Real Name: Lobo
Extra-dimensional (Earth-Amalgam) duck?
Occupation: Bounty Hunter
Affiliations: Al Forbush, Bat-Thing, Bevarlene, Billie the Millie, Dr. Strangefate, Gamorola, Godthing, Hawkhawk, Impossible Dawg, Jonas Turnip, Offending Society, Skulk, Vikki Valkyrie
Enemies: Ambush the Lunatik, Daryl Rutabaga, Doctor Bongface, Gold Kidney-Lady, Green Skull, Kidnoids, Thanoseid,
Known Relatives: none
Aliases: The Main Duck, Duckbo, "Mangy, Duck-Assed Bastich"
Base of Operations: Manhattan, New York
First Appearance: Lobo the Duck#1 (April, 1997)
Powers/Abilities: Lobo the Duck is a skilled brawler and bounty hunter proficient in he use of knives, grenades, oversized guns, and hooked chains
(Giant-Sized Bat-Thing#3) - Gold Kidney-Lady put a mental block on Lobo the Duck.
(Giant-Sized Bat-Thing#6) - Lobo the Duck professed his love to Bevarlene, swore that he would always be true, and said that he wanted Bevarlene to have his ducklings.
(Lobo the Duck Magazine#35) - Lobo the Duck imprisoned Doctor Bongface in a spanglite cage on the moon.
(Giant-Sized Bat-Thing#69) - The Offending Society hired Lobo the Duck to help them in their battle against a mystery villain who was destroying the world city by city. But after the heroes defeated the alliance of the Green Skull and Thanoseid, they discovered that the villains were merely pawns in the plot. Lobo and the Offending Society hurried back to their Manhattan headquarters to only to be consumed by a monstrous fireball of unknown origin.
(Lobo the Duck#1) - Manhattan stood in ruins in the aftermath of the monstrous fireball. Super-Soldier, Wonder Woman, Dark Claw, Spider-Boy, Mariner, Speed Demon, Dr. Strangefate, Skulk, Vikki Valkyrie, and Hawkhawk were apparently among the casualties. Lobo the Duck and Impossible Dawg were the only survivors in the near vicinity. Although Lobo was not sad to see the heroes die, they did pay him up front so he decided to finish the job and track down the mystery villain. But before getting to work on saving the world, Lobo decided to stop in Al Forbush's Subterranean Diner for a beer. While at Al's, Lobo got into an altercation with rival bounty hunter Ambush the Lunatik. Meanwhile, at Hi-Tek Gravity Labs of New York City, armed henchmen stole the Gravitoninoutometer ("Gravity Machine").
Back at Al's Subterranean Diner, Lobo got into a argument with Bevarlene (who booted him out of the diner after catching him with other women) and later ran into Jonas Turnip, Gamorola, and Billie the Millie in the ruins of Manhattan. But just as Jonas Turnip was about to reveal the identity of the mystery villain responsible for Manhattan's destruction, he was viciously attacked by Daryl Rutabaga. Nonetheless, Lobo finally broke the amnesia block placed on him and remembered the identity of the mystery villain -- Gold Kidney-Lady! Lobo hopped on his bike and crashed a ceremony of Gold Kidney-Lady and her congregation of Kidnoids being held at a stadium. Lobo filled Gold Kidney-Lady full of bullets, but her body fell backwards onto the lever that activated the Gravitoninoutometer, instantly creating a negative force field around the entire stadium and causing the moon to careen toward the Earth!
(Lobo the Duck#2) - "Don't Tell Mom the Bounty Hunter's Dead!" - It's up to Lobo the Duck and the Godthing to save the Earth from total murkish oblivion.
Comments: created by Alan Grant, Val Semeiks, Ray Kryssing, and Peter Tomasi
LOBO THE DUCK#1 clearly took place (at least partially) outside the main Amalgam Universe timestream, as is evident by the large number of established characters shown to be dead (i.e. Super-Soldier, Wonder Woman, Dark Claw, Spider-Boy, Mariner, Speed Demon, Dr. Strangefate, Skulk). It is also possible that LOBO THE DUCK#1 was the mainstream Amalgam Universe, and that at the end of his adventure he caused the events to be undone.
Marvel characters are listed in
regular, or bold black type.
DC characters are listed in bold blue type.
Amalgam characters are listed in bold purple type.
Amalgam Comics titles in italics were never really published. Rather, they were merely alluded to in the published books.
Profile by Skullogeist
If you like the Amalgam stuff, Skullogeist recommends these
two sites:
Al Forbush
Al Forbush is the owner of Al Forbush's Subterranean Diner, a local Manhattan eating establishment frequented by Lobo the Duck. Al Forbush's diner used to be located above ground, but after the sixth time Lobo the Duck destroyed his premises, Al figured that he had better wise up and move his diner into an underground structure that resembled a bomb shelter. Luckily for Al, his decision to move underground saved his diner from the mysterious fireball that obliterated half of Manhattan.
