Real Name: unrevealed
Identity/Class: enhanced human
Occupation: enforcer of Poison-Lark
Affiliations: Demon-Fire, agent of Poison-Lark
Known Relatives: none
Aliases: none
Base of Operations: San Francisco
Appearances: Vampire Tales#2 (October 1973), ( 3/6 )
Powers: Katabolik possessed superhuman strength and durability, sufficient to overpower Morbius. He is physically mute. In addition, his face is scarred, probably a result of battle injuries. He used a scythe as his weapon of choice.
History: Katabolik wasrecruited into the San
Francisco chapter of the cult Demon-Fire at some point in the
past. His physical abilities were presumably mystically enhanced
by Poison-Lark or another cult member, such as Apocalypse.
Katabolik accompanied Poison-Lark on her mission to capture her own sister, Amanda Saint, for use as a virgin sacrifice. There first attempt failed due to interference from the living vampire Morbius. However, a second effort was successful and Katabolik stopped Morbius by throwing him out of a second story window.
When Morbius attempted to interrupt the sacrifice, Katabolik engaged him a third time, but was defeated. Katabolik was within the temple when it collapsed as a result of the death-throws of the spider-demon Arachne, and was presumably killed with Poison-Lark and the rest of the sect.
Comments: Created by Don McGregor and Rich Buckler.
Profile by Snood, reformatted by Luis Dantas the Daevanator
Last updated: 12/30/03.
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