Real Name: Who cares?
Identity/Class: Human
Occupation: Professional criminal, thief
Affiliations: At least one henchman
Enemies: Spider-Man
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None known
Base of Operations: Unrevealed; possibly mobile
Appearances: In an ad for the Magic
Snake ™ puzzle appearing in various Marvel comics during
the month of February in the year 1983 (Example: Defenders #116).
Powers: None but has an obsessive knack for solving the challenges that puzzles (including security systems) present.
History: Magna Mind was a thief of some renown (at least to Spider-Man and some old, white guy). Given his reputation for having an irrational attraction toward conundrums (I know--Im really reading too much into this, folks), Spider-Man placed a Magic Snake ™ puzzle beside an exhibit of King Tuts Diamond, a tempting target for Magna. As expected, Magna Mind, along with a goon, broke into the exhibit, but both of them were apprehended by Spider-Man as they probed the enigma of "over 23 trillion possibilities!"the Magic Snake!
A generic character that would make great target practice for
somebody like the Punisher or Scourge.
This is a precursor to the Hostess characters that will be presented.
Kurt Busiek first crossed the "Advertisement Barrier" in Thunderbolts#24 with Icemaster, so they're all fair game.
Profile by KYLE SMITH
Clarifications: Magna Mind should not be confused with
Never mind.
Last updated: 2/07/02
All characters mentioned or pictured are ™ and © 2001 Marvel Characters, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Please visit The Marvel Official Site at:
Magic Snake ™ (was/is) a product of Hirsohco, Inc. (I think).