Thomas & Jean-Marc Lofficier (writers), Al Milgrom (pencils), Mark Steckbauer (inks), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Power Man & Iron Fist II#1 (April, 2011) - Fred van
Lente (writer), Wellinton Alves (pencils), Nelson Pereira (inks), Tom
Brennan (editor)
All other characters mentioned or pictured are ™ and © 1941-2099 Marvel Characters, Inc. All Rights Reserved. If you like this stuff, you should check out the real thing!
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