Real Name: Kanga Khan
Identity/Class: Human; Mongolian citizen
Occupation: Bandit
Group Membership: Leader of a group of bandits
Affiliations: A group of bandits
Enemies: Bruce Banner
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Mobile in the mountains of Mongolia
First Appearance: Tales to Astonish I#67/2 (May, 1965)
Powers/Abilities: Kanga Khan uses conventional weaponry and leads a group of similarly armed and skilled bandits.
(Tales to Astonish I#67/2) - Kanga Khan and his assistant
discovered an unconscious Bruce Banner, who -- as the Hulk -- had
traveled to Mongolia after an adventure in Russia. Khan debated
simply killing the foreigner, but Banner convinced him that he
was wealthy and Khan would be richly rewarded if he turned him over to
Americans. Khan's agents sent word to the US that he was holding
Banner hostage, and General Ross sent Major Glen Talbot to
recover Banner. After Talbot arrived, Khan's group of bandits
were attacked by Hakun Gantu and his Raiders, rivals of Khan,
seeking to steal the American and the ransom money for themselves.
Outnumbered, Khan led his bandits to flee into the hills, and
Banner and Talbot escaped in the confusion.
Comments: Created by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko
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Last updated: 05/18/03
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