Real Name: Joey (last name unrevealed)
Identity/Class: Human mutant
Occupation: None (still a minor)
Affiliations: None
Enemies: Beast, Spider-Man
Known Relatives: Unnamed parents
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: The Nursery, formerly in the sewers under New York City.
First Appearance: Spider-Man I#15 (October, 1991)
Powers/Abilities: Joey was only a small child, but had the ability to transform into a huge monstrous form approximately seven to eight feet tall with super strength apparently greater than class 10.
History: (Spider-Man I#15 (fb)) - Joey was raised in
the sewers by his parents to prevent him from being subject to anti-mutant
hatred as well as to prevent him from harming anybody with his powers. However,
he got really sick in the sewers, and his mother took him to a hospital on the
surface because they didn't know how to make him better, and because his parents
realized that this was not the right kind of life for a child.
(Spider-Man I#15) - Joey, while at the hospital, transformed into his monstrous form, knocked out a doctor and a nurse, and left the hospital, making his way to the sewers because he wanted to go home. He wasn't exactly discrete about it though, and rampaged through New York on his way. Spider-Man and the Beast spotted him throwing over a truck and scaring away civilians. Spider-Man and Beast then leapt in to combat Joey, who proved more than their match. He knocked out Beast, broke through Spider-Man's webbing, and nearly drowned Spider-Man. Luckily, Joey's dad found them and Joey transformed back into his child form and ran to his dad who held Joey in his arms. Spider-Man and Beast were shocked to learn they'd been fighting a small kid and Beast told Joey's father about the Nursery, a facility whose purpose is to deal with problems like Joey's. Joey's father allowed Joey to be transferred to the Nursery.
Comments: Created by Erik Larsen
His parents may have been Morlocks that survived the Mutant Massacre, but they might be human as well and just moved to the sewer to protect themselves and their child. It is unconfirmed.
CLARIFICATIONS: Not to be confused with
Images (without ads):
Spider-Man I#15, p15, pan1 (main)
Spider-Man I#15, p20, pan3 (human form)
Spider-Man I#15 (October, 1991) - Erik Larsen (writer/artist), Danny Fingeroth (editor)
First Posted: 01/17/2004
Last updated: 01/17/2004
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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