Real Name: Unrevealed
Identity/Class: Unrevealed, possibly mutant, mutate, or technology user (possibly extradimensional (see comments))
Occupation:Costumed superhuman stalker
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: None (but she really wanted Spider-Man)
Enemies: Spider-Man (Peter Parker)
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: "The Love-Crazed Fiend" (as called by Spider-Man)
Base of Operations: New York City, USA
First Appearance: Hostess advertisement in such July and August, 1977 comics as Godzilla: King of the Monsters#1 and What If? I#4
Powers: Madam Web could spin (and destroy) webs which were apparently so strong that the Thing, Thor, Iron Man, and other power-houses couldn't break them.
Height: 5' 10" (by
Weight: 150 lbs. (by approximation)
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Unrevealed
History: Madam Web's origins are unrevealed. She
fell in love with Spider-Man, but he passed, so she used her webs to
block the harbor--apparently she did this at night, because everyone
blamed Spider-Man. Spider-Man went there to clear his name, and Madam
Web was right there (Guess no one
noticed her when they were blaming Spidey).
To get her to free the harbor, Spider-Man offered Madame Web a whole batch of delicious Hostess Twinkies cakes. Naturally, she agreed, though the cops took them away from her at the end.
Comments: Created by an unidentified writer and an
unidentified artist
I have a theory regarding the Hostess characters: The
stories take place on an alternate Earth where Hostess is actually a
front for the government, which produces these cakes to insure control
of superhumans and mutants.
--Except that at least Icemaster has shown up in an
Earth-616 title. He could have crossed over to Earth-616 from
"Earth-Hostess, " but I say leave them on Earth-616 until proven
otherwise. Nonetheless, until they do show up in regular continuity,
they remain outside regular canon. Surely someone will write a story
teaming them all together--Snood.
This is not true anymore as some Hostess ad villains were mentioned in the Fantastic Four Encyclopedia as natives of Earth-616.
Super-people stalking super-people—it doesn’t get any
better than this!
Not only did Spidey spurn her, he didn’t even follow through with his
promise for Twinkies; serious motivation for REVENGE!
--Kyle Smith
Cary theorizes: As we still don't know
Cassandra Webb's maiden name, could Madam Web be her sister? In other
words, the mother of former Doc Ock accomplice Spider-Woman
(Charlotte Witter)?--If so, then Octavius might even be
that Spider-Woman's bio-father!
Profile by Caesar Godzillatron
Madam Web should be distinguished from
"Spider-Man and Madam Web!", pan5 (main image)
First posted: 12/10/2002
Last updated: 12/07/2019
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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