--Lobo the Duck#1
Al Forbush is an amalgam of Irving Forbush of the Marvel Universe and Al of the DC Universe.
the Lunatik
Ambush the Lunatik is a fellow bounty hunter who was hired to find the same unknown villain that the Offending Society hired Lobo the Duck to find. After confronting Lobo in Al Forbush's Subterranean Diner and warning Lobo not to get in his way, Ambush the Lunatik succeeded in getting Lobo angry. Lobo proceeded to "mollificate" Ambush the Lunatik until he was dazed, stomp him until he was tender, and then added a splotch of ketchup before consuming his rival bounty hunter
--Lobo the Duck#1
Ambush the Lunatik is an amalgam of Lunatik (the intergalactic merc, @ Marvel Comics Presents#172--not the fragment of Arisen Tyrk, @ Defenders I#51) of the Marvel Universe and Ambush Bug (Irwin Schwab) of the DC Universe.
Bevarlene is Lobo the Duck's girlfriend. Although Lobo professed his love for Bevarlene and swore to her that he would always be true in GIANT-SIZED BAT-THING#6, he nonetheless continued to constantly philander with other women -- causing Bevarlene to get understandably upset. But no matter how mad she gets, Bevarlene always comes sobbing back to the Main Duck willing to forgive him.
--Lobo the Duck#1
Bevarlene is an amalgam of Beverly Switzler of the Marvel Universe and Darlene of the DC Universe.
Billie the Millie
Billie the Millie is a bounty hunter who often accompanies fellow bounty hunters Jonas Turnip and Gamorola. Along with Jonas Turnip and Gamorola, she was captured and creamed by Doctor Bongface when he had control of the Crystal Rod of Doom in THE SAVAGE SWORD OF LOBO THE DUCK #52-55. Fortunately for Billie, the trio escaped Doctor Bongface's clutches with the help of a demi-god in BONGHUNTER'S SPECIAL#1. In LOBO THE DUCK#1, Billie the Millie's romantic advances on Lobo the Duck caused considerable tension in the relationship between Lobo and Bevarlene.
--Lobo the Duck#1
She is an amalgam of Millie the Model (Millie Collins) of the Marvel Universe and Billy the Girl of the DC Universe.
Daryl Rutabaga
The estranged brother of Jonas Turnip, Daryl Rutabaga was once betrayed to the law by his bounty hunting brother. Once free, Daryl planted a bug on his brother when Jonas' spacecraft was laid up in the Nether-Place in THE UNSETTLING LOBO THE DUCK#1. Daryl Rutabaga monitored Jonas' every move since then, waiting for the day that his brother would return to meet his death at Daryl's hands. Daryl finally got his opportunity for revenge in LOBO THE DUCK#1, when he shot Jonas through the jaw with his crossbow and proceeded to pummel him.
--Lobo the Duck#1
Daryl Rutabaga is an amalgam of Space Turnip elements of the Marvel Universe and Jonas Glim elements of the DC Universe.
Doctor Bongface is an enemy of Lobo the Duck. In THE SAVAGE SWORD OF LOBO THE DUCK#52-55, Doctor Bongface captured and creamed Lobo's bounty hunting associates Jonas Turnip, Gamorola, and Billie the Millie when he had control of the Crystal Rod of Doom. Later, in LOBO THE DUCK MAGAZINE#35, Lobo imprisoned Doctor Bongface in a spanglite cage on the moon. In LOBO THE DUCK#1, Bongface's henchmen follow his instructions to collect the bodies of the various super heroes who died in the Manhattan disaster, which will somehow paradoxically give him the power to break free from his spanglite cage on the moon.
--Lobo the Duck#1
Doctor Bongface is an amalgam of Doctor Bong of the Marvel Universe and Scarface of the DC Universe.
Gamorola is a bounty hunter who often accompanies fellow bounty hunters Jonas Turnip and Billie the Millie. Along with Jonas Turnip and Billie the Millie, she was captured and creamed by Doctor Bongface when he had control of the Crystal Rod of Doom in THE SAVAGE SWORD OF LOBO THE DUCK #52-55. Fortunately for Gamorola, the trio escaped Doctor Bongface's clutches with the help of a demi-god in BONGHUNTER'S SPECIAL#1. In LOBO THE DUCK#1, Gamorola's romantic advances on Lobo the Duck caused considerable tension in the relationship between Lobo and Bevarlene.
--Lobo the Duck#1
Gamorola is an amalgam of Gamora of the Marvel Universe and Princess Shao-La of the DC Universe.
Gold Kidney-Lady
Gold Kidney-Lady is the leader of a cult of fanatical followers known as the Kidnoids, who live to serve their master by purging and cleansing the kidneys of the galaxy. Gold Kidney-Lady believes that all evil in the universe can be infallibly traced back to improperly functioning kidneys for it is written: "filter not the impurities, and ye shall suffer, yea, even unto the seventh generation." Gold Kidney-Lady claims that fate has chosen her and her loyal Kidnoids to cleanse the kidneys of the galaxy itself. To keep her plans secret, Gold-Kidney Lady placed an amnesia block on Lobo the Duck in GIANT-SIZED BAT-THING#3 and kept Earth's super hero population occupied by sending them up against the Green Skull and Thanoseid while she destroyed the Earth city by city. She was responsible for the mysterious fireball that leveled half of Manhattan and apparently killed several of Earth's most prominent super heroes. In her further efforts to purge and filter the galaxy's kidneys, she sent her Kidnoids to Hi-Tek Gravity Labs of New York City in order to steal the Gravitoninoutometer ("Gravity Machine"). With the Gravitoninoutometer in her possession, Gold Kidney-Lady sought to initiate the "Final Purification" using the machine to cause the moon to collide with the Earth. By this time, however, Lobo the Duck overcame his amnesia block and tracked Gold Kidney-Lady down to her stadium-like lair. Lobo riddled Gold Kidney-Lady with bullets, but her body fell onto the lever that activated the Gravitoninoutometer, causing the moon to careen toward to Earth. Only the efforts of Lobo the Duck and the Godthing were able to save the planet from total murkish oblivion.
--Lobo the Duck#1
Gold Kidney-Lady is an amalgam of the Kidney Lady (S. Blotte) of the Marvel Universe and Goldstar of the DC Universe.
Godthing is the being partially responsible for saving the Earth from imminent collision with the moon in LOBO THE DUCK#2.
Godthing is an amalgam of Chair Thing of the Marvel Universe and Gawd of the DC Universe.
Hawkhawk is a super hero possibly affiliated with the Offending Society. He was apparently killed in Gold Kidney-Lady's attack on Manhattan.
Hawkhawk is an amalgam of Nighthawk (Kyle Richmond) of the Marvel Universe and Hawkman (Carter Hall) of the DC Universe.
They are the devoted minions of the Gold Kidney-Lady.
As I understand it, the hero Goldstar (who
is the anti-thesis of bad-assed Lobo) has a fanatical fan club
that worships him in the DCU. My best guess is that the
Kidnoids take that concept and put a Kidney-Lady twist on
So my best bet is Kidnoids = Goldstar's Fan Club + Kidney-Lady
--Lobo the Duck#1
Impossible Dawg
Impossible Dawg is the canine companion of Lobo the Duck. He has the uncanny ability to violate the very laws of continuity by transforming himself into characters that do not even exist in the Amalgam Universe. His alternate forms include: Superman, Wolverine, Spider-Man, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Garko the Man-Frog, Galactus, and Batman.
--Lobo the Duck#1
Impossible Dawg is an amalgam of Impossible Man of the Marvel Universe and Dawg of the DC Universe.
Jonas Turnip is a bounty hunter who often accompanies fellow bounty hunters Gamorola and Billie the Millie. Along with Gamorola and Billie the Millie, he was captured and creamed by Doctor Bongface when the villain had control of the Crystal Rod of Doom in THE SAVAGE SWORD OF LOBO THE DUCK#52-55. Fortunately for Jonas, the trio escaped Doctor Bongface's clutches with the help of a demi-god in BONGHUNTER'S SPECIAL#1. In LOBO THE DUCK#1, Jonas Turnip knew that Gold Kidney-Lady was the villain responsible for obliterating most of Manhattan. Unfortunately, Jonas was shot through the jaw by an arrow fired from Daryl Rutabaga's crossbow before he was able to reveal the identity of the secret villain to Lobo the Duck.
--Lobo the Duck#1
Jonas Turnip is an amalgam of the Space Turnip (Arthur Winslow) of the Marvel Universe and Jonas Glim of the DC Universe.
The Offending Society
The Offending Society is the team of super heroes who hired the services of Lobo the Duck to help them in their battle against a mystery villain who was destroying the world city by city. Along with Lobo, they defeated the Green Skull and Thanoseid, only to discover that these villains were merely pawns in a much bigger plan. After rushing back to their Manhattan headquarters, the entire Offending Society was apparently killed by Gold Kindey-Lady's fireball that leveled Manhattan. Probable members of the Offending Society include: Dr. Strangefate, Hawkhawk, Skulk, and Vikki Valkyrie.
The Offending Society is an amalgam of The Defenders of the Marvel Universe and The Justice Society of America of the DC Universe.
Vikki Valkyrie
Vikki Valkyrie is a super heroine possibly affiliated with the Offending Society. She was apparently killed in Gold Kidney-Lady's attack on Manhattan.
Vikki Valkyrie is an amalgam of Valkyrie (Brunhilde) of the Marvel Universe and Vicki Vale of the DC Universe.
Lobo the Duck is an amalgam of:
Also assume that the Amalgam characters have no other connection to any others than whom they are Amalgamated, unless specifically mentioned.
Lobo the Duck#1 (June, 1997) - Alan Grant (writer), Val Semeiks (pencils), Ray Kryssing (inks), Dan Raspler (editor)
First Posted: 01/17/2003
Last updated: 05/12/2012
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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